
予取予求  yú qǔ yú qiú







  • 或者是大明星自认为可以予取予求
    Either:a star thinks he can take anything he wants.

  • 小狗对你来说只是动物任你予取予求?
    The dog is just an animal you can claim?

  • 他们给我们一个讯息…。他们可以予取予求
    They've sent us a message … that they can take whatever they want.

  • 大地只是让你们予取予求、没有生命的东西。
    The earth it just the death thing you can claim.

  • 战:(皱眉)不封印??那不是让人予取予求?
    Zen: (frowns) Not seal it? Isn't this like welcoming them to take it?

  • 那个小男孩有本事把所有人都迷住,任他予取予求
    The little boy can charm people into giving him almost anything he wants.

  • 只要你需要空间,我的屋子,局势你予取予求的地方。
    Whenever you need some space, there's my room——you can take it.

  • 我是个幽影西尔,而且从今以后我将予取予求,而不再乞求!
    I am the Shadowsil, and from now on I will take what I want… not beg for it!

  • 联合政府一年前成立以来,穆加贝对茨万吉拉伊和MDC一直予取予求
    Since the unity government was set up a year ago, Mr Mugabe has treated Mr Tsvangirai and his party with contempt.

  • 不要以为最接近自己内心的东西与生俱来,可以像自来水一样随时予取予求
    Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart and use them like tap water.

  • 它带来连续性的解决办法,它打破传统的对行动和思考予取予求的正常进程,不合逻辑。
    it introduces solutions of continuity and breaks in the logical order of a traditional, well-ordered process of activity or of thought.

  • 他们就像夜晚到访的异乡客,对大地予取予求,每一吋大地对他们而言,看来都是一样的。
    One portion of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs.

  • 本来,银行打算为企业和消费者把关,有效分配资金,但是,他们却任凭资金信贷予取予求
    Banks are meant to allocate capital to businesses and consumers efficiently; instead, they ladled credit to anyone who wanted it.

  • 湖人现在是总冠军的竞争者,如果奥多姆能够在新的位置上发挥出色的话,湖人真的可以予取予求
    The Lakers are now championship contenders, and if Odom can excel in his new role they might just win it all.

  • 或者是大明星自认为可以予取予求,或者是在每个良家少女的心中潜伏着崇拜者献身给偶像的欲望。
    Either : a star thinks he can takes anything he wants. Or: inside every good girl beats a groupie 's concupiscent heart.

  • 在能源不足的状态下,若能善用资源,人类不再向大自然予取予求,或许能为人类文明寻求新的出路。
    Under the circumstances of scarce energy reserves, if human beings would no longer waste natural resources and make good use of them, maybe there would a new way of development of human civilization.

  • 每家都门不闭户,那么你也可以不用工作,想要什么、想吃什么,就找一处君子之家,予取予求就可以了。
    If each house needs not being locked, you might not work. When you need something or food, you might enter a gentleman's house to take or eat.

  • 点、线、面的完美结合,使魔力的光芒和热量无处不在。三颗公主方钻的热力四射洋溢如火的激情,弥散出无远弗界的予取予求
    The perfect combination of point, line and plane makes the radiance and heat of magic power everywhere. The passion of the three princess-diamonds diffuses brilliance in all directions.

  • 假如每-户人家都夜不闭户的话,那麽你也可以不用工作,想要什麽、想吃什麽,你大可以随便找一处君子之家,予取予求不就行了。
    If each house needs not being locked, you might not work. When you need something or food, you might enter a gentleman's house to take or eat.

  • 雷阿伦虽然季后赛里表现一直不佳,但是显然已经调整过来了,几乎是予取予求的拿下19分,为皮尔斯和加内特的46分添砖加瓦。
    Ray Allen, whose playoff struggles have been well-documented, wriggled free for 19 points to supplement the 46 from Pierce and Garnett.

  • 雷阿伦虽然季后赛里表现一直不佳,但是显然已经调整过来了,几乎是予取予求的拿下19分,为皮尔斯和加内特的46分添砖加瓦。
    Ray Allen, whose playoff struggles have been well-documented, wriggled free for 19 points to supplement the 46 from Pierce and Garnett. L.

  • 湖人已经休息了整整一周的时间,或许从爵士那予取予求(除了可以被遗忘的第3场)之后,他们还未做好充分的准备来应对火箭的防守。
    LA will have had a full week off and may not be ready for the kind of defense Houston has to offer after getting whatever they wanted against the Jazz (except for a forgettable Game 3).

  • 予取予求造句相关
