
借酒浇愁  jiè jiǔ jiāo chóu






  • 他已经借酒浇愁好一段日子啦。
    He's been drowning his sorrows for a long time.

  • 自妻子死后,他每天借酒浇愁
    He drowned his sorrow in drink every day after her wife's death.

  • 政客们在危急关头的借酒浇愁是出了名的。
    AT DIFFICULT moments politicians have been known to turn to drink.

  • 有的情况会使人借酒浇愁,这是不难理解的。
    It is understandable that certain situations might drive anyone to drink.

  • 得意之时定醉当歌,惆怅之时亦借酒浇愁
    proud when the will be drunk when the song is also a heavy drinker at the time of melancholy.

  • 恐怕他是借酒浇愁
    I'm afraid he took his solace in drink.

  • 其实这只是短暂的快乐,想借酒浇愁更是没有用。
    Actually this is only the short joy, wants to drown worries in drink not to be useful.

  • 蒙禁令之恩,美国人甚至连想借酒浇愁都不行!
    Americans couldn't even have a drink to drown their sorrows, thanks to prohibition.

  • 有啊,但自从他玩股票赔钱后,他就开始借酒浇愁
    Yeah, but after he lost his money on the stock market he started hitting the bottle.

  • 他太太在车祸中死后,格林先生就以威士忌借酒浇愁
    When his wife was killed in an auto accident, Mr Green tried to drown his sorrows in whisky.

  • 只见上面写着:“欲借酒浇愁以忘往事者,请先付帐。
    See only above writing: "Be about to drown worried in dring in order to forget the past person, pay the bill first please."

  • 但整个晚上她都在为罗斯和朱丽的事伤心,借酒浇愁
    She spends the whole date obsessing about Ross and Julie, and drinking too much wine.

  • 约翰在吧里借酒浇愁。-------[光年网原创。
    John is in the bar drowning his sorrows.

  • 和这种顽固的人理论是没有用的。想借酒浇愁于事无补。
    It is no use reasoning with such a stubborn man.

  • 我不常有借酒浇愁的需要,但是偶尔我是用喝来壮胆的。
    I don't often feel the need to drown my sorrows but I have needed a little Dutch courage occasionally.

  • 我考试不及格,女朋友又把我甩了,所以我准备去借酒浇愁
    I failed my test and my girlfriend broke up with me so I'm going to the bar to forget my worries.

  • 我考试不及格,女朋友又把我甩了,所以我这边去借酒浇愁
    I failed my test and my girlfriend borke up with me so I'm going to the bar to forget about my worrier.

  • 我考试不及格,女朋友又把我甩了,所以我准备去借酒浇愁
    I failed my test and my girlfriend broke up with me so I'm going to the bar to forget about my worries.

  • 亚历克斯在跑狗赛中输掉了100英镑,因而决定回家借酒浇愁
    Alex lost a hundred pounds at the dog track and decided to go home and drown his sorrows.

  • 如果一个人在花费时间借酒浇愁,他便是在丧失追求幸福的大好时光。
    if one us spending his time in crying his beer, he is losing his time to become a happy man.

  • 埃蒙斯很自然地来到赛场所在地的吧里,想借酒浇愁,忘掉这历史性的耻辱。
    Naturally, Emmons retired to the bar at the shooting venue to drink away his historic gaffe.

  • 借酒浇愁,仰天长叹,并由此留下许多散发着香的不朽诗篇“今宵醒何处?
    Or drown worried in dring, sign deeply, leave a lot of sending out from this the immortal poem " with a sweet wine today does night wine wake where?"

  • 明知道借酒浇愁不能解决任何问题,可还是喝个不停。那牛奶也不能,为什么不喝?
    Alcohol doesn't solve any problems, but then again, neither does milk.

  • 有一天,我因为破产正在家饭馆里借酒浇愁,他突然过来把一叠钞票悄悄塞进我的手里。
    one day , when i was drowning my sorrows for bankruptcy in a restraunt , he rushed to me and filled my hand with a dozen of bill privately.

  • 抑郁的时候倘若是借酒浇愁,你会举止失当,你会呕吐,你会宿醉不醒,结果会更加抑郁。
    If you try to drown depression in booze you behave badly, throw up, get a hangover and become more depressed.

  • 警察声称,这些年轻人一边借酒浇愁,一边从麦卡锡工作人员位于第15层楼上的房间里往下朝他们扔东西。
    They claimed the young people, while drowning their sorrows, had thrown objects down on them from the McCarthy staff's fifteenth-floor room.

  • 失去一个人的感情,明知一切已无法挽回,却还是那么伤心,而且一伤心就是好几年,还要借酒浇愁,形销骨立。
    The loss of one's feelings, knowing that all have been irreparable, but it is so sad, but I was sad for several years, but also a heavy drinker, Gu Li-shaped pin.

  • 布什在过了40岁生日之后就戒了,但是他还听乡村歌手乔治·琼斯的歌,后者可是一位瘾复发者,老唱一些有关借酒浇愁的悲苦情歌。
    Bush, who quit drinking after his 40th birthday, also listens to recovering alcoholic George Jones, a country singer who sings about heartbreak and drinking.

  • 譬如,遭遇一次严重的经济挫折,究竟怎么做才称得上积极应对呢?放弃而后潜逃?借酒浇愁?吸毒麻醉?抑或自杀?这样的逃避是积极应对吗?当然不是!
    For instance, what is the positive reaction to a terrible financial setback?In this situation would it be the positive reaction to cop out and runaway?Escape through alcohol, drug, or suicide?

  • 菲茨杰拉德[3],尽管他的写作生涯一塌糊涂,老婆还被关在附近的一个精神病医院,但他却于三十年代在此渡过了两个借酒浇愁的悲惨夏天,一直猫在四楼的一个房间内。
    Fitzgerald, his writing career in a shambles and his wife in a nearby mental hospital, spent two miserable drunken summers holed up on the fourth floor in the '30s.

  • 借酒浇愁造句相关
