
今不如昔  jīn bù rú xī







  • 他们能不发出“今不如昔”的叹息吗?
    They can not send out "poorer than before" sigh?

  • 如今大企业实验室或不复存在或今不如昔
    Now the big corporate laboratories are either gone or a shadow of what they were.

  • 他们很容易就相信,正是因为中国,他们的生活今不如昔
    It's very likely that they believe that China is the reason why they live worse than before.

  • 随着在2005年宪法否决和其后的里斯本条约延迟,欧盟的潜在实力早已今不如昔
    With the rejection of the constitution in 2005 and subsequent stalling of the Lisbon Treaty, its potential has been set back for several more years.

  • 可是,不论韩国人对其农业根基的传统情感有多深,农民们的呼声和选票数都今不如昔
    But despite Koreans' traditional attachment to their agrarian roots, farmers' voices and votes count for much less these days.

  • 列佛库森队去年踢进欧洲冠军杯最后决赛,完全不是侥幸,不过今年的实力却已今不如昔
    League last year by chance. However, their actual strength today cannot be compared to that of last year.

  • 列佛库森队去年踢进欧洲冠军杯最后决赛,完全不是侥幸,不过今年的实力却已今不如昔
    Bayer Leverkusen did not enter the finals of UEFA Champions League last year by chance. However, their actual strength today cannot be compared to that of last year.

  • 中介手头的房源虽然极丰富,但生意并不因此带动多少,某些中介相反还有今不如昔的感叹。
    intermediary hand inventory while very rich, However, business is not so much about, there are some intermediary contrary to the fact poorer than before.

  • 老是觉得今不如昔,但是你可别忘记那时人们是没有电影、电视、现代医药以及种种生活便利设施的。
    But remember those were the days before we had movies, TV, modern medicine and all the other things that make life a lot easier.

  • 不说广州仟村百货这样经营决策失败的典型,就是经营管理正常的百货商店也感到了今不如昔的无奈。
    Guangzhou store so that the village does not fit the typical business decision-making failures, management is a normal department also feel the helplessness poorer than before.

  • 但是去年以来,由于以下三方面的原因,CBD城内楼市的热度逐渐降温,市场的表现明显是今不如昔
    But since last year, due to the following three factors, the heat CBD property market gradually cooling down the city, the market performance is obviously poorer than before.

  • 而向来是以“残酷”著称的西部,随着3支老牌球队马刺、小牛和太阳的今不如昔,也许已到了改朝换代的时候。
    And is based on "cruel, " said a western, with the 3 team veteran Spurs, Mavericks and the sun is poorer than before, perhaps to have a regime change.

  • 今不如昔造句相关
