
人仰马翻  rén yǎng mǎ fān








  • 暴风雨来了——停泊在港口的军舰上,人仰马翻
    The storm came. On board of the warships mooring in the ports, everything was thrown upside down.

  • 它们常常会为争吃一条鱼虫撞得人仰马翻,那场面真叫人忍俊不禁。
    They will usually eat a for, that scene really makes people simmer with laughter.

  • 在比赛中,经常可以看到他在中场和辽足球员拼抢得人仰马翻的场面。
    In the competition, may see frequently he fights for the person Yang Mafan scene in the middle place and the distant soccer player.

  • 一般类型:城市专业部队火绳枪兵近距离齐射极为精准,令敌军人仰马翻
    Fired at close range and quite accurate, with only a little chance of exploding and killing the person firing it.

  • 后来,小绿鼠撒了一些黄豆,哗啦啦……,猫兵们都摔倒了,整个是人仰马翻
    Later, the small green mice sprinkled with some soybeans, Hua Lala …, cats and soldiers were all fell, the whole is rushed off their feet.

  • 乐曲运用了多种琵琶技法,将战争混乱厮杀、人仰马翻的激烈场面表现得淋漓尽致。
    The music uses lots of Pipa skill to incisively and vividly present fierce war scenario of chaos, fighting, killing and horse falling.

  • IBM搞得几乎人仰马翻有许多原因,不仅仅由于蓝色巨人成了一个官僚化的巨兽。
    There are many reasons why IBM nearly went belly-up, not least the fact that Big Blue had become a bureaucratic monster.

  • 且不说“石破天惊”的施工让人望而却步,就是逛市场选材料也要把人折腾得人仰马翻
    Aside "Close" from the construction people is fair market election materials may also cause people to try.

  • 因为我不相信有任何会接受世界各地的恐怖分子集中在一个地区,在那里闹得人仰马翻
    Because I cannot imagine anyone who would consider it acceptable that many terrorists from all over the world gather in a certain area and create mischief and havoc there.

  • 由于都是第一次滑雪,所以孩子们在雪地中频繁“人仰马翻”,笑声变成回音久久响彻在四周。
    Because it was their first time skiing, children frequently fell down onto the floor and broke into laughter.

  • 尽管场上只有两个进球,但全场比赛人仰马翻的场面却不时出现,最终在补时阶段“擦枪走火”。
    Although on field only then two goals, but the entire audience competes the person Yang Mafan scene actually often to appear, finally when making up stage "spark a conflict accidentally".

  • 而在明天,加索尔将面对另一个挑战,那就是来自掘金队,可能把加索尔弄的人仰马翻的前锋马丁的考验。
    Now there will be a totally different challenge for Gasol, one that could test his fortitude and could push his even-keel demeanor to the limits.

  • 上路后的第一程,就碰上了蓝脊山脉附近高悬的大桥。我简直紧张得透不过气来,心头发紧,有种人仰马翻的感觉。
    As we crossed some high bridges near the Blue Ridge Mountains on the first leg of our trip, a kind of breathlessness gripped me, a sinking, rolling sensation in the pit of my stomach.

  • 为什么 当我说完一段笑话后,在一个班里的学生,有些笑得人仰马翻,有且却看起来好像我只是读了段天气报告?
    Why is it that several students in a class will fall out of their chairs laughing after I tell a joke while the rest of the students look as if I've just read the weather report?

  • 回过头看,那些马没有一匹不是病马、纸马、劣马、死马,让骑者马失前蹄,人仰马翻,落得个战死沙场,马革裹尸
    With regard to those who did not go is not a disease Ma Ma, paper horses, Liema, Ma died for persons riding horses, everyone, and end up with a battle fought, Mageguoshi.

  • 上路后的第一程,我们就碰上了蓝脊山脉四周高悬的大桥。我简直紧张得透不过气来,心头发紧,有种人仰马翻的感觉。
    As we crossed some high bridges near the Blue Ridge Mountains on the first leg of our trip, a kind of breathlessness gripped me, a sinking, rolling sensation in the pit of my stomach.

  • 上路后的第一程,我们就碰上了蓝脊山脉附近高悬的大桥,我简直紧张得透不过气来,心头发紧,有种人仰马翻的感觉。
    As we crossed some high bridges near the Blue Ridge Mountains on the first leg of our trip, a kind of breathlessness gripped me, a sinking, rolling sensation in the pit of my stomach .

  • 照片中显示,国际米兰的球员分成2-3拨,大部分人都扭打在一起,还有几名队员人仰马翻,看上去像是在打群架一样。
    Photos showed that the Inter Milan player into the 2-3 right away, most people are struggling together, there are several players Renyangmafan, looks like a gang war in the same.

  • 为了生存,人们习惯了大自然,印第安人作斗争,但是却让政客们,银行家和商人搞得晕头转向,被圈地,法令和莫名其妙的禁忌搞得的人仰马翻
    Men accustomed to struggling for survival against the elements and Indians were bewildered by politicians, bankers and businessmen, and unhorsed by fences, laws and alien taboos.

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