
光辉灿烂  guāng huī càn làn








  • 后来天破晓了,光辉灿烂,万里无云。
    At length, the day broke, resplendent, cloudless.

  • 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天。
    We are the ones who make a brighter day.

  • 这座小镇的确是光辉灿烂
    The town was really quite luminous.

  • 今天你要勇往直前,朝着光辉灿烂的明天。
    Today is the day to move forward, todays your bright tomorrow.

  • 让我们期待着新西方这一光辉灿烂的未来吧!
    Let's look forward to seeing this a brilliant future!

  • 夏代,周族部落在庆阳创造了光辉灿烂的先周文化。
    Xia, Zhou QINGYANG create tribes in the full glory of the first week of culture.

  • 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天,所以现在我们就要付出。
    We are the ones who make a brighter, day so let"s start giving".

  • 让我的爱像阳光一样,包围你,并给你光辉灿烂的自由。
    Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you illumined freedom.

  • 让我的爱,如阳光般包围着你,而又给你,光辉灿烂的自由。
    Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you illumined freedom.

  • 反抗的旋风将继续震撼国家的基石,直至光辉灿烂的正义之日来临。
    The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

  • 反抗的旋风将继续震撼我们国家的基石,直至光辉灿烂的正义之日来临。
    The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundation** of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

  • 仿佛美妙而激动人心的音乐使他从一片无尽的黑暗中重见了光辉灿烂的阳光。
    It looked like that the wonderful stirring music was saving him with bright sunlight from endless dark.

  • 太阳;一个聚集能量与热力的代名词。亦代表著〝光明〞〝希望〞与〝光辉灿烂〞。
    The Sun is synonymous with gathering energy and heat. And also represents: "brightness", "hope", and "brilliance".

  • 这一次是“飞鱼号”发出警报,立下了第一功,但是它光辉灿烂的日子随着结束了。
    The Darter had sounded the alarm and drawn first blood, but its day was done.

  • 每一座灯塔里都装满千百颗光辉灿烂的小种子,将来英国在他们这一代将更加明智富强。
    Capsules with hundreds of bright little seeds in each, out of which will spring the wise, better England of the future.

  • 帝托作为“伟人”社会里一个受欢迎的伙伴的声誉,使得他的学问和才能显得更加光辉灿烂了。
    Tito's reputation as an agreeable companion in "magnificent" society made his learning and talent appear more lustrous.

  • 然而,每年在这里举行的米德尔塞克斯耕牛比赛大会,总是光辉灿烂,好像农业的状况还极好似的。
    Yet the Middlesex Cattle Show goes off here with éclat annually, as if all the joints of the agricultural machine were suent.

  • 这一事实的存在,充分体现了本世纪后50年的杜甫研究,已进入了一个更加光辉灿烂的学术天地。
    This fact is sufficient to confirm that the late50 years research On DuFu in this century has become more and more brilliant.

  • 战争正在激烈进行时,敌人看见从天上降下五个光辉灿烂的人,骑着金辔的马,走在犹太人的前面。
    In the midst of the fierce battle, there appeared to the enemy from the heavens five majestic men riding on golden-bridled horses, who led the Jews on.

  • 战争正在激烈进行时,敌人看见从天上降下五个光辉灿烂的人,骑著金辔的马,走在犹太人的前面。
    But when they were in the heat of the engagement there appeared to the enemies from heaven five men upon horses, comely with golden bridles, conducting the Jews.

  • 中国是世界上历史最悠久的国家之一。中国各族人民共同创造了光辉灿烂的文化,具有光荣的革命传统。
    China is one of the most historical countries. All the nationality of China has created splendid culture with great revolution tradition.

  • 我们,特别是中美两国的年轻一代必须以迎接这些共同的挑战为共同的事业,共创一个光辉灿烂的新世纪。
    We, especially the younger generations of China and the United States, must make common cause of our common challenges, so that we can, together, shape a new century of brilliant possibilities.

  • 那么现在就下决心成为一个有自信心的人吧!相信插着这双自信的翅膀,我们将会拥有更加光辉灿烂的未来!
    Well , so please make our minds be more confident. I believe we'll get a brighter future with the wings of confidence !

  • 希腊文明已经有5000年历史,在漫长的年代里创造了光辉灿烂的古典文化,为今天的希腊人留下了大量的宝贵文化遗产。
    Greek civilization has been the history in 5000, in the long years to create the full glory of classical culture, and for today's Greeks left a large number of valuable cultural heritage.

  • 跟着,视觉的神秘作用活动起来,她们就会象受检阅似的列队通过他的脑海,相形之下,每一个人都使罗丝越发显得光辉灿烂
    Then the chemistry of vision could begin to work, and they would troop in review across his mind, each, by contrast, multiplying Ruth's glories.

  • 我曾在一本个人诗集的一页旁,将她姓名的两个起首字母写上;伟大诗人的迷醉狂喜,仿佛来自她也是一份的、光辉灿烂的思想。?
    Upon a poet's page I wrote Of old two letters of her name; Part seemed she of the effulgent thought Whence that high singer's rapture came.

  • 天文学家还探测到有一些较老较小的M型星,它们发射的X射线实际上比太阳更加光辉灿烂,而先前人们却认为它们是十分幽暗的。
    Astronomers have also detected older and smaller M stars, previously thought to be quite dim, that actually outshine the sun in their X-ray emission.

  • 生命何其宝贵,岂能等闲无视!行动起来,向前迈进。只要你能做到的,就一定去做。今日,你就要让生活变得丰富多彩、光辉灿烂
    Life is far too precious to just ignore. Step forward, do what you know you can do, and live the richness of this beautiful day.

  • 它有光辉灿烂的艺术,也有微不足道的科学,有博大的常识,也有幼稚的逻辑,有精雅温柔的关于人生的闲谈,却没有学者风味的哲学。
    It has a glorious an and a contemptible science, a magnificent common sense and an infantile logic, a fine womanish chatter about life and no scholastic philosophy.

  • 我很想驻留在那个光辉灿烂的世界去,永远没有烦恼,不是以朦胧的泪眼去看它,也不是以痛苦的心情去追求它,而是真正的和它在一起,在它之中。
    I'd like to reside in the glorious world, disasters, not obscure a tearful farewell to see it, nor is it a pain in the mood to pursue it, and is a true and it, in it.

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