
分崩离析  fēn bēng lí xī








  • 什麽趋势可能会使资讯网分崩离析
    What trends could fragment the Web?

  • 部分是美国家庭分崩离析
    It was partly the fraying of American families.

  • 欧元区分崩离析对德国制造业将非常不利。
    A disruption of the euro zone would be very bad for German manufacturing.

  • 风俗散乱的社会,是一个即将分崩离析的社会。
    The society where the custom dismisses and even vanishes will collapse.

  • 实际上,欧洲的团结往往会在国际危机时期分崩离析
    In fact, European unity tends to crumble at moments of international crisis.

  • 我也不希望紧密相联的忠诚。情感甚至责任分崩离析
    I don't want the fabric of loyalty and affection. and even obligation. to unravel either.

  • 但伊拉克政治局势仍极为分崩离析,全国大选定于明年初举行。
    But Iraqi politics remain sharply divided and a national election is due early next year.

  • 即使在分崩离析的状态,朝鲜也拥有这些,而等待着她的是死亡。
    Korea even in her shattered state had these. And beyond them stood waiting― death.

  • 小队系统分崩离析,所有幸免的学生集合在一起组成了一支队伍。
    The squad system is dissolved and the remaining students are merged into one group.

  • 我需要妳和我分享我的快乐,在我的世界分崩离析时紧紧拥我入怀。
    I need you to share my joy, to hold me when my world rips to pieces.

  • 烈焰炙燃,翻江倒海,一切分崩离析,然后历史翻开了全新的一页。
    Great fires burnt. The earth shook. Seas leapt out of their ways. Everything collapsed – and was then pulled again into totally new shapes.

  • 李白是中国最受人尊敬的诗人之一,他的故里,在震波下分崩离析
    The home of Li Bai, one of China's most revered poets, was shaken apart.

  • 你的偶像分崩离析,委地成尘,足见神的那把尘土比你的偶像更伟大。
    Your idol is shattered in the dust to prove that God's dust is greater than your idol.

  • 本笃说:“如果人们只看到自己的利益,我们的世界肯定会分崩离析。”
    "If people look only to their own interests, " the Pope said, "our world will certainly fall apart.

  • 如果没有他,苹果其他的部门,还有苹果的魔力,会不会就此分崩离析呢?
    Without him, will all the other pieces, and the magic, come unglued?

  • 彼得雷乌斯将军已经警告过,过快地撤军将会再次导致这种分崩离析的局面。
    General Petraeus has warned that too fast a drawdown could result in such an unraveling again.

  • 当时所有的人都在庆幸,因为这样的撕破脸皮,是以决裂的方式瞬间走到分崩离析
    All the fans felt lucky at that time. They used such kind of a violent way to go to the sad ending.

  • 巴勒斯坦依然分崩离析,掌控加沙地带的哈马斯与统治约旦河西岸的法塔赫两分天下。
    The Palestinians remain viciously split between the Islamists of Hamas, who run the Gaza Strip, and secular-minded Fatah, which runs the West Bank.

  • 工作中遇到的偶然事件只是其中一部分问题,而问题的关键更多在于共和党联盟的分崩离析
    There is more than happenstance at work, but less than the break-up of the Republican coalition.

  • 他以他的力量和纪律性,保住了政府机构内部的团结统一,并协助政府渡过水门危机,免于分崩离析
    His strength and discipline preserved cohesion in the executive branch and helped the government to traverse Watergate without totally disintegrating.

  • 俯瞰街道废墟,在1990年代早期,战争使这个首都分崩离析,遗弃了城市、遗弃了国家,陷入一片混乱中。
    Ruins overlook streets where fighting tore the capital apart in the early 1990s, leaving the city, and the nation, in chaos.

  • 而如果中国真的走向前苏联和东欧那样分崩离析的道路,那将是一场绝对的地缘政治灾难,甚至导致全球经济灾难。
    If China collapsed as the Russia and the east Europe, that definitely would be a geopolitical disaster, which might even result in a worldwide economic disaster.

  • 而如果中国真的走向前苏联和东欧那样分崩离析的道路,那将是一场绝对的地缘政治灾难,甚至导致全球经济灾难。
    If China collapse as the same way of former Soviet Union and East Europe, it would inevitable bring about political disaster, or even the global economic disaster.

  • 然而,现实却有越来越多的产业集群步履维艰陷入困境,有的因败落而分崩离析,严重影响区域经济的可持续发展。
    However, the reality shows that more and more clusters are being in a tight corner or even declining, which exerts great influence on the sustainable development of regional economy.

  • 美丽的巴格达如今为宗教暴力分崩离析,这部纪录片以四位男孩的友谊为主线,观察他们的友情是否可以不被外界纷扰所左右。
    As the city is torn apart by sectarian violence, the film follows their friendships to see whether they can survive.

  • 不幸的是,这样的竞争结果不是降低价格,提升网速,而是成了狼狈为奸的两强垄断,这使得带宽非常有限,现有市场分崩离析
    Unfortunately, the result has not been competition to beat down prices and boost speeds, but cosy duopolies that keep bandwidth scarce and carve the market up between incumbents.

  • 现在金融危机已经使得凯恩斯主义者和正统经济论者之间脆弱的共识--货币政策是调节经济周期的最佳方法--顿时分崩离析
    Here the financial crisis has blown apart the fragile consensus between purists and Keynesians that monetary policy was the best way to smooth the business cycle.

  • 那些飞机冲撞到大楼上,熊熊大火吞噬一切,庞大的建筑物分崩离析的照片,使我们感觉难以置信,悲痛欲绝以及无法遏制的愤怒。
    The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.

  • 这种看起来非常像不可动摇的、世长存的君主统治制度,在其所有那些一致的投票和选举中不存在任何怀疑的表示,没有任何迹象便分崩离析
    The system that seemed likely to reign unchanged world without end, since nothing could call its power in question amid all those unanimous votes and elections, is shattered without warning.

  • 一个一夫多妻制的摩门教宗派正在分崩离析,随着它的领袖本周在犹他州接受关于性指控的审判,被逐出该派的男孩子们正在接受帮助,开始新的生活。
    As the head of a polygamous breakaway Mormon sect goes on trial on sex charges in Utah this week, boys banished from his community are receiving help to begin a new life.

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