
东窗事发  dōng chuāng shì fā








  • 东窗事发,陈厚羞死了,林黛忍俊不住!
    Chen Ho was so humialiting~~Linda Lin Dai …

  • 直到王先生上门来收房租,才东窗事发
    Mr door to collect the rent until only light.

  • 2002年底,“恒基无限卷款潜逃事件”东窗事发
    By the end of 2002, "Henderson unlimited Juankuan absconded incident" came.

  • 东窗事发后,该房产中介公司老板“跳楼”自杀身亡。
    Case, the property intermediary company bosses "jumped" committed suicide.

  • 我劝我的朋友考试不要作弊,因为我担心他可能会东窗事发
    I urged my friend to stop cheating on tests out of fear that he might get caught.

  • 但南钢集团违法占用土地东窗事发却把它的如意算盘弄乱了。
    But Nangang groups of illegal occupation of land it captured but wishful thinking blurred for.

  • 而让周正毅东窗事发的上海地产几乎没有买家敢来这潭浑水。
    so Zhouzhengyi came to the Shanghai real estate buyers to the Tan little water.

  • 不是我为了陈冠希辩解, 这不过他也是东窗事发的主要人而已。
    It is not necessary for Chen to make the apology to the people of HK.

  • 当他决定收手时,却东窗事发,他不得不面对和父亲的生死对决。
    But it is exposed just on he finally decides to stop it. He has to face a life and death showdown with his father.

  • 另外,东窗事发,确也“严重影响了”包括上级机关在内的权力形象。
    In addition, became public, there is also "seriously affected" higher authorities, including the power of the image.

  • 今天,违背高考纪律、弄虚作假的人士一旦东窗事发都要付出巨大的代价。
    Today, against the college entrance examination discipline, once the fraud became public they will have to pay a heavy price.

  • 据知情者透露,就在刘东窗事发前几天,他还在电话中要求张扬偿还巨款。
    According to those who possessed disclosed that Liu came in a couple of days ago, he also calls for advance reimbursement money.

  • 不久前,男生又偷偷和另一个女孩同居,东窗事发后两人最终选择了分手。
    Not long ago, the schoolboy lives together with another girl secretly again, the two people after coming to the light chose finally to part company.

  • 她和秘书偷情的内幕东窗事发,不知道此州长是玩了什么游戏导致会这样。
    She and Secretary of the inside of a clandestine love affair became public, I do not know the governor is playing a lead of the game, what they will.

  • 这类中的“富人”如果不是东窗事发,没有人知道他们究竟聚集了多少财富!
    Such as "rich" if it is not captured, no one knows how much wealth they are brought together!

  • 但虎照事件最终东窗事发,现在却只是周正龙一个人走上法庭受审,这如何服众?
    But the tiger as the final event became public, Zhou Zhenglong is now only one person took to the court, how to convince the public this?

  • 他(葛市长)让手脚不干净的人到市政府任职,东窗事发又不采取行动将他们辞退。
    He (Mayor Koch) allowed people with sticky fingers into his government, but didn't move to cut them out when the bells went off.

  • 而让周正毅东窗事发的上海地产至今仍待字闺中,理不清的帐磕磕绊绊,没有买家敢下脚。
    And came to the Shanghai Real Estate Zhouzhengyi women's apartment has yet to be words, the account Kekebanban confusion, no buyers to get a foothold.

  • 以前些年东窗事发的海南省委党校为例,违规办班,滥发文凭,几千万元巨额学费都被私分。
    Became public a few years ago to the Hainan Provincial Party School, for example, Ban Ban violations, junk diploma, tens of millions of dollars have been dividing the huge fees.

  • 随着西门子不太情愿地开始压制腐败行为,经理们不断采取异乎寻常的措施以避免东窗事发
    As Siemens halfheartedly clamped down on corruption, managers took ever more eccentric steps to avoid getting caught.

  • 到赖昌星集团东窗事发时为止,其外墙金色玻璃装修已基本完毕,内部粉刷和水电安装也已开始。
    Lai Changxing, the group came up with the golden glass wall decoration has been basically completed, the internal walls and the installation of utilities has begun.

  • 当去年多纳吉参与非法赌博东窗事发后,他曾表示从事非法活动或操纵比赛的裁判不仅仅是他一个人。
    Last year, when Donaghy involved in illegal gambling became public, he said that engage in illegal activities or to manipulate the game referee, he is not just one person.

  • 还有人表示格林先生只是履行了他的职责:使某些政府信息透明化,但是东窗事发却可能令政府陷入窘境。
    Others say that he was just doing his job: holding government to account, however embarrassing that government may have found it.

  • 另外两位前总统——全斗焕和卢泰愚,曾向该国最大的几家财团索取数亿美元,东窗事发之后都身陷囹圄。
    Two former presidents, Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo, went to prison after it was found they had solicited hundreds of millions of dollars from the country's biggest business groups.

  • 国民党籍“立委”邱毅指出,种种迹象都显示,扁家害怕东窗事发,着手大搞“流亡计划”,这是“做贼心虚”。
    Kuomintang "legislators" Yi pointed out that various signs show that Chen Shui-bian became public fear at home, start a big way "in exile", which is "guilty conscience.

  • 他们要是知道真相,就不会这麽想:丽贝卡的最大本事不是血拚,而是撒谎、欺骗,以及千方百计避免东窗事发
    If they only knew the truth: Becky does not shop so much as lie, cheat and scheme to keep her secret from being detected.

  • 一群猴子从动物园逃出来,并向园内的访客偷了一大堆东西,当东窗事发失物被寻回,却发现其中一件赃物不见了。
    A gang of monkeys have broken out of the zoo and stolen a whole pile of items from the zoo's visitors! After all of the items are recovered, one is still missing.

  • 但后来女生的母亲发现了一封信,这场师生恋终于东窗事发。最后,利斯特的妻子、35岁的克莱尔-马修斯报了警。
    Lister was arrested when his wife Clare, 35, went to the police after the victim's mother found a letter in her daughter's bedroom.

  • 这位爱荷华州前州长在竞选筹资舞弊东窗事发前,其自行开展的短暂竞选曾被赞赏有加(除去魅力,其实力也与该称誉相称)。
    The former governor of Iowa was well-enough regarded (for competence if not charisma) that he briefly ran for president himself, before finding fundraising tricky.

  • 东窗事发造句相关
