
出头之日  chū tóu zhī rì







  • 保持保守路线,你会有出头之日的。
    Keep to a very conservativecourse and you'll come out on top.

  • 振作点。人总有出头之日的。
    Cheer up. Every dog has his day, you know.

  • 每一条狗都有出头之日
    Every dog has its day.

  • 记住输家不可能再有出头之日了。你知道的。
    Just remember that loser's headed nowhere fast. You know it.

  • 考出去,这样你才有出头之日,好好学下啊!
    Test out, so you have the light of day, a good school the next ah!

  • 又有几个人希望自己的恋情永无出头之日呢?
    How many people want their own day of love never so early?

  • 每个人都有出头之日
    Every dog has its day.

  • 凡人都有出头之日
    Every dog has his day!

  • “等我有了出头之日,我将百事不管,”伯金说。
    "When I am above the world, I shall ignore all businesses, " said Birkin.

  • 天天颐指气使,指手划脚,那咱算是没有出头之日了。
    Every day Yi spirit make, row feet, that Za was regarded as to have no successful in career day.

  • 土星将于10月29日离开处女座,那天就是你出头之日
    Saturn will leave on October 29, your day of liberation.

  • 现在他年已三十五岁,依然一贫如洗,看来永无出头之日了。
    Now he was thirty-five and he was still poor and it looked as if he would always be poor.

  • 不用为他担心,人人都有出头之日,他终会得到应有的声誉的。
    Don't worry about him. Every dog has his day and he will eventually get the credit that he deserves.

  • 倘若落在外国人手里,他天天用刀剪去,我就永无出头之日了。
    If falls in foreigner hand, he is cut with the knife every day, I always do not have the day that come forward.

  • 站在7楼的露台上,让我终于有一种熬到“出头之日”的惬意。
    Standing at the platform on Floor 7, I felt a kind of feeling of freedom.

  • 若不是介入调查的检察机关频频升级,不知真相有无出头之日
    Except intervenes the procuratorial work mechanism of investigation upgrades again and again, do not know the truth to have without the day that come forward.

  • 就把它当作是个积累和准备的过程,并坚信人人都有出头之日
    Just take it as a process of preparation and accumulation and believe every dog has his day.

  • 不用为他担心,人人都有出头之日,他最终会得到应有的声誉的。
    Don't worry about him. Every dog has his day and he eill eventually get the credit that he deserves.

  • 这在一定程度上给了以规避物管公司风险为目的的险种以“出头之日”;
    To some extent, this risk to the company to circumvent Wuguan categories for the purpose of "early date";

  • 可随着轻轨开通的时间逐渐有了眉目,小刘在女朋友家的地位也算有了出头之日
    With time to light up a prospect of a solution gradually, the home guard in girlfriend status as a light of day.

  • 为了养家糊口,他不惜日复一日,干着又脏又累、没有出头之日的工作,从不停歇。
    He has worked days on end in dirty dead end jobs just to put food on the table.

  • 用你的头脑去发现一些解决你工作上问题的好方法,你辛苦劳作的出头之日就指日可待了。
    Use your mind to find some better way of doing whatever task may be set for you. It won't be long before you are out of the common labor class.

  • 美国的减排法案被国会参议院拒之门外,而且可能永无出头之日,但是奥巴马还是在积极推进中。
    America's emissions-cutting bill is stuck in the Senate, and may never emerge, but Barack Obama is keen to push on.

  • 他若不用兵力,他们的民族还能有什么出头之日?那希冀已久的权柄和荣耀将如何到手而使万民归顺呢?
    If He was satisfied to be without the force of arms, what would become of their nation?

  • 布里斯托尔大学经济学家保罗·克莱格说认为,失业一年或者更长的年轻人,事业上很可能永无出头之日
    The careers of young people who are unemployed for a year or more are likely to be permanently scarred, says Paul Gregg, an economist at Bristol University.

  • 她的头没完没了地疼,但她拒绝回去看医生,说要是还得再付一笔医药费的话,他们就永远没有出头之日了。
    Her head ached endlessly but she refused to go back to the doctor, saying that they would never get ahead if they had to pay yet another hospital bill.

  • 干这一行,有时候碰着心怀不轨的客人是要很自重的,如果为了那么一点钱下了水,以后就再也无出头之日了。
    Business, sometimes hit villains guests is proud of, a little money in order to then got out of the water, you will go at it.

  • (足球)流氓就是那些把周末的时间用来为某事争斗以此来缓解自己对永无出头之日的工作所产生的厌烦情绪的人。
    Hooligans are people who relieve the boredom of their dead-end jobs by spending their weekends fighting for something.

  • 而对于穷人来说,世界市场遥不可期,贸易又与己无关,过去15年间,他们因此失去了出头之日,如今,这一切似乎又成了他们的救赎。
    As for the poor, the very things that have prevented them doing better in the past 15 years—distance from world markets, lack of exposure to trade—might now come to their rescue.

  • 正当习仲勋大有作为的时候,1962年因小说《刘志丹》问题,受到牵连,被审查、关押、监护前后达16年之久。他历经劫难,九死一生,粉碎“四人帮”之后,才终于盼到了平反出头之日
    When proper Xi Zhongxun is able to develop his skill to full, 1962 because of the novel " Liu Zhidan " problem, get embroil, be examined, lock up, those who guard around to amount to 16 years is long.

  • 出头之日造句相关
