
作威作福  zuò wēi zuò fú








  • 聒噪、爱斥责或作威作福的妇女。
    a noisy or scolding or domineering woman.

  • 作恶作威作福,那是人民公仆。
    Does evil abuses power, that is the people's public servant.

  • 他每天只是在那里作威作福
    He was there every day to throw his weight around.

  • 作威作福的、傲慢的态度。
    in a domineering and masterful manner.

  • 女人一旦得到平等,就对男人作威作福
    Woman once made equal to man becomes his superior.

  • 她对佣人作威作福
    She domineers over the servants.

  • 他们一定不会长期让侵略者骑在头上作威作福的。
    They will certainly not allow the aggressors to ride roughshod over them for long.

  • 但是公司对其佃户和工人可以作威作福,苛刻异常。
    But the company can be a harsh overlord to its crofters.

  • 是骑在雇员头上作威作福,掠夺股民利益,欺骗消费者的无耻企业家吗?
    Unscrupulous corporate mandarins who run roughshod over their employees, loot their shareholders, and defraud their customers?

  • 我觉得这里是中国人的地方,我们是客人,我们无权对中国人作威作福
    I felt that this was the land of the Chinese and we were guests, with no right to lord it over the Chinese.

  • 事实是许多婚姻仅仅在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意丈夫作威作福的。
    The fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands .

  • 他呼召人,不是要向别人作威作福,而是要服侍人。强壮的要体谅软弱的。
    He called men, not to authority, but to service, the strong to bear the infirmities of the weak.

  • 我再次祈祷:大雪啊,别再作威作福了!人间的真情一定可以融化你的无情!
    Once again, I pray: heavy snow, ah, not to Zuoweizuofu! Shared love you will be able to melt the merciless!

  • 夭主教内部的地主老财和王孙公子,都有对牧民和农民作威作福的绝对权力。
    The landowning barons and the princes of the Catholic. Church exercised absolute power over the shepherds and farmers.

  • 在其最坏状态时,乐队会变得作威作福,像一个不能离开在课堂上经验的学生。
    At its worst, the band can be hectoring, like a student who couldn't leave his lessons in the classroom.

  • 她在家里照顾一切,整理床榻,打扫房屋,洗衣,煮饭,作威作福,横冲直撞。
    She did everything about the house, --made the beds, did the washing, the cooking, and everything else.

  • 事实是婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。
    The fact is that many marriages were simply based on conveniencewives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands .

  • 我喜欢对她作威作福,而她通常宁可屈从我的专横,不愿冒著和我直接冲突的危险。
    It pleased me to domineer over her, and she generally submitted to my tyranny rather than risk a hand-to-hand encounter.

  • 权力,如果用来对同胞作威作福,或者用来增加个人的虚荣,就应该被认为是卑鄙的。
    Power, for the sake of lording it over fellow-creatures or adding to personal pomp, is rightly judged base.

  • 倘若这些暴徒和杀人凶手依然能在豪华的宫殿作威作福,伊拉克人民的境况绝不会好转。
    But no one can argue that the Iraqi people would be better off with the thugs and murderers back in the palaces.

  • 尽管虎在山林中作威作福,大模大样地走来走去,但有一个最大的弱点,就是不会上树。
    Although the tiger in the mountains of thrilled, big and walked up and down, but the biggest weakness is not a tree.

  • 事实是许多姻缘仅仅建立在便利的基本功上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。
    The fact is those a lot marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are not no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands .

  • 那时有一官半职的豪强子弟要作威作福,没有官职的劣绅也武断于乡曲。豪强们的荣耀逸乐不亚于王侯。
    At that time, there is a semi-official level to the hao jiang children thrilled lei kun office also did not arbitrary in rural Qu. hao jiang are no less than princely yi le glory.

  • 为什麽有些人会选择辖制(作威作福)神讬管给他们的人,而不是作他们的榜样? 我在这方面有什麽过错?
    Why would someone choose to lord over those entrusted to them versus being an example?In what ways am I guilty of this?

  • 穷苦的佃农们发现,一路之隔就有自己的同盟者,便开始大胆地起来斗争。地主被吓怕了,也不敢过分作威作福
    Then poor tenants realizing they had allies just across the way began to stand up to the landlords who were scared to be too severe.

  • 一些了解日本国民性的中国军事代表团成员分析说,日本是个非常讲究现实的国家,胜了,它就耀武扬威、作威作福
    Some of the Japanese people's understanding of the Chinese military delegation said that Japan is a very particular about the reality of the country, a victory it around, thrilled;

  • 另一个先前的恶霸说,他完全知道自己使同学的生活变得多么悲惨,但如今,他回顾起这些作威作福的日子时,依然掩饰不住自得。
    Another bully said he was fully aware he was making life miserable for some of his classmates, and he still looks back on those days with apparent pride.

  • 摸老虎的屁股去激怒他,是不会有好下场的。这个歇后语常用来比喻某些人依仗权势,作威作福;或者某人很厉害,别人一点也触犯不得。
    This common saying is used to describe someone with power and position who rides roughshod over the people, or someone who is too tyrannical to allow any comment or criticism of his actions.

  • 支持者声称这它推翻了自西班牙占领后沿袭下来的数个世纪的不公正,而且保证了“白种人”这一少数群体将不能再骑在印第安人头上作威作福
    Supporters argue that this reverses centuries of injustice since the Spanish conquest, and ensures that a "white" minority can no longer boss Indians around.

  • 使他痛苦的不是莫斯科被占领,也不是幸运的胜利者在这里作威作福并且庇护他,尽管他对此感到沉重,但在这一时刻,这些倒不是使他感到痛苦的缘由。
    It was not that Moscow had been taken, not that these lucky conquerors were making themselves at home there and patronising him, bitterly as Pierre felt it, that tortured him at that moment.

  • 作威作福造句相关
