
买空卖空  mǎi kōng mài kōng








  • 这个皮包公司专做买空卖空的生意。
    This paper company does fictitious transactions exclusively.

  • 如果说明天不下雨,我想去买空卖空东西。
    If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I think I'll go shopping.

  • 如果说明天不下雨, 我想去买空卖空东西。
    If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I think I'll go shopping.

  • 买空者,要平仓,不要见财化水。准备高点卖空
    For long position, taking profit. Prepare open short at the high point.

  • 买空卖空是破坏性很大的投机勾当,总要导致损人利己的结果。
    Short selling is disruptive speculation that requires someone else to lose.

  • 高点卖空,低点买空;打游击!没有趋势可以交易,你知道吗?
    High point to do SHORT, low point to do LONG, NO TREND to trade, you know ?

  • 期货市场上的投机牟利者利用产品价格的频繁变化进行买空卖空,从中谋利。
    The speculators in futures market make use of price's frequent change to make long and short for profit.

  • 卖空方之所以买空是因为他们相信他们能以低于卖出价将所出售的证券买回来。
    Short sellers assume that they will be able to buy the stock at a lower amount than the price at which they sold short.

  • 刘易斯先生极具娱乐精神的故事讲述的是一些投资家买空卖空美国房产市场的事。
    Mr Lewis's hugely entertaining tale follows a handful of investors who shorted America's housing market.

  • 期货的特点是以小博大、买空卖空、双向赚钱,风险很大,因此我国对期货交易的开放十分慎重。
    futures based on the characteristics of a small broad, Maikongmaikong, two-way to make money, a lot of risk, so our futures are very careful opening up.

  • 这批青少年不只是线上游戏不择手段而已,而是打算买空卖空,现金落袋,堪称青少年版「五鬼搬运」。
    It is not just a game for young players. They actually intend to buy and sell to make money.

  • 期货有货物期货和股票期货(其实就是我们平常说的买空卖空),目前我国不允许股票期货的买卖活动。
    Futures are futures and stock futures goods (I think we can say that the usual Maikongmaikong), China does not allow the trading of stock futures activities.

  • 我们所报价格是以海运为基础的。所以,因货物以邮包方式寄发而产生的任何额外费用应由买空卖空户负责。
    As our quotation is based on sea delivery, any extra charge for dispatch by parcel post should be borne by buyers.

  • 在假设投资者是风险厌恶的前提下,提出了一种新的买空-卖空投资组合选择模型,并考虑了交易费这种摩擦。
    A new long-short portfolio selection model is proposed with the attrition of transaction cost while we supposing that the investors are risk-aversed.

  • 信用交易(买空卖空)是证券市场微观交易机制的一个特殊方面,它的推出将对我国证券市场的波动性产生影响。
    Credit transaction, as one of the special micro mechanisms, will bring short selling & long selling mechanism to the market.

  • 兰:这是不是就是所谓的“买空卖空”的卖空,卖出一张货物合同,然后等待玉米价格下跌时再买入,这时可赚差价?
    L:Is that what is called "taking a position", selling a parcel for forward delivery but waiting for the price to go down before actual buying.

  • 兰:这是不是就是所谓的“买空卖空”的卖空,卖出一张货物合同,然后等待玉米价格下跌时再买入,这时可赚差价?
    Is that what is called "taking a position", selling a parcel for forward delivery but waiting for the price to go down before actual buying.

  • 天冷,霜重,这些女孩子的手臂和嘴唇都冻得发紫,任何人见了都要心痛,只有那些卖官鬻爵、买空卖空之徒才会无动于衷。
    and their blue arms and lips would have made any heart ache but that of a seat-seller or a loan-jobber.

  • 本文首先从融资融券交易的一般性分析出发,辨析了融资融券交易、信用交易、买空卖空等概念的区别和联系,明确了融资融券交易的定义;
    The article starts by analyzing the difference and associations between margin trading, short selling and buying on credit, to clarify their definitions. We then choose four countries or regions -- U.

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