
以强凌弱  yǐ qiáng líng ruò







  • 我知道你总是虎视眈眈以强凌弱
    I know you always prey on weak people.

  • 我知道你总是虎视眈眈,以强凌弱
    I know your kind, the strong always prey on the weak.

  • 教他早早知道,以强凌弱者最易征服。
    Let him learn early that the bullies are the easiest people to lick.

  • 以强凌弱者往往是懦夫。
    A bully is always a coward.

  • “人类总是以强凌弱,”罗罗告诉他的继子。
    'Men take advantage of weakness in other men, ' Lolo advised his stepson.

  • 比如说,不以大欺小,不以强凌弱,坚持正义,反对邪恶,反对霸权等。
    Say, adhere to justice and oppose evils and hegemony instead of the big and strong bullying the small and weak, and so on.

  • 需要妥协的首先应该是发达国家,不能以大欺小、以富压贫、以强凌弱
    We shouldn't allow the big ones to bully the small and the rich suppress the poor, the strong bully the weak.

  • 一些精心设计的角色扮演活动很可能有利于改进学生的道德教育(如改进以强凌弱的问题)。
    A proper designed activity involving role play may be helpful to ethnic education, for example help to limit special bad behavior such as bullying.

  • 在美国家长——教师联合会新的调查中,5%的家长支持和其他家长联系来解决以强凌弱问题。
    In a new U. S. PTA survey, 5% of parents support contacting other parents to deal with bullying.

  • 未成年人犯罪从犯罪形式、性质、动机、年龄、身份来看,存在着以强凌弱,共同犯罪、合伙作案多;
    View the minor crime from its crime form, character, motive , age and status , most of them are bullu, complicity and offending together.

  • 目前在房地产交易过程中,因为开发商与购房者之间信息不对称,存在种种开发商以强凌弱的的现象。
    Currently in the process of real estate transactions because the information asymmetry between developers and property buyers, the strong presence of various developers phenomenon.

  • 在美国家长与教师联合会新的调查中,5%的家长认为应当通过与其他家长联系来解决以强凌弱问题。
    In a new U. S. PTA survey, 5% of parents support contacting other parents to deal with bullying.

  • 今年的一本畅销书《中国不高兴》,汇集了一系列文章,对西方的以强凌弱和国内的崇洋媚外进行了愤怒声讨。
    This year's publishing sensation is China is Unhappy, a collection of angry essays railing at foreign bullies and domestic fascination with western ways.

  • 但是最近,当美国的研究表明以强凌弱现象在增多而父母的管教在减少时,以强凌弱现象的研究者们却发现给父母打电话毫无用处。
    But these days, as studies in the U. S. show bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the decline, researchers who study bullying say that calling moms and dads is more futile than ever.

  • 在美国校园里以强凌弱似有增长之势。儿童和青少年们觉得好像学校不再是学校了,它是一个战场。我们如何才能使每个人都成为胜利者呢?
    bullying seems to be a growing trend in schools across the untied states. kids and teens2 alike feel as if school isn't school anymore, it's a battle field. how can we make everyone the winner?

  • 以强凌弱造句相关
