
乐此不疲  lè cǐ bù pí







  • 对于足球,他乐此不疲
    He is never bored with football.

  • 骚乱者将煤气罐滚入火堆,爆炸时逃离躲避,乐此不疲
    Rioters delighted in tossing in cooking-gas canisters and running for cover as they exploded.

  • 多么勤奋的土耳其人民!他们总是在工作中学习,乐此不疲
    How industrious they are these Turkish people, always working and learning.

  • 在外交方面,莫拉莱斯政府与若干重要合作伙伴交恶而乐此不疲
    Abroad, Mr Morales's government has revelled in the worsening of a number of its most important relationships.

  • 流言蜚语,是没有一个人宣称喜欢的东西——可是大家都乐此不疲
    Gossip is what no one claims to like –but everybody enjoys.

  • 正是这些元素造就了英格兰夏日,其传统的魅力也令许多人乐此不疲
    It is these elementszthat make the English Summer season what it is, the sense of tradition that keeps ⑦drawing people back.

  • 正是这些元素造就了英格兰夏日,其传统的魅力也令许多人乐此不疲
    It is these elements that make the English Summer season what it is, the sense of tradition that keeps ⑦drawing people back.

  • 巴尔干人对于阴谋暗算乐此不疲,尤其当涉及到能源管道和军事基地时。
    EVERYONE in the Balkans loves a good conspiracy theory, especially one that involves energy pipelines and military bases.

  • 但是令人疯狂的事情就是人们仍然乐此不疲的倾听着他人五音不全的演唱。
    But the crazy thing is that people still do go just to be a spectator at other people's inability to sing.

  • 长久以来,美国人对于落实亚当斯总统的建议可说是兴致勃勃、乐此不疲
    Americans have long since taken up Adams's suggestion with awesome energy and enthusiasm.

  • 这种信念使我精力充沛、尽我所能去营造人类能自由发展的环境且乐此不疲
    Such faith keeps me continually ready and purposeful with energy to do what one person can towards shaping the environment in which the human being can grow with freedom.

  • 他那似橡胶的眼神,以及对狂野和极至行为的酷爱,令他名声远扬,乐此不疲
    His rubbery look, and penchant for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in.

  • 一项新的民意测验显示,许多司机都知道开车发短信的危害但是他们还是乐此不疲
    A new poll shows that many drivers know the risks of texting while driving — and do it anyway.

  • 没有哪种狩猎像人类的狩猎,那些武装的狩猎者一直乐此不疲,却从来也不在乎其他的事。
    There is no hunting like the hunting of man. And those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else.

  • 没有哪种狩猎像人类的狩猎,那些武装的狩猎者一直乐此不疲,却从来也不在乎其他的事。
    There is no hunting like the hunting of man. And those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else. ——Hemingway.

  • 山醉欲舞,云醉欲飞,我却醉于天涯向晚,陈酿数盏,佳作几篇,每每深阅入思,乐此不疲
    Hill drunk to dance, drink cloud to fly, but I drunk at Tianya Xiangwan, the aging of beacon, several works, often found in deep thought, Lecibupi.

  • “顶针食品”结合法国普罗旺斯山区传统烘焙工艺,为您奉上纯粹地道的法式面包并乐此不疲
    " DINGZHEN food "combine mountain area tradition, Provence of France, cure craft , offer pure genuine French baguette and always enjoy for you.

  • 当然,从孩子出生的第一天,有时候有些东西值得你津津乐道,我经常忙碌,但是我还对此乐此不疲
    Yes, of course. From the first day. It's something you have to enjoy. I help a lot and I want to keep enjoying that.

  • 虽今日此山/坡峰已为侵蚀消减,且已遭累累垃圾污染,然规划者(仍)试图接待更多人等(,乐此不疲)。
    Now even as its slopes are scarred by erosion and defiled by tons of garbage, planners seek to accommodate more people.

  • 但是自从我结婚以后,便放弃了工作,开始打理家务。每天的家务琐事让我乐此不疲。我一整天都眉天眼笑的。
    But quit my job and took up housekeeping the year after my marriage. Daily household chores keep me on my toes ; I'm delighted all day long.

  • 人们经常寻找共同点,即使在非常不同的事物之间,甚至在这样做没甚益处或有害的时候,人们还是乐此不疲
    People often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so.

  • 维基百科和中国是让我们乐此不疲的话题,两者的坎坷结合是《国际先去论坛报》上一篇人们非常喜欢报道的标题。
    Wikipedia and China are two of our favorite subjects, and the uneasy meeting of the two is the topic of a fascinating story in the International Herald Tribune.

  • 由于依靠政府救助基金才得以幸存下来,通用汽车和克莱斯勒除了欣然同意外别无选择,但是福特也同样乐此不疲
    With their survival dependent on federal bail-out funds, GM and Chrysler had little choice other than to grin and nod, but Ford was just as keen.

  • 简锦益自幼酷爱诗词书画,对中华文化的熏陶与传承,有着一份非常奇特的潜在意识,造就了他毕生乐此不疲的热爱。
    Jian Jinyi is keen on poetry and art from a child, he also has a special latent consciousness of Chinese culture polishing and inheriting.

  • 尽管拜阿特已经习惯了写电子邮件的轻松、高效而乐此不疲,她一周还是要写大约五封信,主要是给喜欢她的读者回信。
    Largely in answer to fan mail, Byatt still manages around five letters a week, though she is an enthusiastic convert to the brisk efficiency of email.

  • 自己想穿什么颜色的衣服、想种什么庄稼、想讨什么样的老婆,想盖多大面积的房子,别人都喜欢指手划脚,乐此不疲
    What color would like to wear their own clothes, like what kinds of crops, would like to discuss what kind of wife, would like to cover the size of a house, others like to criticize, never.

  • “当然我喜欢经常上场比赛和进球,但我来这里就是为他人创造进球机会的,并会乐此不疲,”他如此回应《每日球星报》。
    "Of course I'd like to play more often and score but when I come, I get plenty of pleasure out of creating goals for others, " he told the Daily Star.

  • 数十年来,在利用核能还是可再生能源的问题上,德国人争论不休,乐此不疲,却轻易就忘记了本国对俄国进口燃气的日益依赖。
    For decades, Germany was happy fighting culture wars over nuclear versus renewable energy, while conveniently forgetting that it was increasingly dependent on Russian gas imports.

  • 众多大品牌乐此不疲就是比较好的证明,如百事、可口、耐克、阿迪等品牌无不是签约大牌明星,关联大事件,制作大场景的广告。
    Many big brands is never good to prove, such as Pepsi, delicious, Nike, Adi, and other non-brand rather than signing big names, large-scale events, making big scenarios of the ad.

  • 创造是一个充满挑战的过程,为客户创造性的解决问题,将一个创造性的想法视觉化并最终呈现给市场和观众,需要付出极为艰辛的努力,但我们乐此不疲
    To give creative solutions to our clients and to visualize creative ideas for the audience needs pretty hard work, for which, we spare no efforts and never feel wearying.

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