
以逸待劳  yǐ yì dài láo








  • 冯异斩钉截铁地说:“我们必须抢占枸邑‘以逸待劳’。”
    FengYi flatly said: "we must occupy cities' well-rested. I."

  • 今天下午他们的对手是广药,以逸待劳的申花的取胜希望很大。
    This afternoon their match is the broad medicine, waits at ease for an exhausted enemy Shenhua win hope is very big.

  • 当马刺和国王还在为淘汰对手而激烈对抗时,小牛却已经以逸待劳了。
    As the Spurs and Kings beat up each other, the Mavericks get to wait.

  • 其他劲旅实力打了折扣,反而让阵容相对整齐的伊朗队“以逸待劳”。
    Discounted the strength of other strong, but relatively orderly line-up so that the Iranian team, "Yi to be labor."

  • 爵士以逸待劳,奥库最后一分钟的那个三分让爵士拿到了一场宝贵的胜利。
    Utah took advantage and ultimately won on a Mehmet Okur three with just over a minute left.

  • 小罗最近两周以逸待劳,状态调整的不错,周中热身赛上更是表现杰出并有进球。
    The young Luo recent two weeks wait at ease for an exhausted enemy, condition adjustment's good, in the week at the warm-up match is the performance outstanding and has the goal.

  • 和芝加哥烈火队的比赛不会比对付切尔西轻松,因为他们以逸待劳,准备得很充分。
    It won't be an easy match as the Chicago Fire are well-advanced in their preparation, even more than Chelsea.

  • (《世功保蜀忠德碑》)在军事战略方面,吴挺主张因地制宜,加强防御,以逸待劳
    " ( "World Sichuan Gong Bao Monument Tadanori ") in the military strategy, Wu Ting claims in light of local conditions, strengthen the defense, to be labor-yi.

  • 在我看来,利物浦有着优势,因为他们在主场以逸待劳,同样因为他们有着更强的阵容。
    For me, Liverpool have the advantage because they are at home and also because they have a stronger squad.

  • 本来汉军长途跋涉,与赵军相比又众寡悬殊,而且赵军兵多粮足,以逸待劳,汉军是很难取胜的。
    Han Army would have to travel long distances, and also compared to Zhongguaxuanshu Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun soldiers and more than enough food to be labor-Yi, Han Army is difficult to win.

  • 步行者在这场比赛前已经休息两天,以逸待劳;而湖人队则是背靠背比赛,且失去了总教练禅师。
    My Trail Blazers had two days rest, and the Lakers were coming off of a back-to-back and were missing their head coach, Phil Jackson.

  • 让自己的军队养精蓄锐,以等候从远方赶来的敌军,以达到消灭敌人的目的,称为“以逸待劳”。
    Let his troops to wait for energy, the enemy came from afar to destroy the enemy, called "well-rested."

  • 然而下半赛季一开始我们就能看见他们对上所有榜首劲旅都能在主场以逸待劳,这可是个了不起的优势。
    But the second half of the season will see them playing at home against all the teams at the top of the table, it is a fantastic advantage.

  • 武汉队退出后,广药队接下去每一轮的对手都轮空以逸待劳,在体能和战术准备上都能得到缓冲的时间。
    After the Wuhan team withdraws, Guang Yaodui goes each round match to draw a bye waits at ease for an exhausted enemy, can obtain the cushion time in the physical ability and the tactical preparation.

  • 他进至巴陵(今湖南岳阳),闻郢州(今武昌)已陷,侯景来势凶猛,便偃旗息鼓,布防固守,以逸待劳
    Baling to him (this Yueyang in Hunan Province), Wen Ying Zhou (now Wuchang) has depression, HOU ferocious, it dormant, stick to the deployment in order to be labor-yi.

  • 这是一种以逸待劳的适应能力:苔藓植物是让自身循环停滞,以适应贫营养的环境,这是一种维持的战略。
    This is an "inactive" adaption: Bryophyte simply stop their life cycle to adapt themselves to the malnutrition environment.

  • 下半场,广药中一队的表现没有丝毫起色,面对以逸待劳的主队和身处客场的低温天气,队员显得无心恋战。
    In the second half, the drugs widely in the performance of a team of no improvement, in the face of Yi to be the home team and labor away in the cold weather, the team appears to be simply tired.

  • 以逸待劳,在度过了一个愉快周末的湖人队,终于在今天确定了自己西岸决赛的对手,老辣的圣安东尼奥马刺。
    Resting and waiting for the next opponent to come, the Lakers spent a nice weekend, they finally confirm their opponent on Western Conference Finals today, the sophisticated San Antonio Spurs.

  • 湖人的运气不止于此,新赛季最后7场比赛,他们同样可以安心享受主场的以逸待劳,因为其中有5场被安排在斯泰普斯举行。
    Lakers luck more than that, the new season last 7 games, they can enjoy peace of mind home to the Yi to be workers, since they were 5 games were scheduled to be held Sitaipusi.

  • 但是请必须做好准备去思考这个动作不是永远不变的,换句话说,你不能以为只要找到问题的答案之后就可以坐在那边以逸待劳
    that this is a process that is constantly in flux, in other words, you cannot think anymore in terms of just sitting back to relax once you found the answers to your question.

  • 现在安切洛蒂的球队将面临严峻的形势,他们将面对卡塔尼亚的魔鬼主场,而卡塔尼亚带着历史上首次战胜米兰的喜悦在主场以逸待劳
    Ancelotti's side now have a tough task in Sicily, while Catania will return home jubilant after the Elefanti's first ever win over the Diavolo.

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