
一丝不苟  yī sī bù gǒu








  • 律师需要一丝不苟的精神。
    A lawyer needs a precise mind.

  • 他甚至对服装、饰物的选择也一丝不苟
    He is right even the choice of dress, decorations is meticulous also.

  • 成功总是来拜访那些脚踏实地,做事一丝不苟的人。
    Always successful visit to those down-to-earth and meticulous work of the people.

  • 这种定期或特殊的鉴定总是严肃认真,一丝不苟的。
    The tests, both regular and special, were usually serious, exacting sessions .

  • 我们将以力求完美,一丝不苟的理念回馈客户和合作商。
    We will strive to perfect the concept of meticulous customer feedback and Partner.

  • 在中国和台湾的专家们一丝不苟的照顾下,它们的状况都很好。
    Both were in perfect condition under meticulous care by a large team of experts from China and Taiwan.

  • 所有的故事情节和人物心理描写都交待得一丝不苟、详实全面。
    All story plots and overally descriptions of the personage's psychology are conscientious and meticulous, specifically and accurately.

  • 他就象一张崭新的钞票一样利落--一样干净,鲜明,一丝不苟
    He was as crisp as a new dollar bill-as clean, sharp, firmly limned.

  • 克诺利则希望印尼和澳大利亚双方终将一丝不苟地对待事实真相。
    Mr Connolly hopes Indonesia and Australia can be "tough and rigorous" about dealing with the truth at last.

  • 我们的服务宗旨是:维护法律、恪守诚信、竭诚服务、一丝不苟
    Our services are: the maintenance of law and abide by integrity, dedication, meticulous.

  • 虽然他吹得并不熟练,但他教我却一丝不苟,真有点老师的样子。
    Although he blows not masterly, he teaches me meticulous, true have a little the teacher's appearance.

  • 他拿起鞋子仔细查看……活儿做得一丝不苟,没有哪一针缝得马虎。
    He takes up the shoe careful examination …The work does meticulously, which needle hasn't sewn careless.

  • 自从参加工作后,我一丝不苟地去完成我的任务,服从上级的安排。
    After working, I will try my best to do my work scrupulous and will submit to the company.

  • 香槟酒具有独特的色泽、一丝不苟的细节、紧凑的构成和不加掩饰的丰富。
    Champagne is typical in its brilliance of color, meticulous rendering of detail, compact composition , and unabashed abundance.

  • 《烹饪画报》高级编辑道恩·亚里基赫拉为杂志改进菜单。最近,她一丝不苟地在尝试奶酪饼。
    Dawn Yanagihara, a senior editor at Cook's, develops recipes for the magazine. Recently, she meticulously tested cheesecake.

  • 本人对待工作一丝不苟,具有较强的自学能力,具有较强的责任心,具有亲和力,具有团队精神!
    I treat the work of meticulous and has strong self-learning ability, a strong sense of responsibility, has affinity with team spirit.

  • 这属于那种多少年才出现一次的时刻:此时,一个人的精神风貌一丝不苟地显示在他心灵的眼前。
    It was one of those moments -- which sometimes occur only at the interval of years -- when a man's moral aspect is faithfully revealed to his mind's eye.

  • 尽管只是为《同创梦想》的MTV拍摄基本素材,姚明还是一丝不苟地履行他的新职责——篮球裁判。
    Although just be " achieve a dream together " MTV films basic material, yao Ming or meticulous ground perform his new duty -- basketball judgment.

  • 像各种各样的设计一样,一丝不苟、讲究实用功能主义的德国设计,其实用在并非德国地区也并非完美。
    Like various designs, the Germany of creed of exquisite and meticulous, practical function is designed, use in actually also be not German area perfect.

  • 传承法国酒庄酿制精神、一丝不苟极品理念,运用传统工艺方式、精选珍品葡萄,精心酿造优美葡萄酒。
    With the inheritance of French brewing spirit and good wine concept, adopt the traditional handcraft and select the best grape to brew the premium wine.

  • 衣着在一丝不苟的环境中非常重要。你也许不愿受约束而想展示你的个人风格,但为此冒险通常是不值得的。
    Clothes are especially important in button? down environments, and while this may leave you champing at the bit to reveal the real you, the risk usually isn't worthwhile.

  • 修剪得整整齐齐的也能看上去很职业,不过在修剪的时候你必须一丝不苟,否则你的下巴就会像长了一个钢丝球。
    A well-groomed beard can look just as professional, but you have to be meticulous about keeping it trimmed or you risk looking like your chin is growing a Brillo pad.

  • 上课的难处还不是难在上面所说玛拉玛在学知识上的一丝不苟,而是难在她回答问题时非用支离破碎的英语不可。
    What made the lessons difficult was not Malama's intellectual intransigence, which was pronounced, but her insistence upon answering all questions in broken English.

  • 这种角力与妥协,措辞与对细节一丝不苟,巧妙融合,成就了富兰克林•德兰诺•罗斯福和吉米•卡特总统之间的不同。
    It is the artful combination of arm-twisting, compromise, rhetoric and gritty attention to detail that make the difference between an FDR and a Jimmy Carter.

  • 这位带领着北约驻阿部队的美国人一丝不苟,规定驻军在喀布尔的总部禁酒,这使得他的德国和意大利盟友们苦恼不已。
    To the chagrin of his German and Italian colleagues, the earnest American leading NATO forces in Afghanistan has banned alcohol at his Kabul headquarters.

  • 提供给客户切割边缘的方案,即提供的产品是高可靠性,性能得到证实的及提供一丝不苟的服务,因而获得世界级的声誉。
    X(company) has earned its world-class reputation by providing customers with "cutting-edge" solutions products known for their high reliability and proven performance and consistent services.

  • 我真的不敢相信这是事实。因为现在我还清楚地记得她讲课时的神态,她对同学的热情,对工作一丝不苟的态度以及她和蔼可亲的笑容…
    I cannot believe it, because her speaking manner, warmed-hearted attitude to students, her conscientious attitude to work and her smiling face is still vivid in my memory.

  • 每一个迷人,聪明,头发梳理得一丝不苟的50后俏女人背后,总有那么个穿着黄裤子,秃头大腹的糟老头在跟一个22岁的女服务员打情骂诮。
    For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 50, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress.

  • 许多参与者之所以喜欢网上写作而非写书,是因为网上写作采用的是对等的对话方式,是因为它的无拘无束、畅所欲言,而不是因为它的一丝不苟、矫揉造作。
    Many participants prefer the quality of writing on the Net to book writing because Net-writing is of a conversational peer-to-peer style, frank and communicative, rather than precise and overwritten.

  • 当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不苟,精益求精。
    When Sun Lin handed the key of the club to me, checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time, I felt the careful and strict style of Microsoft for another time.

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