
无名英雄  wú míng yīng xióng







  • 广场上矗立着无名英雄纪念碑。
    There towers aloft in the square the Monument of Unknown Heroes.

  • 我们是世界名牌背后的“无名英雄”。
    We are the Brand behind world renowned Brand.

  • 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄
    He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth.

  • 这个雕像是为了纪念战争中的无名英雄
    This statue is to remember unsung war heroes.

  • 欧文也很感谢这两位“无名英雄”的捐献。
    Owen would also like to thank this "unsung heroes" for their contribution.

  • 世界献血日就是为表彰这些无名英雄设立的。
    It is to these unsung heroes that World Blood Donor Day is dedicated.

  • “但是,我们的无名英雄是本华莱士,”恩布里。
    "But the unsung hero is Ben Wallace, " said Embry.

  • 在公墓里也有无名英雄墓和阿灵顿议院,阿灵顿议院以前曾是罗伯特。
    Also in the cemetery is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and Arlington House, once home to Robert E.

  • 在季后赛里,你需要每场比赛都有一些无名英雄,而今晚这个人就是海耶丝。
    In the playoffs you need unsung heroes in every game, tonight was Chuck's night.

  • 有没有更好的方式来建立融洽友好和盟友,树立以纪念无名英雄相比,在你的小组。
    There's no better way to build rapport, foster goodwill and gain allies than by honoring the unsung heroes in your group.

  • 无名英雄:钱德勒已经成长为更瘦长、更强壮版的华莱士,这很有意思……你知道。
    Unsung hero: Chandler has evolved into a lanker, sleeker version of Ben Wallace in his prime, which is interesting because … well … you know.

  • 主人公罗兰德·德斯齐恩是一名赏金杀手,其原型是赛尔乔·莱昂内电影中的无名英雄
    The protagonist Roland Deschain is a gunslinger whose image and personality are largely inspired by the Man with No Name from Sergio Leone's films.

  • 布什总统今天在无名英雄墓碑前敬献了花圈并且高度赞扬了将士和他们家庭所做的牺牲。
    President Bush today laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns and spoke of the sacrifices of service members and their families.

  • 利物浦队长杰拉德同时盛赞自己队友卖力的表现,同时也对默默在幕后工作的无名英雄致敬。
    The inspirational number eight has also saluted his teammates and paid tribute to the unsung heroes in the side.

  • 利物浦队长杰拉德同时盛赞自己队友卖力的表现,同时也对默默在幕后工作的无名英雄致敬。
    "It's an absolute privilege to captain this football club at any time but especially when the team is playing the way it is, " said Gerrard.

  • 随后几年,他在此处修建了小教堂,并装饰有他创作的人体雕塑,诺亚、圣母和一位无名英雄
    Here, over subsequent years, he built a chapel, decorating it with his own muscular sculptures of Noah, the Virgin and an Unknown Soldier.

  • 他是枪手真正的无名英雄,总是实而不华、默默无闻地埋头工作,在关键时刻进球并鼓舞队友。
    He's a true unsung hero for the Gunners, who simply goes about his job with the minimum of fuss, scores important goals and inspires the rest of the team.

  • 还有,我的竞选经理普罗费,这次竞选的无名英雄,我认为他营造了美国史上最佳的政治运动。
    And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe … the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.

  • 我们也要感谢造就我们富饶生活的每一位无名英雄,并期许自己也有一日能对社会国家有所贡献。
    We need to appreciate each nobody that achieve our richness life, and someday expect to contribute for community by oneself.

  • 我们也要感谢造就我们富饶生活的每一位无名英雄,并期许自己也有一日能对社会国家有所贡献。
    Also, we have to appreciate every unsung hero for making our life better, and expect ourselves to do something for our country one day.

  • 我们也要感谢造就我们富饶生活的每一位无名英雄,并期许自己也有一日能对社会国家有所贡献。
    We have to be thankful to each of the hero behind the scene who brought prolific life for us.

  • 当军队号兵开始演奏纪念为国家牺牲的伊拉克部队时,马利基在阵亡的无名英雄的墓前安放了花圈。
    Mr. Maliki then laid a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier as an army bugler played to commemorate Iraqi troops that have died in the service of their country.

  • 谢谢我的竞选经理大卫·普劳夫,这个竞选团队的无名英雄,他营造了美国历史上最好的竞选运动。
    To my campaign manager David Plouffe, the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best -- the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.

  • 中国和世界的电视观众看到的是翟志刚步出太空的英姿,然而这些中国航天人才都是幕后的无名英雄
    Chinese and the world television viewer saw what was Zhai Zhigang the step outer space heroic bearing, however these Aerospace China talented people were the secret unknown hero.

  • 际此历史里程碑的时刻,理应将这二十年来在幕后默默义务投入的无名英雄们公诸于高尔夫同好,并向他们致敬致谢!
    At this historical moment, let me introduce those "unknown heroes behind the curtains", it is their enthusiastic participations in this team that make this Tournament possible.

  • 我的竞选经理大卫.普劳夫,这位竞选活动的无名英雄,他打造了最好的,我认为这是美国历史上最棒的政治竞选活动。
    And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe, the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best -- the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.

  • 我的竞选经理大卫·普劳夫,这位竞选活动的无名英雄,他进行了最好的政治竞选活动,我认为这是美国历史上最棒的。
    And tomy campaign manager, David Plouffe, the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best ——the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.

  • 无名英雄:米尔萨普,他也许是正在成长中的“第15-20顺位才被选走的最被低估的大前锋”俱乐部中最有天赋的球员了。
    Unsung hero: Paul Millsap, probably the most talented of the ever-growing "Undersized Power Forwards Who Were Drafted 15-20 Picks Too Late" Club right now.

  • 通过微软精英挑战大赛,我们发掘了校园内的无名英雄,将学生中的无限创意运用到生活中,让技术真正成为造福人类的工具。
    Through the Microsoft elite Challenge, we explore the unsung heroes of the campus; use students' creativity in the life, so that technology truly becomes a tool for the benefit of mankind.

  • 人们常说开发新加坡的千千万万无名英雄,值得我们尊敬与缅怀,所谓“无名”,只是“不知其名”,他们当然是有名有姓的。
    It is often said that we should respect and remember the pioneering efforts of thousands of "anonymous" heroes in the early years. Well, they are not "nameless" as such.

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