
话中有话  huà zhōng yǒu huà







  • 他讲起话来非常动听, 但有时话中有话
    He has a very plausible way of talking; sometimes he talks with the tongue in the cheek.

  • 也就是说,他有今天也是因为我。(迈克尔话中有话,越狱的念头已在他内心萌芽)
    Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me.

  • 有时人们会话中有话,如果我们不注意听,就会误解话中的含义,假若有人说“你是指幸运狗。”
    Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning . And if we don't really listen we miss the feeling behind the words.

  • 你认为当一段现实的感情结束的时候就该彻底放下是否很重要?(我咋就得着记者话中有话呢?)
    Has it been important to you to have closure when a real-life relationship ends?

  • 我正在弯腰擦厨房地板上的污渍,这时候妻子走到我的后面,“看到你想看的了么?”我话中有话地问道。
    I was bending over to wipe up a spill on the kitchen floor when my wife walked into the room behind me. "See anything you like?" I asked suggestively.

  • 师傅…你知道徒弟也很厉害话中有话塞人…把话说明点…就是给面子拉…师傅不是笨的人…知道徒弟再说什么吗?
    U better show me some respect, i can drag u out from hell…of course i can throw u back…

  • 舒斯特尔并没有正面回答这个问题话中有话的表示,如果博斯克认为拉莫斯的情况适合参加比赛,那就没什么值得去怀疑的。
    Shusiteer had not replied that directly in this question words has the words expression, if Bosike thought that Ramos's situation suitable to attend the competition, that is not worth suspecting.

  • 话中有话造句相关
