
临阵磨枪  lín zhèn mó qiāng








  • 我在刚过去的48小时在临阵磨枪
    I spent the last 48 hours cramming for it.

  • 他在为明天的考试临阵磨枪
    She is cramming for tomorrow's exam.

  • 为了明天的考试,我得熬夜临阵磨枪
    I have to cram all night for tomorrow's exams.

  • 我必须临阵磨枪准备下周的期末考试。
    I have to cram for finals next week.

  • 许多都是临阵磨枪,刚会开电梯就仓促上阵。
    Many are exams, the elevator will just go on hasty.

  • 但是现在我们不能再以临阵磨枪的方式承担国防上的风险;
    But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense;

  • 如果我今晚临阵磨枪,也许我就会在明天的考试中做得很好!
    If I cram all night tonight, I might be able to do well on the exam tomorrow.

  • 不过他早已习惯了“临阵磨枪”,没有必要刻意去背那些台词。
    But he long ago got used to "prep", there is no need to recite the actor's lines deliberately.

  • 然而确有许多人临阵磨枪,说到做不到,这正是他们失败的原因。
    While there are many people who can say but can not do. They just practice before the competition, and this is why they lose.

  • 不少人怀揣“临阵磨枪,不快也光”的侥幸心理,重新踏上减肥路。
    Many people surmise "procrastinate, not quickly also light" the lucky psychology, steps loses weight the road.

  • 韩菱纱:呆子~所以才让你静下心来听我念,临阵磨枪,总比等死强!
    HanLingsha:Booby! Therefore I let you to be calm and listen to me. Starting to prepare at the last moment is better than waiting for death!

  • 你只是在临阵磨枪,如果你认为在今晚之前开始复习你就可以通过考试的话。
    Harry, you're grasping at straws if you think you can pass that exam by starting to study the night before.

  • 考前在咖啡的刺激下来”临阵磨枪“是人们但愿希望能从此摆脱的一件活动。
    Knowledge retention Cramming for exams in a haze of No-Doz is the kind of activity one can only hope to outgrow.

  • 英文写作是一种综合能力训练,临阵磨枪是不能取得好成绩的,也是不可取的。
    Personally, our main task is to study well so that we can achieve remarkable success in the future.

  • 至少有件事是肯定的,如果你整夜未眠的临阵磨枪,那么考试前别忘了喝点咖啡吧!
    One thing's for sure: if you do stay up all night studying for an exam, make sure you caffeinate yourself before taking the test!

  • 杰森:嘿嘿,来吧亲爱的,我们的稍微的练一下,临阵磨枪,不快也光。迈克不好对付。
    Jason: Hey come on honey. We need a little practice maybe. Role play is good for us. Our boy is very tricky.

  • 在公关谈判中,德国商人不仅讲效率,而且准备周详,瞧不起“临阵磨枪”缺乏准备的对手;
    public relations in the negotiations, the German businessman is not only efficient but also well-prepared, look down, "Linzhenmoqiang" lack of preparation for the opponent;

  • 是否曾经质疑大考之前是睡个好觉还是该临阵磨枪,就算临阵磨枪或许也苦于不能全都复习一遍?
    Ever wonder whether it's better to study all night before a big exam, or to get a good night's sleep, but maybe not have a chance to go over all the material?

  • 离考试只剩下四天时间,到这个时刻,再临阵磨枪也难有所提高。(或者再临时抱佛脚也无济于事)
    There are only four days left until the exams. By this point, you either know it or you don't.

  • 以便对各种能够呈现的状况做到临阵磨枪,谨慎的航海员在返航前,记载的灯塔的位置,会研讨航向。
    and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter, Before staring on a sea voyage, study the sailing directions, prudent navigators learn the sea charts.

  • 但是现在我们不能再以临阵磨枪的方式承担国防上的风险;我们已被迫创建一个规模宏大的永久性军事工业。
    But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.

  • 现在,上春晚如同赶考似的,临阵磨枪,当然是太累太难了,俗话说:得失在人,人生的成就或失败取决于本人的努力与否。
    Now, as the Spring Festival Evening Show-like examination, Linzhenmoqiang, of course, too tired, the saying goes: gains and losses in human life depends on the success or failure of my efforts or not.

  • 临阵磨枪造句相关
