
得失成败  dé shī chéng bài







  • 谈笑风生,起起落落,成败得失
    Talks and laughs merrily, rise, success or failure success and failure.

  • 2要冷静地看待得失成败
    Take failure and victory coolly.

  • 曾经无比重要的成败得失也将慢慢褪色。
    The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

  • 我们可以从他们的成败得失里汲取教训。
    We can learn from their successes and failures as well.

  • 保持一颗平常心还要正确看待成败得失
    But also the right to maintain a normal look at the success or failure.

  • 许多的事得失成败我们不可预料,也承担不起。
    Of many things we can not expect success or failure, but also can not afford.

  • 然而,分数并不是估量一个学生得失成败的惟一标准。
    However, I didn't think marks are the sole standard to judge the success or failure of students in exams.

  • 然而,分数并不是估量一个学生成败得失的惟一标准。
    However, I think marks are the sole standard to judge the success or failure of students in exams.

  • 必须承认,一切立法成败得失的关键仍在于最后之执行。
    Must acknowledge that all legislative success or failure success's and failure's key still lay in the final execution.

  • 论文依据企业战略理论,研究联想企业的战略得失成败
    The thesis mainly studies the losses and gains, the success and failure of Legend enterprise, on the basis of the enterprise strategy theory.

  • 二是分析了国内外(重点是国内)人力资源管理软件成败得失
    Secondly, it analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of HRM software inside and outside China (mainly inside China).

  • 什麽是执著?外面的事情,成败得失,是非人我放不下,就是执著。
    What is attachment? Unable to let go of what happens, of gain and loss, of right and wrong, of self and others -- this is attachment.

  • 第四,检验“摸着石头过河”的成败得失,标准是“三个有利于”。
    Fourth, the test "to cross the river by feeling the stones" for the success or failure, the standard is "three advantages.

  • 其次,在概率的测算上,要充分考虑成败得失,估算“胜出”的几率。
    Secondly, on the probability measured, it is necessary to give full consideration to the success or failure to estimate the "win" the chance.

  • 一个创意人社会责任感的高低优劣,也必然影响并导致他创意作品的得失成败
    As a result, the social responsibility of a creative talent must influence the success or failure of the creative products.

  • 依傍帐外的日子里,溃烂的哈里有感于此情此景,回顾一生过往,评判成败得失
    Harry, rotting beside his tent, takes full advantage of the place and situation to review his own life and pass judgment on himself.

  • 世界500强诸方面的得失成败,为我国企业迈向世界提供了很好的借鉴与参考。
    The 500 gain and loss of world of face of strong Zhu Fang and success or failure, marched toward the world to offer for our country enterprise draw lessons from very well with reference.

  • 体制问题是管理工作的根本问题,体制顺与不顺,直接关系到管理工作的成败得失
    HMS is the basic issue, which directly leads to the result of management jobs.

  • 对于这三件事的得失成败均应还原到相应的历史背景中去考察,方能得出恰当的结论。
    And if only these enterprises were evaluated with the consideration of their historical background, can we draw an appropriate conclusion.

  • 生活本就充盈着得失成败。暂时的失意并非宣判你万劫不复,只是提醒你革命尚未成功;
    Life is full of success and failure. Failure does not mean you are a loser, failure indicates you have not reach success so far;

  • 同样,你的希望、雄心、计划和未竟之事都将终止。曾经无比重要的成败得失也将褪色。
    Similarly, you hope, ambition, plans and unfinished matter will be terminated. Have very important success or failure will fade.

  • 同样,你的希望、雄心、计划和未经之事都将终止。曾经无比重要的成败得失也将褪色。
    So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will all expire. The wins and l losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

  • 同样,你的希望、野心、计划和未竟之事都将终止。过去看似无比重要的成败得失都要归于平淡。
    So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do list will all expire. The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

  • 文章旨在探讨日本社会保障政策的得失成败,并为中国发展男女平等的社会保障政策提供有益的借鉴。
    This article aims at exploring the gains and losses of the Japanese social security policies, and gives some advice to the development of equality between men and women in the social security policy.

  • 毫无疑问,现在的中国,现在的我们,有时间,有条件,有本钱去看淡奥运赛场上一时一地的得失成败
    If you think you are going to get rich quick and not do any work, this is not for you.

  • 讨论示范乡工作的成败得失,将为战时国民政府的乡村政策及国家对乡村社会控制的研究提供一个新的视角。
    Studying the model village of Bao-jia system at Huanggang, it provides a new perspective for the study of the KMD government's village policy and the social control at the wartime.

  • 其实,我们可以不必如此辛苦的生活,如果将自己的心放宽,用一颗豁达的看待一切,对周围的人宽容些,对成败得失看淡些。
    In fact, we do not have such a hard life, if his heart to relax, with a view of all open-minded, tolerant of more people around, more bearish on the success or failure.

  • 我认为,每个人的一生都充满着得失成败。若人们都可以怀有善心地向受困的人伸出援助之手的话,这世界定然会变得更加美丽。
    To me , life is full of ups and downs for everyone. If people can be kind and help those in trouble, our world will be more beautiful.

  • 在此基础上,本文分析了美国建构高等教育体系的得失成败,透视了我 国高等教育体系的现状,并对其发展趋势和方向进行预测。
    On this condition. this paper analyzes the success and failure of American higher education ystem, makes perspective for Chinese current situation of Chinese higher education system.

  • 意识到所有人在基督之前是平等的,仆人领导避免支持等级制度和社会等级的虚名并且选择描述性的功能语言去评论一个人的得失成败
    Realizing that all are equal before Christ, servant leaders avoid titles that support hierarchical pecking orders and opt instead for functional language that describes what a person does.

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