
乐天知命  lè tiān zhī mìng








  • 人生充满了无奈,所以乐天知命是很重要的。
    Life is full of compromises, so it's crucial to be optimistic.

  • 天掉下来我们可以趁机捉云雀。(或:乐天知命
    If the sky falls we can catch larks.

  • 崇尚自由与自我、乐天知命与注重荣誉是北欧人的写照。
    The people of Scandinavia love freedom and self-determination, are content with life, and emphasize respect.

  • 尽管在赛场上他的天赋被低估了,但是巴特勒乐天知命
    While unrelated to his talents on the court, Butler gets "it".

  • 人生苦短,岁月如流,乐天知命,为什么不乐乐陶陶的。
    Life is short, months and years, such as flow, Lotte , why do not Le the .

  • 做为修行人,我们不都是应该顺道而行,不都是应该乐天知命吗?
    As the men of practice, should we conform to Tao and be contented with our lot?

  • 东南亚国家这群乐天知命的汉子,并不适合用「台湾模式」来管理。
    The easy-going nature of Southeast Asian workers is not always suited to Taiwan-style management.

  • 他们的生活水准相对来说是较低,但给予我们的感觉他们是颇乐天知命的。
    We also found that even the living standard there was quite low, comparatively.

  • 在饱受战火蹂躏,生活贫乏的环境下,当地人仍能乐天知命,勇敢面对困难,实在值得我们学习。
    Courage and optimism shine on these faces despite the daily struggle with poverty and devastation caused by years of war and armed conflict.

  • 子舆啊,乐天知命对你而言是一句漂亮话,可是对我而言,十几天粒米未进,这样的命运安排却是难以令人接受的。
    Zi Yu! Content with your lot is just a lip service. Nevertheless, I can't accept happily the life if I have nothing to eat for ten days.

  • 然后,我又去探望两位老人家,他们也是很穷,住的地方也很小,可是他们夫妻相依为命,完全没有不开心,这种乐天知命的性格,我大为佩服和欣赏。
    In order to get there, I had to go to Urumqi then take a two hour flight to another place, and then travel by car for another hour before I reached this small destination.

  • 乐天知命造句相关
