
东张西望  dōng zhāng xī wàng








  • 这个女学生提着她的行李, 在站台外东张西望, 却看不见有接她的人。
    With her luggage in her hands, the girl stood looking round in all directions, but apparently no one had come to meet her.

  • 我走到拐角处,便开始东张西望
    I walked to the corner and began looking into the distance.

  • 她在路上东张西望的,形迹十分可疑。
    She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.

  • 小鸭子们好奇地东张西望
    The little ducklings look around curiously.

  • 行人走去走来,东张西望
    Pedestrians pass, stare, and walk on.

  • 那位老太太站在路旁,担心地东张西望
    The old lady was standing by the roadside , looking around worriedly .

  • 当老师看到你东张西望时,他会说什么呢?
    What did teacher say when he saw you looking all around ?

  • 在课堂上不要东张西望
    Don't look around in class.

  • 因为我和你上街会东张西望,所以我不嫁你。
    Because I took to the streets and you will Dongzhangxiwang, so I will not marry you.

  • 在你做坏事时,少不免会东张西望,避免给看到。
    When you are doing something bad, you cannot help but look around to avoid being seen by others.

  • 她在车站外东张西望了一会,看不见有接她的人。
    Standing outside the station, she looked round in all directions, but apparently no one had come to meet her.

  • 避免东张西望或用手指敲桌子等表现紧张的举动。
    Avoid looking around the room tapping your fingers or other nervous movements.

  • 女子半蹲着,东张西望了一下后抱起孩子站了起来。
    Bandun a woman, after the Baoqi Dongzhangxiwang the children stood up.

  • 我急忙跟了过去,也想试一试,于是东张西望,寻找大夹子。
    I hurried with the past, would also like to try, so look around to find the big clip.

  • 妈妈让他们尽量地东张西望,因为绿色对他们的眼睛是有好处的。
    Their mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the eyes.

  • 不要在城市的街道上,东张西望,也不要在城中无人的地方游荡。
    Look not round about thee in the of the city, nor wander up and down in the streets thereof.

  • 几个东张西望运粮食的小老鼠与好奇的大年相遇了,理所当然便是“鼠年”。
    The Mouse and The Nian Several small mice that werecarrying food gazing around meet curious DaNian, it is "the mouse and the year" going without saying.

  • 你好好想一想,当同学们都在专心致志做作业时,谁总是东张西望而不学习?
    You think well, when classmates are doing work wholeheartedly, who always gazes around and to who always gazes around and learn?

  • 我在走道上走来走去,一边跟表哥们聊天一边东张西望,直到空服员宣布飞机即将起飞。
    I walked up and down the aisle, talking to my cousins and looking at everything until the flight attendants announced that the plane would soon take off.

  • 好了,你们别东张西望了,把手和脚全都放进车内,还要系好安全带,要走一段艰难的路了。
    OK, keep your eyes on your paper. Keep your arms and legs inside the car and fasten your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

  • 盖利斯看着,瞧见巫师开始畏缩着,吞着口水,目光胡乱的东张西望,像是在寻找避难之地。
    GARETH, watching, saw Magicka blench, swallow, and dart hasty glances here and there, as though seeking escape.

  • 最后,走过几条马路以后,她想这样不行,于是她又开始东张西望,不过这一次她没有放慢脚步。
    At last, after several blocks of walking, she felt that this would not do, and began to look about again, though without relaxing her pace.

  • 城市自由民东张西望,青年律师踱来踱去,有的放声大笑,有的小声嗤笑,就象在戏园子里一样。
    Burghers gaped and stared; young lawyers sauntered, sneered, and laughed, as in the pit of the theatre.

  • 信上帝华渚者啊,你们当绝无迟疑地沿著那条通往天国的道路迅走,绝不要东张西望,畏葸不前。
    O who believe in 华渚(Jehovah), you should unhesitatingly walk along the way to Kingdom of God, don't look this way and that and hesitate to press forward.

  • 冬天,一个晴朗的早晨,小镇的街上走着一位陌生人,他手里拿着一把斧子,东张西望,想找块磨石磨磨斧子。
    One bright winter morning, a stranger walked down a small town street looking for a grindstone to sharpen an ax that he carried in his hand.

  • 她并不敢朝四周东张西望,但在机器的咔嚓声中,她偶尔听到了一些人们的谈话声,从眼角梢她也注意到一两件小事。
    She did not venture to look around, But above the clack of the machine she could hear an occasional remark. She could also note a thing or two out of the side of her eye.

  • “牛魔王”在“唐白虎”的地盘上悠闲地东张西望,不时还发出阵阵的“哞哞”声,显然,它还没有意识到自己的危险。
    "Bull devil" in the "Don White Tiger" on a leisurely look around the site, do not send bursts of Shi Hai "moo" sound, it is clear it is not yet aware of their risk.

  • 前晚《东张西望》播映了刘嘉玲于上周五在上海出席宣传活动的访问片段,当时主持人问她有关好友王菲怀第三胎的消息?
    Last night, "look around" Carina Lau in a broadcast last Friday in Shanghai to attend the campaign's visit to fragment, when the host asked her friend Faye Wong Wai third child of the news?

  • 咦,三中队的新兵吴大申咋还在大杨树下面东张西望?更使他希奇的是,吴大申的右手一直揣在橄榄绿的作训服里,始终不肯放下来。
    More those who make him strange is, wu Dashen's right hand puts in olive green all the time make example take in, do not agree to be put from beginning to end.

  • 好不容易脱离了父母的监视,搬进学校宿舍,换上大学生的派头,你最不希望看到的大概就是家里的两个老人跟到学校里来,还在校园里走来走去,东张西望
    Having finally escaped from home, moved into student digs and thrown up at freshers' fair, the last thing you need is your mum and dad strolling on to campus.

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