
以文会友  yǐ wén huì yǒu







  • 以文会友,共享平凡而真实的人生。
    Enjoy our ordinary and real life together.

  • 以文会友,促进中华文化艺术的发展。
    To promote Chinese culture and art meeting place. our.

  • 以文会友,互相交流, 抒发对写作的热诚。
    Hope to Share The Passion of Writing and Meet New Friends.

  • 此次书画展以“以文会友,书画传情”为宗旨,以交流、探讨为主。
    The calligraphy and painting exhibition of "text to friends, hanging paintings, " for the purpose of the exchange in order to explore the main.

  • 第二,在RSS上加上社交的概念,也就是大力推荐相互分享以及以文会友的功能。
    The 2nd, gregarious idea is added on RSS, recommend energetically namely share each other and the function with Wen Huiyou.

  • 旨在鼓励香港及澳门青年学子积极从事华文创作,以文会友,并藉此促进两地的文学交流。
    The magazine aims to foster literary creation and exchange with literature lovers, and promote literary interflow among young generation in Hong Kong and Macau.

  • 他说:“收藏是我一生的爱好,我要以文会友,广交朋友,尽自己的努力把我国光辉灿烂的文化传承下去。”
    He said, "Collecting is my lifelong hobby. I would like to make friends through this hobby, and strive to carry forward our country's brilliant cultural heritage."

  • 这里集结了志同道合的这样一群人——热爱英语、憧憬未来、面向世界。黄色、黑色、白色……各“色”人等在这里以文会友
    The same interests – loving English prospecting future facing the world…. From every corner of the world we are coming and sharing.

  • 这里集结了志同道合的这样一群人——热爱英语、憧憬未来、面向世界。黄色、玄色、白色……各“色”人等在这里以文会友
    The same interests – loving English prospecting future facing the world…. From every corner of the world we are coming and sharing.

  • 以文会友造句相关
