
云雨巫山  yún yǔ wū shān








  • 唐诗宋词中的“巫山云雨”意象常与相关或相近意象一起组成意象群。
    These complicated and duplicated images in Tang poems and Song ci-poems make up a kind of dreary and hazy atmosphere.

  • 而坚信人定胜天的毛泽东更以“截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”的诗句来表达他的愿望。
    Mao Zedong, who believed nature could be shaped to man's purpose, wrote a poem about turning the treacherous Three Gorges into a navigable lake.

  • 以“巫山云雨”形容男女之间的事,据《高唐赋》、《神女赋》等古文记载,有段很有趣的故事呢。
    "Wushan Cloud" as a matter between men and women, according to the "Fu Tang" and "Fu Goddess" and other ancient records, there is a very interesting story of it.

  • 巫山云雨”本是上好的自然景观,在挺拔青翠的巫山十二峰层峦叠嶂之中,云腾雨落十分美丽壮观。
    "Wushan Cloud" This is a good natural landscape, tall and straight in the green of the Wushan twelve peaks feng overlapping range upon range of hills, Yuntengyuluo very spectacular and beautiful.

  • 唐诗中“巫山云雨”含义丰富,用法灵活,不似宋词里全关风月,这是由于世风及诗词的不同地位所决定。
    The image in Tang poems is more implicative and agile while that in Song ci-poems all related to sexual inter, the reasons of which link to public morals and different status of the poetry.

  • 你们必须讨论一下,看看怎样让他用语言来释放他的情感紧张,而不只是通过那解决不了问题的巫山云雨
    Talk about how you can make it more safe for him to release his emotional tension with words, and not just through sexual contact.

  • 但是,语言常有神奇变化,中文的“巫山云雨”或拆开“巫山”和“云雨”单用时,生出了男女缠绵情爱的另外含意了。
    However, the language often miraculous changes in the Chinese "Wushan Cloud" or open "Wushan" and "Cloud" alone, the men and women give birth to a lingering love of the meaning of the other.

  • 如果你只想跟他巫山云雨,这个男人也许会是个不错的家伙,可是谈到婚姻,谈到建立正式关系,他就不是理想的对象了。
    This man may be perfect for you to have a love affair with, but not to marry or get serious with.

  • 我和丈夫结婚十八年了,我们更像朋友,而不是“夫妻”,我们云雨巫山的频次非常之低,早已进入了我称之为“舒适”的阶段了。
    My husband and I have been married for eighteen years, and are more like best friends than lovers. We have sex very infrequently, and have settled into what I would call a "comfortable" relationship.

  • 我相信,如果你们两个都有意愿解决这个问题的话,在你们的感情关系里,你们之间的亲密感肯定会增加,而届时你们再云雨巫山的话,也必将是激情澎湃而深情款款的。
    I believe if you are both willing to work on this, the intimacy in your relationship will increase, and when you do make love, it will be much more emotionally passionate.

  • 云雨巫山造句相关
