
云过天空  yún guò tiān kōng






  • 你曾看到万里无天空吗?
    Have you ever seen a perfectly cloudless sky?

  • 两个无线网址帮天空百万,我们要把这种赚钱模式继续扩大。
    Two wireless Bangyun at the sky to make the millions, we should continue to expand this model to make money.

  • 当我茫然地盯着午后窗外的天空粉灰色的时,感到心力交瘁。
    I felt depleted and wrecked as I stared blankly out the window at pink-gray clouds slowly traversing the afternoon sky.

  • 在漫延,很快地履盖了整个天空,突然间有一雪白层飞快地略
    As it spread, rapidly enveloping the whole sky, a flight of snow-white cranes passed in front of it.

  • 说明:当望远镜扫人马座天空时,这块美丽的宇宙将会成为一道美丽的风景。
    Explanation: This beautiful cosmic cloud is a popular stop on telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius.

  • 说明: 当望远镜扫人马座天空时,这块美丽的宇宙将会成为一道美丽的风景。
    Explanation: This beautiful cosmic cloud is a popular stop on telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius.

  • 记忆中,那渐渐的垂了下来,一半遮掩着天空,轻轻的一阵凉风吹,雨水就来了。
    In memory, hanging down gradually of that cloud, half is covering the sky up, the gentle a gust of cool breeze has been blown through, the rainwater comes.

  • 穿弥漫着火天空,急速运转的太阳与月亮的炫目的光,犹如赤热焰火般飞掠而
    Across a sky of fiery clouds the glare of the hurrying sun and moon would sweep swiftly like hot breaths of flame.

  • 这是自然界最震撼人心也是最罕见的一幕:像躺倒电线杆状的‘卷’懒洋洋地扫过天空移向地平线。
    Twisting languidly through the sky towards the horizon, this is one of Nature's most stunning - and rarest - displays.

  • 你曾见万里无天空吗?天空万里无,除了两三条飞机划纯蓝的天空时留下的白色长线,就像是玻璃上的烟雾一样。
    Have you ever seen a perfectly cloudless sky?Cloudless, that is, except for two or three long white lines smeared across the perfect blue sky by airplanes like smudges on a pane of glass.

  • 上海的夜晚,永远看不见星星和月亮,看到的只是天空中灰白的,很低,很近,偶尔有成群的鸟,扇动着灰白的翅膀,一飞而
    No stars and no moonlight in the night of Shanghai, it is maybe because the light is too bright to see the moonlight and the stars.

  • 要拍我前面提到的“暴风雨要来了”那场时,天空就有很厚的,很配合情绪。如果刮风了我们就利用风,如果出太阳了我们就利用阳光。
    When it was time for the "rising storm scene" I mentioned earlier, the skies were covered in dark clouds and captured the mood.

  • 有这样一种感觉涌上我的心,我所见的每一样事都是那么美好,天空中没有一朵,太阳在我眼中闪耀…因为你在这儿,你是我所见的,最接近天堂的人。
    Such a feeling's coming over me: here is a wonder, in mos everything I see. No a could in he sky, go he sun in my eyes…I's because you're here. You are he neares hing o heaven ha I've seen.

  • 有这样一种感觉涌上我的心,我所见的每一样事都是那麽美好,天空中没有一朵,太阳在我眼中闪耀……因为你在这儿,你是我所见的,最接近天堂的人。
    Such a feeling's coming over me: There is a wonder, In most everything I see. Not a could in the sky, Got the sun in my eyes…… It's because you're here.

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