
公事公办  gōng shì gōng bàn








  • 他回答时显出一副公事公办的样子。
    She answered in a businesslike manner.

  • 他用一本正经、公事公办的口气说话。
    He made his tone official and businesslike .

  • 她以一种简洁和公事公办的方式通知他。
    She told him in a curt and businesslike manner.

  • 公事公办,你要付房租的。
    Business is business, you have to pay the rent.

  • “你付油钱,”他说,一副公事公办的样子。
    "You pay for gas, " he said, looking very business-like.

  • 他是个朋友,公事公办,他不适合做这项工作。
    He may be a friend, business is businesslike not the man for the job.

  • 很抱歉我们不得不解雇你,这只是公事公办而已。
    I'm sorry we have to fire you, it's just business.

  • 帕默马上变成公事公办的状态,他们返回了宴会。
    Palmer jumps back into business mode, and they go back to the party.

  • 旅客平静地用一种公事公办而又推心置腹的口气说。
    said the passenger, in a tone of quiet business confidence.

  • 他也许是个朋友,但是公事公办,他不适合做这项工作。
    He may be a friend, but business is business and he is not the man for the job.

  • 我喜欢和我的同事保持公事公办的关系,太友好了不行。
    I like to keep my relationship with my colleagues on a business footing; it doesn't do to get too friendly.

  • 他也许是朋友,但是公事公办,他不是这项工作的合适人选。
    He may be is a friend, but business is business and he's not the man for the job .

  • 他也许是朋友,但是公事公办,他不是这项工作的合适人选。
    He may be a friend. but business is business and he's not the man for the job.

  • 我同情你,但公事公办,这些残损记录是建立在事实基础上的。
    You have my sympathies. But business is business. The damage record is \based\founded\established\ on the actual facts.

  • 从漫长一天的工作中回到家,你仍用一副公事公办的态度讲电话。
    When you go home after a long day at work you still answer the phone in a business manner.

  • 比尔可以算是朋友,但公事公办,他不是做这项工作最适合的人选。
    Bill may be a friend business is business, he's not the best man for the job.

  • 比尔可以算是朋友,但公事公办,他不是做这项工作最适合的人选。
    Bill may be a friend but business is business, and he's not the best man for the job.

  • 而对于那些粗鲁固执己见的患者,我们只是公事公办,然后继续其他事情。
    People who are obnoxious and pushy, we get the business done and get on with it.

  • 假如公事公办,提起诉讼,不但影响今后的生意,并且也不能马上达到目的。
    If the business-like, bring an action not only affect the future business, and also can not immediately achieve their goals.

  • 我们是不是应该不管孩子们年龄多大,都要让他们遵守一种更为公事公办的标准呢?
    Or, despite their age, should they be held to a more businesslike standard?

  • 警察局局长:哦,现在不行!明天早上来我办公室,我们做任何事情都得像公事公办
    Captain Renault: Oh no! Not here please! Come to my office tomorrow morning. We'll do everything businesslike.

  • 保持理性将使谈判者避免遭到贪婪的谴责,而且使谈判在一种‘公事公办’的基础上进行下去。
    Remaining unemotional will permit the negotiator to avoid accusations of greed and allow the pursuit of topics on a "just business" basis.

  • 于是裘德就用纯粹公事公办的口气写了一封信,信上说:这孩子一到英国,就把他送到他那儿。
    Jude thereupon wrote a letter in purely formal terms to request that the boy should be sent on to him as soon as he arrived.

  • 死神那是就同现在一样公事公办。他本意是再给她弹一首曲子的时间,仅仅是一首曲子的时间。
    He was just about to stir himself and lay his bony hands upon the woman's soul when she began the notes of a second song.

  • 可是老板的抱怨也许只是和往日一样的公事公办;那位朋友也许被自己生活中和你无关的一个问题分心。
    But the boss's complaint is probably just business as usual; the friend is simply distracted by a problem in her own life that has nothing to do with you.

  • 在众多反对保守人士的提议中,有一项计划建议,用一个公事公办,小心谨慎的监管机构来替代FSA。
    Among the many proposals drawn up for the opposition Conservatives is a plan to replace it with one conduct-of-business and one prudential supervisor.

  • 今天发表的一份报告称,中产阶级为人父母者正用公事公办的态度对待家庭生活,这样便能顺利地兼顾事业和孩子。
    Middle-class parents are bringing business-like attitudes to family life so that they can successfully juggle career and children, claims a report today.

  • 快到九点他才放下他耸起的鬣毛,在他那本色的自我外面摆出一副受人尊敬的公事公办的样子,出去开始他一天的工作。
    Towards nine o'clock he smoothed his ruffled aspect, and, presenting as respectful and business-like an exterior as he could overlay his natural self with, issued forth to the occupation of the day.

  • 我们肩负的改善慈善捐赠市场、使善款成功运用的使命,以及我们分析慈善机构所用的公事公办的方法,已经开始激怒某些人了。
    Our mission to improve the market for charitable giving so that funds follow success, and our businesslike approach to analysing charities, started to ruffle some feathers .

  • 发生这种事情时,我尽可能心平气和地与顾客交流,目的是为了让顾客以公事公办的态度来处理事情,且重点是解决问题,大多数时候我能处理好问题,使顾客满意。
    When that happened, I'd try to talk in calm, even voice, in order to get the person to respond in a businesslike manner and focus on trying to resolve the situation.

  • 公事公办造句相关
