
冬日可爱  dōng rì kě ài







  • 走过冬日的严寒,窗外星星点点的春意显得分外可爱
    After a long cold winter, spring scenes look particularly lovely outside.

  • 保罗认为紫罗兰,玫瑰花,百合花看起来倍加可爱因为他们正在冬日里开放。
    Paul thought the violets, roses, and lilies-of-the valley looked even more lovely because they were blooming in the middle of winter.

  • 我们古小这份冬日里的温暖阳光,让孤儿院里的一张张可爱的小脸绽放成一朵朵美丽的花。
    We are a small ancient winter in the warmth of the sun, so that the orphanage faces cute little face one after another into bloom a beautiful flower.

  • 经过漫长冬日之后,新春就显得特别的可爱﹗冬眠已久死气沉沉的大地与花草树木,却因新春临到,处处均可见生机再度出现的美景;
    After the long, dreary winter days, the freshness of the spring season seems especially alluring. Flowers, grass, trees and shrubs that were dormant for so long are beginning to show signs of life.

  • 2009年的冬天,刺骨的寒风笼罩着南昌这座城市。不过因为我们可爱的雅思学员,仍然让我们深切地感觉到冬日里的阳光与热情!
    In the winter of 2009, the city of Nanchang was suffering from cold wind, but we deeply felt the warm and passion of the winter thanks to our lovely IELTS students.

  • 冬日可爱造句相关
