
世道人心  shì dào rén xīn







  • 可敬的商人熟知世道人心,很是担忧。
    The worthy merchant, who had known all types of mankind, was worried.

  • 他是哲学家,满口关于世道人心的要言妙语。
    He was a philosopher, full of little sayings and homilies about the ways of the world.

  • 首先他相信世道人心,人不会轻易为恶,引发敌对。
    He believes in the human nature that nobody wants to be evil and hostile.

  • 孔子重视盟誓,参与盟誓,企图以盟誓救世道人心
    Confucius stressed and participated in the treaty of alliance, to make an attempt to save people's soul.

  • 不先除伪君子,无法正本清源,收到端正世道人心之功。
    Without first eliminating pretenders, we cannot rectify our foundation, purify our origin and receive the merit of straightening people's minds here in the world.

  • 长脚拿侬和高诺阿莱的聪明,都还不够懂得世道人心的败坏。
    Neither la Grande Nanon nor Cornoiller has sufficient mind to understand the corruptions of the world.

  • 现在却要求小学生要向过往车辆敬礼,只能说世道变得太快了,人心都没了。
    Now require students to salute the past, vehicles can only be described as Shidao become too fast, not the people.

  • 其著作寓意均关世道人心,功于实用,深受世人推崇,慈禧太后称他为“京东第一人”。
    His works are related Shidao meaning people, reactive in practical, highly regarded by the people of the world, the Empress Dowager Cixi, said he was "the first person to Jingdong."

  • 不过,宋儒推崇道德旨趣的正统观念对于世道人心潜移默化,要到明清时代才看得比较清楚。
    However, the Song Confucian orthodoxy respected moral purport to nurture the hearts of mankind, it is necessary to the Qing era and then see more clearly.

  • 孔子提出“仁人”的标准来教诲人的思想行为,力图发挥道德的作用来挽救世道人心,并提倡圣人教化天下。
    Confucius put forward Goodness to teach people principles of behaviour, with an aim to get salvation through moral values, supporting the enlightenment of the world by saints.

  • (我现在是多么衰老呀!)我想起许多往事,那时我们称作世道人心的东西对我还显得虚无缥缈,我的缺点也还没有固定。
    and by many associations of the days when what we call the World was not so real with me, and my faults were not confirmed in me.

  • 世道人心造句相关
