
相门有相  xiàng mén yǒu xiàng








  • “与70年代后期比较”,她说,“现在大学生很多
    "Compared with the late 70s, " she says, "now college students have many doors.

  • 相门后庄(相门桥南苏大宿舍附近)光大银行南面一点一家专修店。
    Xiang Zhuang door (as opposed to large houses in the vicinity of Bridge del sur) south of the Everbright Bank that there is a special shop.

  • 相门后庄(相门桥南苏大宿舍附近)光大银行南面一点一家专修店。
    with the door after the village (as opposed to large houses in the vicinity of Bridge del sur) south of the Everbright Bank that there is a special shop.

  • 所述的加强结构两个,分别与车辆的的框连接,形成一个回路结构;
    Two reinforcement structures are arranged on longitudinal beams, and the two reinforcement structures are respectively connected with each door frame to form a loop structure;

  • 作为一功能与艺术结合的学科,桥梁美学的形成与发展和它的学科近邻-建筑美学密切的关联。
    As a combined subject of functions and arts, the formation and development of the bridge aesthetics are closely related to its neighbor subject, the architecture aesthetics.

  • 与滑轮配套的轨道对于滑动的使用也是至关重要的,滑动常用的轨道一般冷轧钢轨道和铝合金轨道两种。
    The track matching the pulley is crucial for the use of sliding door. Generally, there are two types of sliding tracks: one is made of cold-rolled steel; the other one is aluminum alloy.

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