
傲然屹立  ào rán yì lì







  • 在地面上,我的双脚仍旧傲然屹立
    my two feet placed squarely on the ground.

  • 也不像菊花那样傲然屹立
    also not proudly stand as chrysanthemum;

  • 要学会在风浪中傲然屹立,对遇难者要寄予同情;
    to learn to stand up in the storm, but to have compassion on those who fall;

  • 沉睡了的东方雄狮终于傲然昂首屹立于世界民族之林。
    The sleeping lion of the East has finally stood proudly standing in the world.

  • 东望龙口峡峪中太子滩石岛昂首挺胸,傲然屹立于浪涛之中。
    Longkou East Point in Prince Edward Tongkuangyu Gap Beach Shidao heads held high, proudly standing in the waves.

  • 听我们高声颂唱,我们属于你,我们傲然屹立,生抑或死,回应你的呼召,亲爱的土地。
    Loudly peals the answering chorus; We are thine, and we shall stand, Be it life or death, to answer to thy call, beloved land.

  • 殿内塑关羽、关平、周仓像,殿外古石塔炉青烟缭绕,古石鼓、石狮、石华表傲然屹立
    Diannei plastic Guan Yu, Kuan-ping, Zhou Cang like, Dianwai ancient pagoda furnace Qingyan wind around the ancient Shek Kwu, lions, Shihua table proudly stand.

  • 中华民族是一个具有悠久历史文化传统的伟大民族,素来以“礼仪之邦”傲然屹立于世界的东方。
    Chinese nation is a have the traditional great race of long history culture, vegetable with" the nation of the civilization", stand erect in the east of the world.

  • 直到60年前那个金秋十月,一面鲜艳的五星红旗,一位巨人的宣言,使一个古老民族傲然屹立,纵情欢乐。
    until 60 years ago in October of that autumn, a bright five-star red flag, a giant of the declaration, an ancient nation so proudly stand, indulgence, joy.

  • 斜阳如诗,田原如画,这一树玫瑰融刚性和妩媚于一体,集伟岸与婀娜于一身,就那么傲然屹立着,披着彩霞馈赠的霓裳。
    sun poetic, Tahara picturesque, this tree roses financial rigidity and charming in one, set in a stalwart and graceful on the ground so proudly standing, wrapped in a gift Colorful Caixia.

  • 而在这些中流砥柱的背后傲然屹立着我们的总公司,它犹如光芒四射的灯塔,指引着我们驶向光明的未来,让我们永远喷射着璀璨的光芒。
    Behind all these mainstays is our towering headquarters, which, so much as a brilliant lighthouse, instructs us to sail towards the bright future, making us iridescent forever.

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