
低声下气  dī shēng xià qì








  • 喜欢或爱一个人,不要低声下气
    Like or love a person, not humble.

  • 我知道他低声下气地来求我帮助。
    I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help.

  • 你只得低声下气地向银行经理借贷。
    to the bank manager for a loan.

  • 他在王子面前只得低声下气
    He have to humble himself in the presence of the prince.

  • 他在王子面前只得低声下气
    He had to humble himself in the presence of the prince .

  • 他在王子面前只得低声下气
    He had to humble himself in the presence of the prince.

  • 这些投资者会看到一个低声下气的双龙。
    What those investors will find is a company on its knees.

  • 别指望我会低声下气地服侍你,自己做早饭去!
    Don't expect me to wait on you hand and foot; make your own breakfast!

  • 像他这种自大的人绝不会低声下气地承认犯错的。
    An arrogant person like him will never swallow his pride and admit to having made a mistake.

  • 我不是那种对老板低声下气的人,我做好自己的工作就够了。
    I'm not that kind of person who is always groveling to the boss, I just do my job and hope that is enough.

  • 你为什么总是一进经理室就低声下气,而一见到工人就趾高气扬?
    Why are you always so humble in the manager's office while so arrogant before the workers?

  • 所有的歌曲枣某些旋律已经收集枣全是低声下气悲切到使人流泪的。
    All the songs, the melodies of some of which have been collected, were humble and lamentable to the point of evoking tears.

  • 白宫对美国广播公司施压被认为是在播音员低声下气的赔礼道歉之后。
    White House pressure on ABC is thought to be behind a grovelling apology later issued by the broadcaster.

  • 他只能低声下气地、诚惶诚恐地去做那创造他的造物主指定他做的事情。
    He can only do, humbly and fearfully, that which the Maker who created him has appointed for him to do.

  • 如今的俄罗斯已不同于叶利钦年代,再不必为钱低声下气地向西方求援。
    No longer need Russia go to the West cap-in-hand for money, as it did in Boris Yeltsin's day.

  • 我一听一副得意洋洋的样子,没想到,哥哥也会低声下气的来找我挑战?
    I heard a triumphant appearance, did not expect that his brother would come to see me groveling challenge?

  • 有些人知道他们在求解答的时候不应无礼傲慢,而相反以低声下气的口气陈述。
    Some people who get that they shouldn't behave rudely or arrogantly, demanding an answer, retreat to the opposite extreme of grovelling.

  • 在市场上每个企业,每个人都处于有买有卖的中间地位,卖的时候,低声下气
    In every company in the market, everyone is in the buy and sell, sell the middle position, submissive;

  • 在发展中国家看来,这种经济上的依附将不可避免地导致它们在政治上的低声下气
    From the viewpoint of Developing World countries, this economic dependence carried with it unavoidable political subservience.

  • 苦恼往往转化为恐惧,于是她一有机会就扑过去搂住他的脖子,低声下气地向他求饶。
    In a transport of agony and fear she would take the first opportunity of throwing her arms round his neck and making the most abject apology.

  • 布什总统访日,到头来低声下气,乃是典型的选举年政治手法:把我们的麻烦归咎他人。
    President Bush's trip, ending with hat in hand in Japan, was typical election - year politicking:Blame someone else for our troubles.

  • 人们认为,这位播音员后来低声下气地道歉是由白宫向美国广播公司施压而一力促成的。
    White House pressure on ABC is thought to be behind a grovelling apology later issued by the broadcaster.

  • 低声下气地向你道歉,我一直努力成为一个友善的人,但我总是犯错误,非常愚蠢和可恨!
    I'm very, very, humbly sorry.   I really try to be kind but I think I only make mistakes, am very stupid and bad.

  • 他的机构调查显示,家长首先是自责自己不够的强硬,低声下气地服从了学校,政府和生产商。
    His organisation's research had found that parents blame themselves first for not being strong enough, followed in descending order by schools, government and food manufacturers.

  • 她那样弯着身子述说苦情,泪眼昏花,敞着胸,绞着手,干促地咳嗽,低声下气,形同垂死的人。
    She spoke thus, rent in twain, shaken with sobs, blinded with tears, her neck bare, wringing her hands, and coughing with a dry, short cough, stammering softly with a voice of agony.

  • 麦琪:你不知道议长让我接受工作时,我的自尊心得到了多大的满足,有人低声下气问你要过钱吗?
    Maggie: I can't tell you what an ego boost it was to have the Senator insist I take this job. Do you know what its like to have someone begging at your knees?

  • 不久,美林公司就由开始时的暴怒态度迅速转软:在4月末的年会上,美林CEO戴维·科曼斯基低声下气地向客户表示歉意。
    Within days Merrill switched from outrage to surrender: At its annual meeting in late April, CEO David Komansky abjectly apologized to his clients.

  • 毫无疑问,这可怕的责任是硬压在我肩上的,目的就是要我对一个触怒的天公低声下气,承认一个人是不能选择他自己的生活的。
    Surely this awful responsibility has been forced upon me in order that I may humble myself to an offended Providence, and confess that a man cannot choose his own life.

  • 对于众多博客们来说,斯通的态度变化太快,她在道歉中显得低声下气,不够真诚----明星的惯用招数,她必须得挽回她的电影事业。
    To many bloggers, the apology made Ms. Stone seem at once groveling and insincere — another actress doing what she has to save a movie career.

  • 每对夫妻分到的,都是诸如钱财或家庭杂务等压力颇大的讨论题目,他们在随后的争论中所发表的意见,则被分成温情、有敌意、盛气凌人低声下气等等。
    The couples were given stressful topics to discuss, like money or household chores, and the comments made during the ensuing arguments were categorized as warm, hostile, controlling or submissive.

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