
俯首帖耳  fǔ shǒu tiē ěr








  • 别以为所有人都应该对你俯首帖耳
    Don't take it for granted that everyone should have to bow his head to your.

  • 我想嫁给一个能对我俯首帖耳的男人。
    I want to marry a man who will wait on me hand and foot.

  • 我想嫁给一个能对我俯首帖耳的男人。
    A:I want to marry a man who will wait on me hand and foot.

  • 仅仅这个身份,就足以使众神在她的脚下俯首帖耳了。
    Only the identity, is enough to make the gods at the foot of her at the .

  • 他们早先受过的教育已把他们训练得俯首帖耳、唯命是从。
    Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive.

  • 共和国是神经衰弱的天堂,政治家是俯首帖耳于法律的暴君。
    In a republic, that paradise of debility, the politician is a petty tyrant who obeys the laws.

  • 中国不会再卑躬屈膝、俯首帖耳。她有自己的主张和发言权。
    China will no longer remain servile and submissive. She has its own stand and right to say.

  • 然而现在并非所有的人都那样俯首帖耳,许多人已经抬起头来朝前看了。
    Yet not everybody is looking down now, underfoot. Many are looking forward.

  • 她象女佣那样对我俯首帖耳,象情人那样魅力实足,但有时也象魔鬼那样肆意骚扰。
    it obeys me like a servant, seduces me like a lover, but sometimes annoys me like a devil.

  • 前苏联和美国这两大超级大国,当时已经下定决心登月,以此来展示其先进的技术,让世界各国对他们称霸世界航空领域老大俯首帖耳
    The two superpowers, America and the Soviet Union, were determined not only to prove their technological prowess but also to win the hearts and minds of the world.

  • 但是,这种方式却引发了人类与细菌之间的军备竞赛,细菌开始演变以期击败抗生素。最后,被不停喂养,身经百战的细菌终于对人类的医疗武器不再俯首帖耳
    But this has triggered an arms race with bacteria, which start evolving to beat the antibiotics - and emerge as in the end as pumped-up, super-charged bacteria invulnerable to our medical weapons.

  • 俯首帖耳造句相关
