
从容应对  cóng róng yìng duì







  • 从容应对你的伴侣的要求和缺点。
    Respond gracefully to your partner's demands and shortcomings.

  • 在困难挑战面前,洪业人从容应对
    in difficult challenges, Hung industry people calmly.

  • 因为我比从前更能从容应对发生的事情。
    I'm much better able to take things in stride than in years past.

  • 教授的幽默感使他即便身处困境也能从容应对
    The professor's sense of humor helped sustain him even in difficult situations.

  • 汉基努力培养学生能够从容应对当今世界的挑战。
    The CIS program prepares students exceptionally well for the challenges of today's world.

  • 凡是我们希望从容应对的,必须首先学会辛勤耕耘。
    What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence.

  • 可以从容应对各种小型数码快印业务,大型业务则直接发往数码工厂。
    You can handle a variety of small digital quick printing business, large business directly to digital factory.

  • 《吕氏春秋》还包含有正视自然灾害、因势利导从容应对灾害的思想。
    LvShiChunQiu also covers the thought of envisaging natural disasters and tackling them calmly.

  • 有了这些,我们才能从容应对华尔街危机,才能增强抵御金融风险的能力。
    With this, we can easily deal with the crisis on Wall Street in order to enhance the ability to resist financial risks.

  • 以实务教学协助学生在面临职场时,能从容应对国际化趋势,且更具竞争力。
    B. Using practical teaching to help students in the future work life to handle the international challenges smoothly, and to enable them to be more competitive.

  • 要想从容应对,奥巴马先生需要的是更多的兵员,更佳的战略以及很多的运气。
    To resist it, Mr Obama will need more men, a better strategy and a great deal of luck.

  • 只要摆脱了生与死的桎梏,在任何危机到来时,你都可以从容应对,转危为安。
    Transcend the realm of life and death, and then you will be able to make your way calmly and safely through any crisis that confronts you.

  • 如果人们从当下开始,就设想五、十年后可能发生的事,届时就比较能从容应对
    If people from the current year, on the idea of five or ten years might happen, will be able to more easily deal with.

  • 然而由于俄罗斯根本没有它伪装得那么强大,西方国家可以有理有据地从容应对
    But because Russia is fundamentally less strong than it likes to pretend, the West's response can afford to be patient as well as principled.

  • 你会从容应对眼前困境,在安全的土壤中获得解脱灵魂的力量,使之不致变得灰色。
    you will easily cope with the immediate safety of the soil strength of the soul was free, so that will not become gray.

  • 在负责多变的商战中以最快的信息反应、最高的动作效率来从容应对激烈的市场变化。
    In charge of changing business war information to the fastest response, highest efficiency moves calmly intense changes in the market.

  • 他总喜欢提前把一些事情安排妥当,这样,即使再忙,也可以从容应对,处理好一切。
    He always liked to do things early , always before the time . Then , if he got too busy , everything would work out fine .

  • 同时,我们丰富的策展经验也让我们能从容应对各种突发状况而让活动得以顺利进行。
    In the meantime, our rich experiences in organizing the activities enable us to deal with the various sudden incidents calmly, so as to ensure the smooth progressing of the activities.

  • 这位国际米兰中场相信,酋长球场的氛围能够确保俱乐部能够从容应对他的队友法国巨星亨利的离开。
    The Inter Milan midfielder believes the atmosphere at the Emirates stadium will ensure the club copes with the departure to his France international teammate to FC Barcelona.

  • 网校学员能够在考试中从容应对,也是因为经过这么多试题的磨练早已“百战沙场”、“胸有成竹”。
    School students in examinations calmly, but also because so many of the questions have already honed, "Bai-Zhan battlefield, " and "thought-out plan.

  • 你有可能遭遇到打劫的强盗,也可能遇到死缠人的讨厌乞丐,如何从容应对,可就看各位镖爷的本领拉!
    You have probably encountered the bandits robbed, but also may encounter death dislike beggars pestering people how to calmly deal with the situation you may see God's ability to pull dart!

  • 系统运转自如,操作简单易行,人员通过量大;程序设计先进,具有多种操控模式,从容应对各种进出情况;
    The system is running smoothly with large through-put volume, easy to operate. Advanced programming design with various control modes, react to different situations freely;

  • 我们可以从一个人诋毁他人的行径认识这是一个拙劣的人,而从容应对诋毁可以使我们认识到一个优秀的人。
    A bad man is known from the manner in which he bestows censure; a good man, from the manner in which he receives it.

  • 我们从容应对一系列关系我国主权和安全的国际突发事件,战胜在政治、经济领域和自然界出现的困难和风险。
    We calmly dealt with a series of international emergencies which concerned our country's sovereignty and security, overcoming political and economic difficulties as well as natural risks.

  • 支持矩形、圆角矩形、圆形、任意形状、任意多边形、魔术棒选取工具,使您从容应对各种情况下的抠图、裁剪图像。
    Support rectangle, rounded rectangle, round, arbitrary shape, arbitrary polygon, magic wand selection tool, so you calmly Cutout all cases, cutting the image.

  • 结论颅内跨窦血肿大多数合并静脉窦损伤,术前要充分估计手术风险,以便从容应对各种静脉窦损伤,提高手术成功率。
    Conclusion Intracranial stride sinus hematoma is often accompanied by venous sinus injury, and adequate preoperative risk evaluation may improve the success rate of the operation.

  • 虚拟团队工具包是一种独特的学习和团队评估资源,为你和你的团队保驾护航,从容应对在虚拟环境中工作时遇到的挑战。
    The Virtual Team Toolkit is a unique learning and team assessment resource to help you and your team navigate the challenges of working in a virtual team enviroment.

  • 温家宝表示,中国在过去一年“顽强拼搏,从容应对国际金融危机冲击”,成为从危机中复苏的第一个经济体,但表示复苏仍“不充分”。
    He said China had "worked tenaciously" to respond to the global financial crisis and had been the first economy to make a turnaround but he added that the recovery was still "insufficient".

  • 分析欧盟REACH法规对我国石油化工行业在出口、进口、竞争力和创制新产品等方面的影响,指出应当直面迎接欧盟REACH法规的挑战,及早作好充分准备,从容应对才是上策。
    The effect of REACH by EU on Chinese petrochemical industry was analyzed in aspects of exportation, importation, competitive power, creation of new products, and so on.

  • 适应性强,有责任心、进取心,执行度高,具有良好的团队精神。在从事一年多助理工作中,培养了我勤勉不懈、一丝不苟的工作态度,并积累了相关经验及管理技能,能从容应对各种突发情况;
    i am adaptable, have a sense of responsibility, enterprise, the implementation of high and good teamwork. good at more social activities, more organized experience in a variety of cultural activities;

  • 从容应对造句相关
