
兵戎相见  bīng róng xiāng jiàn






  • 否则,对不起,兵戎相见还是难免。
    Otherwise, sorry, war is inevitable.

  • 曾是同门学艺,却兵戎相见
    Have learned is the same door, but resort to arms.

  • 他们不会再希望在战场上兵戎相见了。
    They would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield .

  • 在那次战争中英国和德国曾经兵戎相见
    England fought with/against Germany in that war.

  • 150年前,摩门教徒和他们的邻居经常兵戎相见
    A century and a half ago, relations between Mormons and their neighbours were often bloody.

  • 有趣?湖人和凯尔特人?他们不是应该兵戎相见吗?
    Fun? The Lakers and Celtics? They're supposed to feud and fight, right?

  • 与美英兵戎相见并非是帝国所希望的,而且非常的令人遗憾。
    It has been truly unavoidable and far from Our wishes that Our Empire has now been brought to cross swords with America and Britain.

  • 缺了礼节,最亲密的朋友会变成死敌,友好或结盟的国家会兵戎相见
    The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turns to be the most decided enemies and the friendly or allied countries declare war against each other.

  • 缺了礼节,最亲密的朋友会变成死敌,友好或结盟的国家会兵戎相见
    The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies and the friendly or allied countries declare war against each other.

  • 缺了礼节,最亲密的朋友会变为死敌,友好或结盟的国家会兵戎相见
    The lack of properties would make the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies and the friendly of allied countries declare war against each other.

  • 随着条件的变迁,彼此间的关系有的疏远,有的密切,也有的兵戎相见
    As conditions change, the relationship between them have alienated some close, and some are war.

  • 1996年中共藉口实施导弹演习引发「台海危机」,两岸几乎兵戎相见
    In 1996, mainland China launched guided missile (GM) exercise which led to " The Crisis of Taiwan Strait", and bilateral military almost broke out the war.

  • 有组织完善的军事社会,与基奥瓦人长年兵戎相见,到1840年才休兵。
    They had well-organized military societies, and fought constantly with the Kiowa until c. 1840.

  • 兵戎相见的中东,巴以两国人民的利益最为息息相关,引发了激烈的冲突。
    In a region of conflict, it is these two peoples whose interests coincide most closely.

  • 不同历史时期的空想家们给出了各种答案,甚至由于见解的不同,引发了意识形态斗争,直至兵戎相见
    Utopian visionaries throughout history have given answers to this question and, to the extent to which these answers varied, have set off ideological controversies as well as wars.

  • 就在这个星期,在欧洲文明的中心,斯洛伐克和匈牙利因为在多瑙河修筑水坝问题上的争端差一点兵戎相见
    This week, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube.

  • 当双方就国家统一问题展开谈判时,当郑家提出“不剃发”的正当要求时,却遭到满清的拒绝,于是兵戎相见了。
    When the two sides on the issue of national reunification negotiations, when Andrew made "no剃发" legitimate demands, they were refused the Qing Dynasty, was a war.

  • 除非我们是一个内战中的国民—像奇幻史诗电影〈魔戒〉般—在那古时代分成人类和半兽人两大派,双方为了正义兵戎相见
    Unless we are like a nation at war with itself with us plunged as characters in the epic movie Lord of The Rings in which Humanity battles Humanoids in the war for natural justice set in antiquity.

  • 但是,由于历史原因,中印两国关系的发展并非一帆风顺,甚至出现过兵戎相见的局面。这种情况,并不符合两国的长远利益。
    Because of the historical factors, the Sino-India relationship has not been smooth and sometime even a war broke out between them, which is harmful to the long-term interests of the two countries.

  • 那些数十年前险些兵戎相见,甚至至今仍互不买账的国家,在空间站问题上却异常团结,其宇航员与科学家的合作更是亲密无间。
    Those decades ago nearly went to war and even still do not buy it, in the space station are united on the issue, the astronauts and scientists is close co-operation.

  • 另一头系着与巨人邻居中国外交关系的重要性。现在这两个国家正在努力解决一个让他们几乎在1965年兵戎相见的边界问题。
    The two countries are attempting to resolve a border dispute that triggered a war between them in 1965.

  • 邻居们尤其都记得1894--1945年间日本人的侵略行径。1894年,日本首次同中国兵戎相见;1945年,日本在二战中彻底溃败。
    In particular, they remember Japan's aggression between 1894, when it first went to war with China, and 1945, its total defeat after the second world war.

  • 杭索说:“无论需要多长时间,柬埔寨政府仍会保持镇静,仍会通过各种新途径来谋求和平。柬埔寨方面永远不想发生冲突,不想双方兵戎相见。”
    "No matter how long it takes, Cambodian government still calm, still use any new way to find peace, never want to make the conflict and no want to have fighting with each other, " he said.

  • 这些以牙还牙的反应,就像当年美国与前苏联的核子竞赛,可是有一个重要的差异:两个冷战超级强权中间隔著一个大洋,从来没有公开兵戎相见
    S. and the former Soviet Union, with a crucial difference: the two cold war superpowers were separated by an ocean and never fought each other openly.

  • 英国的第四份划界案中涉及的所有地区也被阿根廷划归己有。英阿两国1982年为了争夺福克兰群岛(阿根廷称马尔维纳斯群岛——译者注)而兵戎相见
    All of this last area is also claimed by Argentina, which went to war with Britain in 1982 over the Falklands.

  • “去北方,”他答道。“去兵戎相见之处,去合围之地,去防守之墙。——为了在黑夜到来前的短暂时光中,Beleriand的河流得以清澈地流淌,树叶仍能萌出新芽,鸟儿还能继续筑巢。”
    "North away, " he said: "to the swords, and the siege, and the walls of defence - that yet for a while in Beleriand rivers may run clean, leaves spring, and birds build their nests, ere Night comes.

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