
乐不思蜀  lè bù sī shǔ








  • 大概天津的舒适使得天津人乐不思蜀
    Tianjin is probably reluctant to leave the comfort make Tianjin.

  • 这真的是让消费者乐不思蜀
    This is really for consumers reluctant to leave.

  • 虽然这里令人乐不思蜀,但我们不能老待在这里。
    "We cannot stay here forever, thought it is so delightful, " said Madame Beaumont.

  • “温水煮青蛙”,让青蛙在温水中舒舒服服地泡个桑拿乐不思蜀
    " Wen water frog " Let the frog in lukewarm water to bathe comfortably in a sauna association.

  • 家?没有人比你更应该回家了。别乐不思蜀。我也许会很快征召你。
    Home?Well, no one is earned it more. Don't get too comfortable. I may call on you before long.

  • 游客在这秀美的风光中尽享农家乐旅游,感受山野之趣,乐不思蜀
    Tourists in this beautiful scenery enjoy the pleasure of farm life and the fun of the hills to the full, reluctant to leave.

  • 水晶般的蓝天海水,充满富有情趣的海洋生活,令你乐不思蜀,流连忘返。
    Small Boracay Island has fine white sand and calm, crystal-clear blue waters filled with marine life.

  • 全新的冒险旅途,劲爆的麻辣玩点,有趣的课间活动,一定让你乐不思蜀
    The new adventure travel, the world's best on the Mala, Kejian interesting activities, we let you Yuebusishu.

  • 人们根据这个故事,引申出“乐不思蜀”这个成语,来形容有些人安于现状,乐而忘返。
    According to the people of this story gives rise to "reluctant to leave, " the proverb to describe some people with the status quo, enjoyable time.

  • 艾米莉的斯芬克斯般的神秘而狂暴的世界,令人们流连在《呼啸山庄》之中而“乐不思蜀”;
    Emily reveals to us in her Wuthering Heights a kind of "Sphinx" mysterious and violent world that draws people lingering on and on;

  • 大卫对于哈里所讲述的事情可以用乐不思蜀来形容,因此他下定决心继续劝说他的父亲同意他加入海军。
    David was so delighted with the accounts Harry gave him, that he resolved to make a further attempt to induce his father to allow him to go to sea.

  • 他后来解释道,他把自己当作一位专家,“与周边我的年龄群的大多数姑娘们经历恋爱与调情后”,我乐不思蜀
    He counted himself an expert, he later explained, having enjoyed "amorous dalliances with most of the girls in my age group within cycling distance".

  • 一路淡去的芳香,一路回忆的历程,时间就这样放肆的在人的生命中流走,是一瞬间的无语,还是乐不思蜀的畅谈。
    All the way to dissipate the aroma, the way memories of the history of time in such a wanton taking of human life mid-stream is a moment of silent, or reluctant to leave and to talk about.

  • 商家则以能挤进寸金之地的交易市场内售车而“乐不思蜀”。而今时过境迁,“逛车奔车市,买车去专卖”成为潮流。
    Now time passes and the situation has changed, "Ramble city of Che Ben car, buy a car to go monopolistic " make trend.

  • 但新的法则给了新的关怀,如果你做新手时乐不思蜀忘记转职错过了最佳时机,没关系,教官给你保留了技能点,你可以补回来。
    But the new rules to a newconcern, if you do not forget reluctant to leave when the new transfer missed the best time, it does not matter, yourinstructors to retain the skills, you can come back up.

  • 而那些陶醉于免费的美妙味道,乐不思蜀的“泡吧者”则会被礼貌地请走,同时得到的还有一张能够买到这些香水的商店名称清单。
    Barflies drunk on the heavenly scents are sent away with a list of the stores at which they can buy them.

  • 理查森在受到如此款待之后,他开始更认真地着手写一本关于毕加索的传记,尽管他还总是能够敏锐地发现虚伪矫饰的地方,而且对人类的古怪与愚蠢的性情表示乐不思蜀
    With these entertainments behind him, Mr Richardson has reverted to the more serious business of biography, though always with a keen eye for pretension and a delight in human eccentricity and folly.

  • 乐不思蜀造句相关
