
乐而忘返  lè ér wàng fǎn








  • 热带植物园太好玩了,我们在其中乐而忘返
    How interesting the tropical arboretum is. We have so much fun there that we are reluctant to leave.

  • 日光浴、湖沙浴、湖畔垂钓、乘船游湖等游览项目使人乐而忘返
    Sunbathing, lake sand bathing, fishing on the lakeside, and touring the lake by boat, along with other activities, often make the visitors indulge in pleasure without stop.

  • 此外,康体中心设有美容美发室及儿童乐园,让您置身愉悦之中,乐而忘返
    Besides, the beauty salon and the kids garden will make you full of joy and forget to leave.

  • 晚上众人共享香喷喷的烧烤美食、进行圣诞大抽奖及畅谈彼此近况,大家均乐而忘返
    At night, they had great food and great time in sharing with one another and had a fun-filled lucky draw game.

  • 酒店建筑风格摩登,设备完善,配以一流的酒店服务及热情招待,肯定让住客乐而忘返
    Guests can dine at the in-house restaurant that offers a good choice of national and international dishes.

  • 人们根据这个故事,引申出“乐不思蜀”这个成语,来形容有些人安于现状,乐而忘返
    According to the people of this story gives rise to "reluctant to leave, " the proverb to describe some people with the status quo, enjoyable time.

  • 只有您亲自去一品那里新派川菜的美馔佳肴和独特巴蜀风情,才能知道其中的味道,你千万不要乐而忘返噢。
    Only you personally to a goods where the Sichuan Xin Pai Dining Bashu cuisine and unique style, which will not be known until the flavor, you do not enjoy in time Oh.

  • 我地更加希望各位可以话俾我地知你最曾钟意去尖沙咀边个地方玩,或者俾任何意见我地,等我地可安排一个令各位乐而忘返嘅派对!
    We hope you can tell us which venue you like most in T. S. T. , or any suggestions for us, so that we can organize a wonderful party for all of you!

  • 会所更提供舒适豪华的度假房间与各国美食,让生活紧张的都市人远离烦嚣、舒缓压力,及令大家体验到一个优娴写意、乐而忘返的旅程。
    It also provides luxury holiday accommodation and diversified cuisines for the urbanites to relax, be away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and enjoy a refreshing unforgettable experience.

  • 乐而忘返造句相关
