
为虎作伥  wèi hǔ zuò chāng








  • 土豪劣绅的狗腿子为虎作伥, 欺压百姓。
    The local bully's henchmen were his agents in oppressing the people.

  • 不要替魔鬼拿蜡烛照明。不要为虎作伥。切莫助纣为虐
    Do not hold a candle to the devil.

  • 我们提出的问题也不在于市场力量是替天行道还是为虎作伥
    Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill.

  • 我们提出的问题也不在于市场力量是替天行道还是为虎作伥
    19\Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill.

  • 这样做的人一般是使用盗用帐号,不会有人有兴趣为虎作伥帮助窃贼的。
    we find people who do that are usually thieves using stolen accounts, and we have no interest in rewarding or assisting thievery.

  • 这标志着萨达姆以及所有在他名下为虎作伥、滥杀无辜的人,已走投无路。
    It marks the end of the road for him, and for all who bullied and killed in his name.

  • 谎言或许能隐瞒所有事实,谎言或许能笼络所有事实,但是我绝不为虎作伥
    Though lies conceal everything, though lies embrace everything, but not with any help from me.

  • 第三种就是到五金市场买来假品牌,彻头彻尾地使用假货,这叫“为虎作伥”。
    The 3rd kind buys false brand to metals market namely, use fake dye-in-the-goodly, this cries " help a villain do evil " .

  • 这一决定不仅有失原则性,而且在北京独裁的本性面前这一为虎作伥的做法也是徒劳的。
    In addition to being unethical, this enabling of Beijing's totalitarian instincts is an exercise in futility.

  • 你为什么邀请那样的一个无赖上你家里来?他是怎样的人,你是知道的;这显然是为虎作伥
    Why do you invite a rotter like that to your house? You know what kind of a man he is; it looks uncommonly like holding a candle to the devil.

  • 那些自称是政府代表们所表现的贪腐和残忍也为虎作伥地帮助了被激进主义洗脑的年轻的恐怖分子。
    The corruption and brutality of those who identify themselves as representatives of the state have also helped the terrorists to recruit radicalised youths.

  • 他们憎恶世间万物。他们是跨国集团毫无道德,毫无怜悯的,心甘情愿为虎作伥的工具,他们剥削与毁灭一切能够接触到的东西。
    They hate everyone and everything. Completely without value or Compassion, willing tools of the International Business Community, they exploit and ruin everything they touch.

  • 在昨晚与一群学生的交谈中,哈梅内伊说“我不会指责在近期这么多事件中为美英等国外势力为虎作伥的这些领导人,因为这些都还未被证实。”
    Speaking to a group of students last night, Khamenei said: "I do not accuse leaders of the recent events of being stooges of aliens, including the US and Britain, since it was not proved for me."

  • 为虎作伥造句相关
