
从容就义  cóng róng jiù yì








  • 他不受诱惑,坚决不投降,最后从容就义
    He did not yield to temptation and refused to surrender . Finally he met his death like a hero.

  • 说了那个字,然后从容就义,还有什么比这更伟大的!
    To make that reply and then perish, what could be grander?

  • 每个联队,各各孤立,和各方面被击溃的大军已失去联系,他们从容就义,各自负责。
    Each regiment, isolated from the rest, having no bond with the army, now shattered in every part, died alone.

  • 每个联队,各各孤立,和各方面被击溃的大军已完全失去联系,他们从容就义,各自负责。
    Each regiment, isolated from the rest, and having no bond with the army, now shattered in every part, died alone.

  • 如果天意要我为国捐躯,我将于指定的时刻从容就义,但是在我有生之日,让我有一个自己的国家吧。
    If it be the pleasure of heaven that my country shall require the poor offering of my life, the victim shall be ready at the appointed hour of sacrifice, come when that hour may.

  • 以此进而将其学说践履施行,匡救时弊,景逸之从容就义,正所以为气节表显之者,即其为学成德之要道。
    He further put such a doctrine into practice and set things right. Gao's martyrdom was exactly the manifestation of his integrity and the way to establish his doctrine and achieve his virtues.

  • 第一联摘自明代诗人边贡谒文山祠诗,文字壮丽,令人读后想见文天祥当年慷慨悲歌,从容就义的凛然气节。
    First taken from the Ming Dynasty poet-Ye Gong Temple Wenshan poetry, text magnificent, it is reading to see Wen Tianxiang Kangkaibeige year, calmly Jiuyi the Linran integrity.

  • 第一联摘自明代诗人边贡谒文山祠诗,文字壮丽,令人读后想见文天祥当年慷慨悲歌,从容就义的凛然气节。
    First taken from the Ming Dynasty poet-Ye Gong Temple Wenshan poetry, text magnificent, it is reading to see Wen Tianxiang Kangkaibeige year, calmly Jiuyi the Linran integrity. "Liu" original "water.

  • 从容就义造句相关
