
公之于众  gōng zhī yú zhòng






  • 经部长同意该计划被公之于众
    The plan was unveiled with the approval from the Minister.

  • 这项决议使塞尔维亚的内部分歧公之于众
    The resolution laid bare Serbia's divisions.

  • 电影已经开拍几个星期了,希望有更多新照片能尽快公之于众
    Since filming just started a few weeks ago, hopefully additional pictures will appear soon.

  • 诽谤案应诉花费高昂,所以很多被告选择马上结案或者不公之于众
    Defending a libel action can be so costly that many defendants settle immediately or simply do not publish at all.

  • 他写到,国家净负债,据他所言即已公之于众的数目,正在迅速增长。
    The country's "net debt" - which he described as the amount held publicly - is mushrooming, he wrote.

  • 这座公之于众的纪念碑高四米,在上面有一个显示两个男人接吻的视窗。
    The four-metre high monument, which has a window showing a film of two men kissing, was unveiled in Berlin.

  • 有了这个计划并且公之于众,政府就要竭尽全力保证落实,否则将失信于民。
    With this plan and made public, the Government should make every effort to ensure the implementation, otherwise they will lose the trust of the people.

  • 这么说吧,政府发现矿泉水里并不含什么损害人体的物质,并将结果公之于众
    The government found it to contain nothing that was actually detrimental to human beings, and it went public, so to speak.

  • 罗斯福自愿将他的文件公之于众,但更多近来的总统在此问题都还没有做出选择。
    Roosevelt made his papers public of his own volition, but more recent presidents have not had a choice in the matter.

  • 世界上建立起社会保险制度的国家几乎毫无例外均通过立法加以确定并公之于众
    Almost all countries established the social insurance system through the legislation to determine and to reveal to the public.

  • 调查结果将于2010年10月通过一系列公众活动和科学会议在伦敦公之于众
    The findings of the census will be released in October 2010 in London at a series of public events and scientific meetings.

  • 然而,各种独立信息来源仍然成功地重组了M3供应量的情况,并继续公之于众
    However, various independent sources have successfully reconstructed the M3 series and have continued to publish it.

  • 有谣言说他和律师保存了牵连证据的文件,如果他有什么三长两短,就会公之于众
    It is rumoured that he has deposited incriminating documents with lawyers, to be released in the event of his untimely death.

  • 记者的弟弟认为此举意味着当事人遭到了殴打,并且官方不希望将当事人公之于众
    The journalist's brother says he assumed that means he was beaten and authorities don't want the public to see him.

  • 这项交易在六月就已经公之于众,但斯堪尼亚的收购依赖于瑞典政府的一项融资协议。
    The deal was announced in June, but Koenigsegg's acquisition of Saab depended on a financing arrangement with the Swedish government which it was unable to secure.

  • 叶利钦读后感到十分震惊,决定将它公之于众。说明磊落的政治家的胸怀和历史的责任感。
    Yeltsin shocked the Book, decided that it made public. Leila Help-minded politicians and historical sense of responsibility.

  • 新闻媒体的首要职责是尽早获取最准确的时事消息,并立刻公之于众,使其成为国家的共同财产。
    The first duty of the Press is to obtain the earliest and most correct intelligence of the events of the time, and instantly, by disclosing them to make them the common property of the nation.

  • 1914年瓦尔菲尔诺将事件真相透露给了一位记者,条件是只有等到他死后才能将此事公之于众
    Valfierno told the story to a journalist in 1914, on condition that it would not be published until his death.

  • 德国国内的称巴拉克将和切尔西有一份为期四年的合同,鲁梅尼格的言论说明这个转会即将公之于众
    Reports in Germany recently claimed that Ballack had agreed terms on a four-year contract with Chelsea, and Rummenigge's comments suggest that a transfer could be made public in the imminent future.

  • 销书时,未经授权的传记往往意味着读者有可能从中读到传主不希望公之于众的,绘声绘色的内幕故事。
    In book promotions, the" unauthorized" characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to suppress.

  • 而在某个世界大国,安乐死虽然经常受到医疗机构的公开谴责,每年却以数倍于此的次数秘密实施,且从未公之于众
    In one of the world's biggest countries, euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment, secretly practiced many times more often, and almost never comes to light.

  • 改进,并且将你的改进部分公之于众,并以此使整个社区获益的自由(自由3)。取得软件源代码是这一点的先决条件。
    The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

  • 我们不会像政客一样把钱在神秘面纱后分发,关于去何处投资的决定将会公之于众并且听取独立的专家告之的各种可能;
    Instead of politicians doling out money behind a veil of secrecy, decisions about where we invest will be made public, and informed by independent experts whenever possible.

  • 要是公之于众,究竟有多少合法收藏商、倒卖家及博物馆一直在不显山露水地鼓捣着失盗名画,那不引起唏嘘一片才怪。
    If it were known how many legitimate collectors, dealers and museums have dealt unknowingly in stolen art, there would be a lot of shaking of heads.

  • 对于威廉来说,在大学,他会有比在伊顿时更多的事情被公之于众:女朋友、晚会,甚至他的分数都会成为小报的素材。
    At a university, there's a lot more potential than there was at Eton for William to be exposed in a compromising position; girlfriends, parties, even his grades could all be tabloid fodder.

  • 另外,因为此案非常复杂,而且详细判决仍未公之于众,所以并不能为我们判定何种回扣方式具有掠夺性提供太多指导。
    Moreover, such a complex case, with a bulky ruling which is still not in the public domain, does not offer much guidance on what sort of rebate schemes might be deemed Cheap SNW Vis predatory.

  • 莱娅·奥加纳·索洛公主把帝国欺骗诺格人民的阴谋诡计公之于众后,鲁克将自己的复仇欲望悄悄地埋藏在心底,等待着时机。
    When the Empire's deception against the Noghri people was revealed by Princess Leia Organa Solo, Rukh carefully hid his thirst for vengeance and bided his time.

  • 阿里巴巴在声明里表示,其通过多种渠道告知用户和广大公众该事件,并将可能存在的威胁公之于众,只是做到了一个企业应尽的义务。
    Alibaba in the statement that its users through various channels and the general public informed of the incident And there may be a threat made public, only to the obligations of an enterprise.

  • 我为自己昨晚没闯红灯感到非常自豪。由于没有人知道在从哈里斯堡至刘易斯堡的路上,我是一个多么好的人,我得把它写出来公之于众
    I was so proud of myself for stopping for that red light, and inasmuch as no one would ever have known what a good person I was on the road from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, I had to tell someone.

  • 我们的一个职员是在家里做兼职的,但有了一个'家里做兼职的,大警犬''家里做兼职的,号码作为她的办公室号码公之于众后,对世人而言,她就是在办公室工作了。
    One of our staff works from home part-time, but with a Bloodhound number available to the world as her office number. As far as the world is concerned, she works in the office.

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