
心悦诚服  xīn yuè chéng fú








  • 我说话不是奉承,而是心悦诚服
    I say not flatteringly but with sincere conviction.

  • 我也来顶一下啦!真的是心悦诚服
    Thanks! Highly appreciated. There is a lot that I wanna learn.

  • 只不过是令人心悦诚服的真相表层罢了。
    It only took a convincing patina of truth.

  • 杰甫逊的坚决与认真立刻使克莱德心悦诚服
    There was about Jephson a hard, integrated earnestness which soon convinced Clyde.

  • 实话实说的优点就是能最大限度地令人们心悦诚服
    The great advantage of telling the truth is one's so much more likely to sound convincing.

  • 花点时间,用成熟而令人心悦诚服的方式说服别人。
    Take the time to make your point in a mature and convincing manner.

  • 她的幽默感能使你整天快乐,她渊博的谈吐总使你心悦诚服
    Her sense of humour could brighten you entire day and her wise words were always exactly what you needed to hear.

  • 不知怎么的,我使自己相信我违反了章程,应该心悦诚服地接受处分。
    Somehow, I convinced myself, I had violated the code and thus would have to submit to punishment.

  • 领导不可哗众取宠,随波逐流,而应提出使人心悦诚服,乐于追随的主张。
    You don't lea people by following them, but by saying what they want to follow.

  • 他用做饭的道理来阐明治国的方法,心悦诚服的汤于是委他以管理国家的重任。
    He convinced Duke Tang of his statesmanship by comparing the running of state affairs to the art of cooking.

  • 当我们把心意转向上帝,对祂所认定的真理完全心悦诚服之际,便会有所行动。
    When we turn our thoughts toward God—when we truly agree with Him about what is right—our behavior will follow.

  • 据发展商反映,很多买家都是抱着怀疑的态度前来,但看了以后很多都表示心悦诚服
    According to the developer shows that many buyers are with scepticism come, but he said that after many minds.

  • 从建筑文化这些最基本要求出发,再谈其精神层面的更高属性,必然使人更加心悦诚服
    Building a culture of starting from the most basic requirements, then the higher attributes of the spiritual dimension, the inevitable heightened win.

  • 在党的领导工作中,党务工作干部的威信表现出一种心悦诚服的态度,自愿地接受其领导。
    In the leadership job of the party, the authority of cadre of party work job shows the attitude of a kind of be sincerely convinced, freewill ground accepts its leadership.

  • 好好先生事不能赢得部署的信任的。必须事品德和能力兼备的领导者,才可望使部署心悦诚服
    Trust is not earned by being a nice guy. It comes with character and competence.

  • 在荆楚大地,在洪湖岸边,在广大的养殖户心中,总有一句顺口溜令他们心悦诚服,津津乐道。
    In earth of chaste tree Hunan, in big lake bank, in broad breed aquatics door in the heart, always a doggerel makes them be sincerely convinced, take delight in talking about.

  • 迈克“阿尔博说自助咨询业为破坏者提供了一种含蓄的语言,朋友有心理问题,便可令他们心悦诚服
    Mike Albo says that the self-help industry has provided under miners with a subtle language for convincing friends that they have a psychological problem.

  • 如果您想浏览者购买您的产品或服务,就需要一种简洁的、令人心悦诚服的内容和立体化的信息结构。
    You need a concise, convincing message and solid information architecture if you want your visitors to buy your product or service.

  • 事实上,对于那些批评,我并非“心悦诚服”,而是“口悦诚服”,因为受到批评的,正是我的口腔。
    I didn't actually take the criticism on the chin. I took it in the mouth, as that is where it was aimed.

  • 这再一次提醒我们,反基督者优雅的风度常常是那样的令人心悦诚服,以至于无法发现他们邪恶的本质。
    This again reminds us of the Antichrist whose graceful demeanor is so convincing that mankind doesn't realize his true evil nature.

  • 更为客观的现实主义画家笔下令人心悦诚服的相拟性,似乎漠视了对被临摹者虚荣心和社会地位的迁就。
    Such concessions to the sitter's vanity and social position seem to have been disregarded in the convincing likenesses by more objective realists.

  • 记?能让人心悦诚服,往往都不是说话声浪最大的人。在公众场合大声说话或叫嚷,都是十分不礼貌的表现。
    Speaking loudly﹕Remember that it's not the loudest person who impresses their friends. It's very rude to speak loudly or shout in public.

  • 息孟执政期间,犹太国泰民安,他只谋求自己民族的福利,因此对他的统治,人民心悦诚服,他荣耀一生常存。
    And all the land of Juda was at rest all the days of Simon, and he sought the good of his nation: and his power, and his glory pleased them well all his days.

  • 一个人特别是身居要职的人要能够心悦诚服地倾听逆耳之良言并从中获得智慧,就需要一种容忍和大度的雅量。
    A man especially one occupying an important position needs tolerance and magnanimity to lend an ear to truthful yet offensive words with heartfelt admiration so as to gain wisdom from them.

  • 息孟执政期间,犹大国泰民安,他只谋求自己民族的福利,因此对他的统治,人民心悦诚服。他的荣耀一生常存。
    The land was at rest all the days of Simon, who sought the good of his nation. His people were delighted with his power and his magnificence throughout his reign.

  • 可根据客户提供样品打样、批量生产,并可根据客户产品设计让客户满意的植毛吸塑包装创造出让客户心悦诚服的品质。
    We can provide sample designing, mass production, produce well-pleasing plastic flocking film packaging to clients, and creat the satisfactional quality as well!

  • 之前,自我价值取决于工作是否成功似乎是很合理的,但是当全面看待这一观点时,它就开始变得不那么令人心悦诚服了。
    Before, it may have seemed obvious that your value as a person depended on your work success, but when you look squarely at that idea it starts to look less convincing.

  • 他们的观点似乎颇具创意,也非常职业化,不过,由于他们的观点并不足够令人心悦诚服,评委把最高奖颁给了哈佛大学商学院。
    It all sounds very thoughtful and businesslike. But at the end of the day the Haas submission isn't compelling enough, and the judges award Harvard's team the first prize.

  • 无限大(宏观宇宙论)和无限小(量子物理学)证明了科学还没有令人心悦诚服的答案而且观测到的数据支持了这些猜测和思考。
    Infinite big (cosmology) and infinite small (Quantum physics) prove that science has no convincing answer and observed data to support its guess or speculation.

  • 照理每次土地招投标总难免“几家欢乐几家愁”,然而当一些开发商怀着不都那么心悦诚服的心态离去的话,就应当引起有关方面的关注了。
    One might think each is the total land bidding "Some Gotta Win, Some Gotta Lose", but when some developers are not so convinced with the mentality to leave, they should raise those concerns.

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