
东施效颦  dōng shī xiào pín








  • 没有一个人对于行为的优越表现是完全东施效颦
    No one's idea of excellence in conduct is that people should do absolutely nothing but copy one another.

  • 正好利用这个机会,我们东施效颦,执行一下红教的律法。
    Here's our chance to try and emulate them and put the laws of the Red Sect into practice.

  • 莉塔喜欢学那位超级名模,却不知道她自己不过是东施效颦
    Rita likes to mimic that supermodel but doesn't know she is only playing the ape.

  • 但假如东施效颦,重复上马必然导致低效益、低水平的竞争。
    But if blind imitation with ludicrous effection, repeat mount a horse to cause low benefit, low-level competition necessarily.

  • 例句:罗纳尔多这样打可以,你这样打就得输,别东施效颦了。
    E. g:Leonardo can play in this way, but you can't. Otherwise you lose the game. So don't inmate him.

  • 出生到现在,她就是一直在追求做凤凰,哪怕是一个东施效颦的凤凰。
    Birth to the present, she is always doing in the pursuit of the Phoenix, even if it is a mere copycat of the Phoenix.

  • 后来人们用“东施效颦”这个成语比喻不恰当的模仿,带来相反的效果。
    Later, this idiom came to be used to indicate improper imitation that produces the reverse effect.

  • 不可东施效颦、不压抑本性的东西、肢体语言和表达的抑扬顿挫必须是发自内心的。
    We should not learn from others which is not suitable to ourselves. We should not depress nature. Body language and vocal variety should be from the bottom of the heart.

  • 这是因为,一旦你用心去做,就会有遗珠之憾。学得不完整,难免成了东施效颦,反而坏了大事。
    It is not a good thing to take daily and normal rules too far.

  • 很多球员都问我们是否能够成为下个杰拉德或者卡拉格,但是我认为我们不需要东施效颦,我们必须走出自己的路。
    A lot of people are asking if we're the next Gerrard or Carragher but I always think to myself that we're not going to be that. We're going to come in and establish ourselves as who we are.

  • 而且,承诺和试用的事例越多,承诺和示范的效应也就越递减,到最后其边际效应还会递减为负:东施效颦,徒增笑料耳。
    Moreover, the trial of the case and promised more commitment and the demonstration effect will be reduced to its final margin will be reduced to a negative effect: Dongshixiaopin, inviting ear jokes.

  • 书上的图片确实很美,但他们忘了由于缺乏统一格调,很多美的东西放在一起结果是不美,愿望是好的,而结果是东施效颦
    The photo book is indeed blessed, but they forgot the lack of uniform quality, many of the things the U. S. is not the outcome of the U. S. , is good, and the results were hollow.

  • 东施效颦造句相关
