
小大由之  xiǎo dà yóu zhī







  • 先王道,斯为美,小大由之
    Ancient Sage-King Tao, all to perfection, both small & big all.

  • 怎样使户型能够由之,想,想
    how to make the size of Huxing can, think big on big, think small on small?

  • 田先生向记者出示了一张当时开发商出具的财物清单,里面到电器、到牙刷,有几十件多。
    Mr. Tian told reporters produced a list of the property issued by the developer, inside the electrical big, small to toothbrush, a few cases of smuggled cigarettes.

  • 这里的对象就是字符集构成的符号。这是以优化的形式理论为支持的科学方法的一个关键所在。
    Here, UCREL means the University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language, and CLAWS means the Constituent Likelihood Automatic Word-tagging System.

  • 就运输系统的能源密集度而言,近年来,我国客运各运输系统能源密集度依序为空运、公路、轨道。
    Recently the energy intensity of air transportation sector is the largest in passenger transportation sector. Highway and rail system follow it sequentially.

  • 量的实验后,两种实验方法得到了类似的结果,也就是随著锗奈米线的线径渐缩,其模数逐渐上升,可差到七倍多。
    After a large quantities of experiments, two methods got similar results, the modulus rises with the radius reduces. But the values of them are discrepancy.

  • 苏州“希望门”桩基础、椭圆拱、索、椭圆拱连接结合成为一个整体,在荷载作用下相互影响、相互制约,受力十分复杂。
    Suzhou Hope Door is connected to a whole one by the pile foundation, big and small elliptical arches and cables, which influence and restrict each other under static and dynamic loads.

  • 儒家主张修身齐家治国平天下,社会网络应身边的圈,往天下的圈,里向外推导。如果连身边人都不爱,如何爱天下人呢?
    Confucius advocated self-rule Qijia the world, the social network should be around a small circle, to the world the great circle from the field, derived.

  • 小大由之造句相关
