
逃之夭夭  táo zhī yāo yāo








  • 看真理躲进远古老穴逃之夭夭
    See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled.

  • 你是想捕捉它,还是让它逃之夭夭
    Would you capture it or just let it slip?

  • 海盗船在军舰到达之前就逃之夭夭了。
    The pirate vessel fled before the Navy ship arrived.

  • 泰勒放了那女郎,施暴者则逃之夭夭
    Taylor set her free, while her attacker took to his heels.

  • 小偷一把抓起钱,逃之夭夭
    The thief caught up the money and ran away.

  • 当警察到达的时候,小偷确逃之夭夭
    When the polices arrived, the thieves had already take to their heels.

  • 以下根本那是六个“逃之夭夭”的理由。
    Here's our list of Six Reasons to Run.

  • 没有多少罪犯能逃之夭夭
    Not many criminals get away with their crimes.

  • 当公安赶到时,小偷们已经逃之夭夭了。
    When police arrived, the thieves had already gets to their ss heels.

  • 在搏斗中,他那个同伴早已逃之夭夭了。
    His companion had disappeared during the struggle.

  • 一辆摩托车撞上一辆宝马轿车后逃之夭夭
    A motorcycle crashed into a BMW sedan away after.

  • 他们已经带着价值数千镑的首饰逃之夭夭了。
    They had already escaped away with jewelries worth thousands of pounds.

  • 当遭遇最可怕的恶梦时,要么奋起反击,要么逃之夭夭
    When confronted by our worst nightmares, fight or flight.

  • “只要她接受警告逃之夭夭就好了,”有时他这样跟自己说道。
    "If she would only take warning and run away, " he said to himself sometimes.

  • 戒空见村民中计,心中暗喜,遂将变身术传授给娘娘后,逃之夭夭
    See villagers in the ring space, the mind feel pleased but not show, then turned on to surgery after Niangniang away.

  • 当警察赶到时,小偷们已经逃之夭夭了。-------[光年网原创。
    When police arrived, the thieves had already taken to their heels.

  • 我获悉他当时在纽约一套公寓房间的住址,可是当我赶到那儿时他已逃之夭夭
    I was given the address of a flat in New York where he was living, but when I got there the bird had flown.

  • 其中一名劫匪被两位警员当场逮捕,其他几个则逃之夭夭——后来也落入了法网。
    The policemen arrested one of the robbers at the scene and the others fled— but were later arrested.

  • 圣盔谷!他应该一决死战,而不是逃之夭夭。如果他们的国王不保护他们,谁来保护?
    Gandalf: Helm's Deep! They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their King?

  • 布朗先生火冒三丈地冲出门来,但所有的孩子都已经逃之夭夭,只剩下丹尼一个人背黑锅。
    Mr Brown ran out of the house boiling mad. All the kids except Danny ran off and left him holding the bag.

  • 向来认为,一个女人一旦打定主意要嫁给一个男人,这男人除了立刻逃之夭夭外,别无解救之法。
    I have always been convinced that if a woman once made up her mind to marry a man nothing but instant flight could save him.

  • 目击者把有关聚会上发生的实情告诉了警方,但当警察到达那个刺客隐藏的地方,他早已逃之夭夭了。
    The witness gave the police the lowdown on what happened at the party, but when the police arrived at the shelter, the assassinator had absconded.

  • 否则,不仅给离婚人带来痛苦,也给孩子发出破坏性的信息:将来碰到婚姻不顺利,也来个逃之夭夭
    That not only brings more pain to those getting divorced, it also sends a damaging message to kids: When marriage doesn't go so well, flee.

  • 总之,如果他开始加倍警惕的话,他就很可能避开我们的抓捕而逃之夭夭,父亲和契乌尼都将无法洗清嫌疑。
    Anyway, if he starts to get wary, he'll disappear without us catching him; and neither my father nor Chavigny will be cleared of suspicion.

  • 一个由屋顶潜入的窃贼钻进了美国总统的卧室,总统同他觌面相遇,与他达成一笔交易,并帮助他逃之夭夭
    A cat burglar invaded the bedroom of the President of the United States, who confronted him, struck a deal with him and helped him escape.

  • 我一向坚信,一旦哪位女士下决心要嫁给一个男人,那么,能使这个男人幸免于难的唯一方法是立即逃之夭夭
    I have always been convinced that if a woman once made up her mind to marry a man nothing but instant flight could save him.

  • 你拒绝逃之夭夭,在某一个外国土地上悔过自新,远离被你那虚情假意的魅力所欺骗和愚弄过的、宽宏大量的绅士。
    You refuse to run away and repent of your wickedness in some foreign place, far from the generous gentleman you have deceived and fooled by your false witcheries.

  • 虽说他现在仍然脚踏两只船,但他肯定更愿意带上财宝和海盗们逃之夭夭,因为他从我们这边得到的最大的希望只是不上绞架。
    He had still a foot in either camp, and there was no doubt he would prefer wealth and freedom with the pirates to a bare escape from hanging, which was the best he had to hope on our side.

  • 一天,吉塔与她无数情人中的一个手挽着手散步时,我偷偷地从背后捅了她一刀子,她当即就一命呜呼了,她的情人则逃之夭夭了。
    One day, as Geeta was walking hand in hand with one of her numerous lovers, I stole from behind and stabbed her with a knife. She died instantly. Her lover escaped.

  • 阿道夫·希特勒:战争失败了……但是,要是你觉得我会因为战败就从柏林逃之夭夭话,你就彻头彻尾错了。我宁愿一枪射穿自己脑袋。
    Adolf Hitler: The war is lost… But if you think that I'll leave Berlin for that, you are sadly mistaken. I'd prefer to put a bullet in my head.

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