
黯然失色  àn rán shī sè








  • 一片乌云遮住山顶, 使山前的景物黯然失色
    The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud, which took shine off the front view of the mountain.

  • 缺乏目的的生活使人生黯然失色
    What makes life dreary is the want of motive.

  • 他的发现使他同事的成绩黯然失色
    His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague.

  • 在七十年代她的表演生涯黯然失色
    During the seventies her acting career was in eclipse .

  • 过去她是名演员,今日已黯然失色
    Once a famous actress, she is now in eclipse.

  • 她的新书将会使她以前写的书都黯然失色
    Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones.

  • 无数个月亮也黯然失色
    That shames the splendour of a million moons.

  • 多年来,这一连串审判令法国形象黯然失色
    In many ways, this series of trials gives France a dismal image.

  • 有一些人顷刻间黯然失色,直落得一贫如洗,债台高筑
    A few of them lost their charm quite suddenly and were left with nothing but emptiness and colossal debts.

  • 这一令人惊恐的事态却随着遇战疯人的入侵变得黯然失色
    These alarming developments were eventually eclipsed by the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong.

  • 但是这可贵的帮助与法国国王所给予的援助比较起来就显得黯然失色
    But this help was overshadowed by the assistance which was given by the king of France.

  • 与英超联赛相比国内联赛将黯然失色,尽管目前还是非洲最大的娱乐方式。
    Domestic leagues will be eclipsed by the English Premier League, still by far the biggest entertainment in Africa.

  • 尽管如此,布朗先生黯然失色的最后执政时期或许暂时是他最快乐的日子。
    All the same, Mr Brown's last, overshadowed days in power may be his sunniest for a while.

  • 奄奄一息的深刻里,她超脱了自身的痛苦,那歌声使云雀和夜莺都黯然失色
    And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale.

  • 当他们中的一个人听说自己的妻子生女儿的时候,他的脸黯然失色,而且满腹牢骚。
    When news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief!

  • 她眼眶中又闪烁出蓝宝石的光彩,接着眼睑象鱼鳞般地垂落下来,双目又黯然失色了。
    Again there was that moment of splintered sapphires before the lids, dropping like scales, extinguished it.

  • 对米基和麦勒丽·科诺斯的审判已经成了大事件,之前的任何疯狂罪案与之相比都黯然失色
    The trial of Mickey and Mallory Knox was SUCH an event, that it made the crime spree that preceded it pale by comparison.

  • 我们最艰苦的努力,也只能带来短暂的荣耀,很快就会被其他更伟大的新成就超越,从而黯然失色
    Our best efforts can bring only temporary honor, which all too soon will be eclipsed by the new and greater achievements of others.

  • 周五晚间的雄鹿与火箭之战在中国的电视收视率会让“超级碗”比赛(美国职业橄榄球决赛)黯然失色
    In China, Friday night's game between the Milwaukee Bucks and Houston Rockets is expected to draw TV ratings that would put even a Super Bowl to shame.

  • 在东南亚地区——近来,中国和印度的蓬勃发展令该地区黯然失色——你很有可能至少被当作是“半个当地人”。
    In south east Asia - lately overshadowed by booming China and India - you stand a good chance of being treated as at least "half local".

  • 但是那两次下滑—1975年下滑了1。9%,1982年下滑0。9%,和去年的大幅度下降相比都黯然失色
    But those declines—by 1. 9% in 1975 and 0. 9% in 1982—pale in comparison with last year's huge drop.

  • 更严重的是:目前这场冲突使得世俗派与宗教派、逊尼派与什叶派以及左派和右派之间常见的内部争论黯然失色
    More: this conflict now eclipses familiar internal quarrels between secular and religious, Sunni and Shia or left and right.

  • 这个漂亮的小姑娘慷慨地捐出了她最珍贵的财产——她的金发,令其他闪闪发光的金子、珠宝等捐赠物都黯然失色
    The generosity of this beautiful girl donated her most priceless possession, her golden locks of hair, overshadowed all the glittering gold or jewels of the other donors.

  • 正是这种态度使法国的时装黯然失色。年轻的法国时装设计师们抱怨说,他们被英国来的同行从自己的时装店里给挤出去了;
    This is precisely the attitude which is crippling French fashion. Young French designers complain they are shut out of their own fashion houses by their Birtish counterparts.

  • 但一觉醒来,他们发现在加拿大的这片苍穹中,他们的星球(多伦多)虽然仍是最大的一颗行星,但正在进入蚀亏状态,黯然失色
    They are awakening to a world in which their planet, though still the biggest in the Canadian firmament, is being eclipsed.

  • 在共和党草根阶层她非常受欢迎,并作为可能2012的总统候选人被提及,她陷入了一系列的道德丑闻中去,使她明星效应黯然失色
    A popular figure with the Republican grassroots and mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2012, she has become ensnared in a series of ethics scandals that have dimmed her star appeal.

  • 象波士顿阿萨纳这样制度的图书馆,读书爱好者们每年交适当的费用在这样的私人图书馆看书,和那些公共图书馆比起来不禁黯然失色
    Yet membership libraries such as the Boston Athenaeum, where book lovers pay a modest annual fee to curl up in a literary sanctum, have long been overshadowed by their public counterparts.

  • 高盛这家彻头彻尾的贸易公司兴高采烈地抓住了这样的机会,曾对所有生意全盘接收,但如今使其对手如花旗,瑞士联合银行黯然失色
    Goldman, a dyed-in-the-wool trading firm, is grabbing such opportunities with glee, taking business from once ubiquitous but now reeling rivals, such as Citigroup and UBS.

  • 安迪:我也喜欢但是花费也很昂贵无论怎样卡塔尔政府支付所有费用金钱铺路使本届的开幕式甚至让悉尼2000奥运会的开幕式黯然失色
    Andy: Me too but they are costly anyway Qatar government had billed them all and with money the opening ceremony eclipsed the Sydney 2000 Olympics.

  • 这一原谅使得福特所有的努力黯然失色,身为美国总统的他,有着振兴美国经济,重整国家军队,保持中东和平和维护美国世界领导地位等诸多雄心。
    The pardon overshadowed Mr. Ford's attempts to improve the US economy, reinvigorate the US military, preserve a delicate peace in the Middle-East, reassert the America's world leadership.

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