
蔚然成风  wèi rán chéng fēng






  • 厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风
    Coordination and mutual help between factories have become the order of the day.

  • 厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风
    Cooperation and mutual help between factories has become the order of the day.

  • 我期望男女机遇平等的风气能够蔚然成风
    I hope equality of opportunity for men and women is ITe to stay.

  • 英国人在夏季全家到海边去度假已蔚然成风
    It has become the custom for English families to go to the seaside in summer.

  • 不管怎么说,在影视剧中植入广告现已蔚然成风
    Whatever the case is, ads planted in TV dramas and films are the order of the day.

  • 在政府的大力引导下,义乌企业自主创新蔚然成风
    With the encouragement of the government, innovation becomes popular among Yiwu enterprises.

  • 为了舒缓神经,改善居住环境,到内地度假蔚然成风
    To relieve nerve and improve the living environment in the Mainland holiday atmosphere.

  • 然而,一种主要起源于美国的新式幽默,最近蔚然成风了。
    However, a new type of humour, which stems largely from America, has recently come into fashion.

  • 用“铺天盖地”、“蔚然成风”来形容房地产广告着实不过分。
    Use "overwhelming" and "common" to describe the real estate advertisement without But hours.

  • 当敬老,养老蔚然成风时,各个年龄层的人都会有一种安全感。
    When each one respects and supports the old, people of all ages will feel safe.

  • 此类城市规划建设中竞相搞大的趋势,在不少地方“蔚然成风”。
    Such urban planning building another Big trend in many places "common."

  • 学生考研蔚然成风,不少学院、班级学生考研录取率达45%以上。
    In some classes of certain faculties, more than 45 percent of candidates were admitted into postgraduate studies.

  • 群众科技种养、科技致富的意识浓厚,科教兴镇在全镇上下蔚然成风
    Mass planting technology, science and technology, a strong sense of wealth, science and education around the town has become so rampant in the town.

  • 优美的环境陶冶着居民们的情操,居民爱护小区的公共绿地蔚然成风
    Beautiful environment cultivate the sentiments of the residents, residents of the area for public green top.

  • 学生考研蔚然成风,不少学院、班级学生考研录取率达 45% 以上。
    Students study section common practice, many colleges, taking classes students study section rate of 45 percent or more.

  • 这些浅色家具体现了鲜明的时代风格,已蔚然成风,越来越为人们所欢迎。
    These light color furniture reflected bright times style, already become common practice, more and more welcome for people place.

  • 他购乐学的重教思想在徽州影响巨大,创办书院购乐学的传统在徽州蔚然成风
    His thought of the attention to education cast a great influence upon Huizhou. Building the college becomes common practice in Huizhou.

  • 妇女佩戴各种黄金首饰已蔚然成风,甚至有些妇女全身所戴的首饰重量竟然超过3公斤。
    Women wearing all kinds of gold jewelry has become a common practice, and even some women to wear full-body by the weight of jewelry has more than 3 kilograms.

  • 内地民营企业多元化发展,且急欲涉足金融业几乎蔚然成风,复星集团便是其中的代表之一。
    Mainland private enterprises diversified development, and anxious to get involved in the financial industry almost become, the Star Group which is one of the representatives.

  • 近年来,我市提出建设“生态园林城市”的宏伟目标,城乡植树造林蔚然成风,并取得初步成效。
    In recent years, the city to build "eco-garden city" of the grand goals, a common practice of urban and rural afforestation and achieved preliminary results.

  • 然而强势的党文化力量使得“新杂文”并没有蔚然成风,最终革命内部批评成为杂文创作的畏途。
    While the stronger Party culture make the writers were afraid to criticize the revolution in their essays.

  • 股票期权机制是现代公司股东提供的激励和约束经营者的重要法律制度,在世界各国已蔚然成风
    The executive stock option system is an important system by which the share-holders of modern corporations encourage and restrain their managers. This system has been popular in the world.

  • 另一方面,高等教育由精英教育向大众教育过渡,高校的规模迅速扩大,高校扩建、新建蔚然成风
    On the other hand, higher education is passing from mass education to elite education. The scale of colleges and universities expands rapidly and campus adding and building keeps the trend.

  • 大学生村官计划始于2005年。如今,像刘杰一样的海归们让我们看到:海归考村官正蔚然成风
    Liu and others like him are signs that a few overseas Chinese returnees are starting to jump aboard the bandwagon of the country's "university graduate village officials" program started in 2005.

  • 可以肯定地说,楼市创新正在为京城二次置业的兴起推波助澜,商品房“置换”近两年将会蔚然成风
    " It can safely be said that the market for innovation is the second home meet emerging fuel, commercial housing "replacement" in the last two years will prevail.

  • 萧梁时代虽开实录体先河,只有《唐实录》代代相修,蔚然成风,完善并定型了实录体这种新的史书体裁。
    The style of true record began in Xiaoliang Times, but The Memoir of Tang Dynasty perfected and finalized the new history type of literature.

  • 绿树点缀的主街上有一半商店是新开的,人们蔚然成风地受农村集市和各种独立零售店和餐馆吸引到镇上,更促进了这里的发展。
    Around half the businesses on the tree-lined Main Street are new, boosted by custom that is lured into town bu the farmers' market and the mix of independent retailers and restaurateurs.

  • 但当今社会,古老的节俭美德连同古典经济学家的警醒之言受到抨击,许多人搬出反对节俭的新理由,提倡支出的论调蔚然成风
    But today the ancient virtue of thrift, as well as its defense by the classical economists, is once more under attack, for allegedly new reasons, while the opposite doctrine of spending is in fashion.

  • 在全世界的英语学习者的心目中,《新概念英语》可谓是一部“宝典”级的教材,如今在中国,学习《新概念英语》也已蔚然成风
    In the world English study mind, "New Concept English" it may be said is "the precious book" the level teaching material, now in China, studies "New Concept English" also to become common practice.

  • 以人为本是企业制胜的法宝,尊重人才,尊重知识,在该企业蔚然成风。企业用人的原则是唯才是举,重实绩,重创造,重德性,不提资历,不讲关系。
    With a magic weapon that is enterprise get the upper hand of originally artificially, respect a person with ability, esteem knowledge, in this industry become common practice.

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