日积月累 rì jī yuè lěi
Over time to pay long-term efforts.
Therefore, our every move they make are tip of the day.
Therefore, our words and deeds are accumulated to develop the habit.
Wangzichenglong mother cumulative chip he bought a piano.
The credit losses on the mortgages that financed these houses and on the pyramids of complicated debt products built on top of them are still mounting.
The spice of life will help us make full use of our gifts by piecemeal accumulation.
Day after day, lack of communication creeps into homes, and then disputes appear and an icy gulf grows between them.
In 2006 home prices started to drop. Houses glutted the market and stayed unsold month after month.
The cumulative result of these efforts is the healthy and sustained business growth in the last five years.
The words filled with the resurrection idea, will convert into our cell by accumulating day after day when we read them.
On top of that we had an all-English Champions League final for the first time - testament to the strength of the Premier League and the standards being set week in, week out.
Clanton said there was no specific event that led to the injury, but rather an "accumulation of stresses on the bone."
When our older generation teaches little kids, we usually begin from the simple words, such as eating, sleeping, or bathing.
To delete a sheet, click the sheet tab with the right mouse button, and then click Delete on the shortcut menu.
Even so, people live with the same and accumulate to fight health or snow removal time, will be surprised to discover all corners are things.
Tip of the Day: When you create a formula that refers to other cells, it will have the same number format as the first cell it refers to.
To avoid this, students should be full aware of the differences between Chinese expressions and English expressions, and practise more to improve their English writing skills.
This means that the average size of the village more than doubled within a span of fifty traditional social practices and relationships. Again, this change has been gradual rather than abrupt.
I know. Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study. one day I can speak English very well.
Habits that monster, though the devil will be scarfed up all sense of shame, will do the angels, the accumulated virtues nurtured into good Anzhiresu naturally and is the common practice.
Tip of the Day: You can display your toolbar buttons in color or in black and white. Choose Toolbars from the View menu and then select or clear the Color Toolbars check box.
Tip of the Day: You can control the order in which your pages are printed. Choose Page Setup from the File menu, then select one of the Page Order options on the Sheet tab.
Tip of the Day: To copy a chart's formats to another chart, select the chart, copy it, select the other chart, and then choose Paste Special from the Edit menu.
I've built my hatreds up over the years little by little Henry… to have you here gives me a second breath. I can't keep doing this on my own with these… people.
Tip of the Day: To print only part of the worksheet, choose Page Setup from the File menu, select the Print Area box on the Sheet tab, and then select the area you want to print.
To back up the previous version of a workbook each time you save, click Save As on the File menu, click Options, and then select the Always Create Backup check box.
They can only sit around and watch as their leaders fight amongst themselves for the spoils of the state. No wonder their anger and frustration explode into riots.
After several even tens of failures, many people bear accumulated fear weighing on their minds, worrying to be "declined "next time, even feel tired to try their luck in the employment market.
Tip of the Day: To change a toolbar button image, copy the new button image, choose Toolbars from the View menu, click the button with the right mouse button, then choose Paste Button Image.
When you are emotionally frustrated and have no outlet for your stress, you can utilize this program as a way to settle yourself, alter your mood, and let go of the pressure that has been building up.