
克己复礼  kè jǐ fù lǐ








  • 孔子的和谐观完全是为了“克己复礼”。
    Confucius' concept of harmony is completely for self-restraint &returning to rites.

  • 要正确理解“克己复礼”,关键是弄清“复”和“礼”。
    Understanding the term "Restrain oneself and return rites"correctly requires understanding "return" and "rites" first.

  • 随后孔子提出的“克己复礼”,汉代把《仪礼》列入五经。
    Confucius then the "Kejifuli", Han dynasty the "rites" included in the Five Classics.

  • 孔子的“克己复礼”落脚点是“归仁”,是孔子政治观的实现方式。
    The standpoint of "repressing the private for the public" by Confucius is "returning of benevolence", the realizing mode of Confucius's political view.

  • 幼稚园学生学习奉茶,而看完克己复礼短片的国中生,和同学分享心得。
    Kindergarteners learn how to serve tea, while junior high school students share their thoughts after watching a short film.

  • 静态展提供了克己复礼的讯息,也保护我们的地球,向下扎根到孩子心中。
    The exhibition provides information on self-discipline and care for the earth, planting the seeds of love in every child.

  • 练习者也学习一些跆拳道基本原理,例如:“礼义廉耻,克己复礼,百折不屈”。
    They also receive instruction in principles such as courtesy, integrity, perseverance, and self-control.

  • 印尼慈济志工陈丰灵>我们不仅是物质上的垃圾回收,我们也希望人们落实克己复礼
    TC Volunteer, Chen Fengling >"What we are doing is more than recycling waste; we also hope people can purify their hearts."

  • 克己复礼”,“克己”本身就是一种行为迷彩,一种反动于人的率真本性行为的伪饰。
    Confucius said that self-discipline fulfils the rites. "Self-discipline" is a disguise behavior opposing the innocent nature of human beings.

  • 克己复礼”就是要约束自己,按照制度(礼)办事,而不是要具体地恢复哪个朝代的礼制。
    "Restrain oneself and return rites" means to control ourselves and abide by rules (rites) when doing things. It doesn't mean to restore rites system of a dynasty specifically.

  • 一生以克己复礼为己任的孔子,对沐浴之礼身体力行,“孔子沐浴而朝”,早已为世人所熟知。
    Kejifuli mission lifetime of Confucius, the ceremony of bathing practice, "Bath and North Korea of Confucius", has long been known to the world.

  • 以孝、悌巩固王族,以克己复礼巩固族有的奴隶制国家,这一切都做到了,便可以天下归仁焉。
    To filial piety, fraternal duty to consolidate royal family in order to consolidate the ethnic Kejifuli slavery some countries, all this done, they can all Kueijen behavior.

  • 孔子谈论仁,有两个明确的说法,一是“爱人”(《论语·颜渊》),一是“克己复礼,为仁”(同上)。
    Confucius about jen, there are two clear-cut explanation, first, "Love" ( "The Analects of Confucius Yen-Yuan"), one is "Kejifuli, for benevolence" (ibid. ).

  • 孔子所说的“克己复礼为仁”,就是克服个人的一己之心,视、听、言、动都符合礼仪,这样就能实现仁德。
    Confucius said, "Kejifuli for benevolence" is to overcome the individual's own heart, visual, listening, words, moving are in line with protocol, this could be achieved Rende.

  • 传统文化的仁爱伦理精神,主张“仁者人也”、“仁者爱人”、“忠恕之道”、“克己复礼”、“杀身成仁”等道德思想,可为企业安全伦理建设提供新的借鉴和启发。
    Kind-heartedness of traditional culture which maintained that "benevolences love others", "doctrine of magnanimity", "restrain oneself to Li", "laying down one's life in the cause of justice" etc.

  • 克己复礼造句相关
