
关门大吉  guān mén dà jí







  • 但许多工厂最终都关门大吉或移居海外。
    But many factories eventually closed or moved overseas.

  • 换句话说,不是付钱营业,就是关门大吉
    In other words, you can either pay to play or you can go out of business.

  • 明天不要到这里来,因为这地方要关门大吉了。
    Don't come here tomorrow, for this place will be shut up .

  • 失败,关门大吉:尤指在经济上的失败;失利。
    Informal To close, especially for lack of financial success; fail.

  • 生意清淡到这般地步,史密斯兄弟商店只得关门大吉
    Business declined to such an extent that the company had to close up .

  • 唱片公司圣诞节关门大吉之前,这对情侣已经做了决定。
    Tthe couple had made the decision just before Christmas when the record company closed up.

  • 过去几年我们看到好多的面包店因为成本压力关门大吉
    We have already seen a number of bakeries close over the past few years because of cost pressures.

  • 如果那间店的营运状况没有立即改善的话,它将会关门大吉
    The store will if its business doesn't get better soon.

  • 剧场的竞争非常的激烈,其中很多在开张几周内就关门大吉
    The competition is extremely tough, and many shows fail within weeks of opening.

  • 一整年我们的业务都很糟糕,我都担心我们是不是要关门大吉了。
    Our business has been terrible all year and I was afraid we might have to give up and close the shop.

  • 但是由于这一则谣言,顾客们不去那间餐厅了,而餐厅也关门大吉
    But because of this rumor, customers stopped going to the restaurant, and it closed down.

  • 我们开车上路,看见沿途那些农舍全都关门大吉,窗户还上了木板。
    We drive along roads lined with cute chalet homes that all seem doubly shut up behind barricade doors and boarded-up windows.

  • 如果再不增加销售和撙节成本的话,我们在这年过完前,就会关门大吉了。
    If we don't increase our sales and cut costs, we'll be out of business before the year's up.

  • (虽然)自从五年前那场悲剧,南方公园就已经关门大吉;但是新的证据…
    five years since the tragedy closed the gates of Southland Park, but new evidence…

  • 银行关门大吉和工作人员蹲在里面,一些持有壁,而酒店工作人员录制的窗口。
    Banks closed their doors and staff crouched inside, some holding staves, while hotel staff taped up windows.

  • 大公司的站点能够支付起这项新费用,而与此同时,小公司的站点只能关门大吉
    Majorcorporate sites would be able to pay the new fees, while little-guy sites could be shut out.

  • 许多金融公司的资产负债表出现了戏剧性的缩水,当然还有一些公司干脆关门大吉
    Many financial firms have shrunk their balance sheets dramatically, and of course some have gone out of business altogether.

  • 仅几个月之前,人们还想,这些工厂很可能会永远关门大吉,可现在它们正起死回生
    " Just a few months ago, folks thought that these factories might be closed for good, but . But now they are coming back to life. "Mr.

  • 由于贝塔斯曼不堪亏本而关门大吉之类的事而引申出中国书业的负面想像,我认为没有必要。
    Since Bertelsmann can not lose money and close down such a matter arising out of China and the industry to imagine the negative, I do not think it necessary.

  • 位在北京紫禁城内的星巴克,就因破坏中华文化的反对声浪于 2007 年 7 月关门大吉
    The store located inside Beijing's Forbidden City was finally closed in July 2007 due to protests that it was trampling on Chinese culture.

  • 所有人都顺利返航,除了达夫,他的护照不见了,由于星期六各机构关门大吉一个帮忙的人都找不到。
    Home, that is, for everyone except Duff who has lost his passport and as it's a Saturday without offices open no-one can be raised.

  • 不过即便刘浩力挽狂澜,如果没有2003年一档名为《绝对挑战》的栏目,智联很可能早就关门大吉
    But even if Liu Hao turn the tide, if not in 2003 a file called "absolute challenge" section, the likely long-closed down.

  • 如此时髦的购物方式,自然受到年轻人的追捧,加上折扣的优惠,传统书局再也无法“接招”,只能关门大吉了。
    So fashionable shopping, nature restricted these days, together with the discount, the traditional bookstores can no longer be " "-inviting/making, you can only go out of business.

  • 在首尔一家手机店当分店经理,公司今年关门大吉,33岁的郭政镐(译音)说:「这真的很臭、很脏。让人想吐。」
    "This is so smelly and dirty, it makes me want to vomit, " Kwak Jung-ho, 33, a branch manager of a cellphone store in Seoul before it closed this year.

  • 今年一月电子产品零售商电路城(CircuitCity)被清算,导致其500家商店关门大吉以及库存销售一空。
    In January Circuit City, an electronics retailer, went into liquidation, shutting more than 500 stores and selling its entire inventory.

  • 这个为期三天的活动本来是由被雅芳炒掉的帕洛塔组织发起的。这样一来放下了压倒骆驼的最后一颗稻草,帕洛塔最终只有关门大吉了。
    The final straw had been the decision by Avon Products Foundation to launch its own version of a three-day breast-cancer walk developed by Pallotta, which it fired.

  • 坏消息则是:这个过程或许需要几个月的时间,在那之前,对冲基金可能会继续相互折磨,从而有可能迫使更多基金关门大吉,并加剧市场的痛苦。
    The bad news: It could take months before this happens. Until then, hedge funds likely will continue to pick on each other, potentially forcing more funds to fold and adding to the market's angst.

  • “象我们这样的小店只得关门大吉,”HisamiTsuruoka说,(Ps:日本猪的名字不会翻译)他经营一家出售旧活动支架盒和无线发报机的商店。
    "Small shops like ours would have to close our businesses, " said Hisami Tsuruoka, who operates a small store that sells vintage boom boxes and radio cassette players.

  • 美国各大报纸从前各自为政,几乎垄断了各州市场,谁料到如今境遇之惨可谓全球之最。英国也“不甘落后”,2008年年初以来,70多家当地报业相继关门大吉
    Things are worst in America, where many papers used to enjoy comfortable local monopolies, but in Britain around 70 local papers have shut down since the beginning of 2008.

  • 早在去年各家银行就由于禽流感大流行可能造成数以百万计的人死亡而感到忧心忡忡。因此,为了确保届时付款系统还照常运转,股市不会关门大吉,他们早就纷纷依葫芦画瓢制定好了紧急应对方案。
    Since fears of a death toll in the millions surfaced last year, they have made contingency plans along those lines to ensure the payments system keeps going and stock markets stay open.

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