
乘人之危  chéng rén zhī wēi








  • 乘人之危, 进行逼债。
    He took advantage of other's difficulties to press for the repayment of debts.

  • 没有要乘人之危
    Never hit a man when he is down.

  • 表面反映男子的愚钝和医院的乘人之危,不想多说。
    Men now for going to reflect the surface and hospitals, do not want to say much.

  • 乘人之危争取自己的利益,是购房过程中的一计妙招。
    advantage for their own interests, the process is the purchase of a trademark.

  • 这意味着古板不入胶卷制版边缘原来还来很难经营的日子不兵更加乘人之危
    This means that the traditional Center of the film sedan already hard-to-business day will be worse.

  • 杰森:那我还能怎么说呢迈克?像这样利用别人的痛苦乘人之危,就是缺德。
    Jason: How else would you describe it Mike? When somebody takes advantage of somebody at there weakest moment like that?

  • 生活的基本规则之一是“决不打已经倒在地上的人”,也就是说,决不乘人之危
    One of the most elementary rules of life is "never hit a man when he's down"---in other words, never take advantage of a person's misfortune.

  • 一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下所为的;
    those performed by a person against his true intentions as a result of cheating, coercion or exploitation of his unfavourable position By the other party;

  • 一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下所为的;
    those performed by a person against his true intentions as a result of cheating, coercion or exploitation of his unfavourable position by the other party;

  • 一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订立的合同。
    If a party induced the other party to enter into a contract against its true intention by fraud or duress, or by taking advantage of the other party's hardship.

  • 一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订立的合同。
    by fraud or duress, or by taking advantage of the other party's hardship.

  • 他总是善于乘人之危大捞一把,他靠购买在战争中遭过轰炸的房屋而赚了大量的钱财。
    He's always been good at fishing in troubled waters; he made a lot of money by buying houses that were bombed in the war.

  • 亡灵巫师马卡尔打算乘人之危,诱使伊莎贝尔女皇与其结盟,以达到不可告人的目的。
    The Necromancer decides to use the situation to his advantage, pursuing goals obscure to all but himself by joining Queen Isabel in an alliance.

  • 他总是善于乘人之危大捞一把,他靠购买在战争中遭过轰*的房屋而赚了大量的钱财。
    He's always been good at fishing in troubled waters; he made a lot of money by buying houses that were bombed in the war.

  • 谁能忍住不唾骂一个乘人之危大捞其利的人?(因为这就是安东尼奥对夏洛克的看法。)
    Who would not spit on a man who makes a profit out of other men's needs(for this is the way Antonio sees Shylock)?

  • 以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同的;
    one party uses such means as fraud, coercion or taking advantage of the other party's unfavorable position to sign the labor contract against his or her genuine will;

  • 以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同的;
    one party uses such means as fraud, coercion or taking advantage of the other party's unfavorable position to conclude the labor contract against genuine will thereof;

  • 用人单位以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使劳动者在违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同的;
    the employing units to fraud, coercion, or on others' insecurity, so that workers in violation of the true meaning of the case or to make changes to labor contracts;

  • 劳动者以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使用人单位在违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同的;
    the employee by means of deception or coercion or by taking advantage of the employer's difficulties forces the employer to conclude or change the employment contract against the employer's true will;

  • 但在一片阴暗的市场之中仍有一个亮点:日本公司正在进行一场疯狂收购,他们乘人之危,大举收购外国公司。
    But there is a bright spot amid the gloom: Japanese companies are on a spending spree, capitalising on the distress to buy firms abroad.

  • 对不起啊,我不是故意的,我是看你那么冲动,配合你一下而已,我虽然不是什么正人君子,但也不至于乘人之危啊!
    Sorry, I don't mean it. You do it strongly. So I want do it with you. Although I'm not a righteous man, I won't take advantages from the others.

  • 一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订立的合同,受损害方有权请求人民法院或者仲裁机构变更或者撤销。
    Where the request of the party is an alteration to the contract, the people's court or arbitration institution shall not rescind it.

  • 乘人之危造句相关
