
不知好歹  bù zhī hǎo dǎi








  • 你不但不谢他, 还埋怨他, 真不知好歹
    You are really an ungrateful wretch to complain instead of thanking him.

  • 不知好歹的人释以善意是愚蠢的。
    It is a mistake to lavish kindness to ungrateful people.

  • 事实上,他经常换女友,因为他不知好歹
    In fact, he often changes girlfriend, for he doesn't know chalk from cheese.

  • 我们没到处去骂你们很不错了,别不知好歹
    Therefore I said you do not come out good which speaks!

  • 你怎么敢问他这样一个问题,真是不知好歹
    How dare you ask him such a question! You should have known how to behave yourself .

  • 我太愚蠢,太不知好歹了!实在是对你不起。
    I am very sorry indeed for my foolish and ungrateful conduct.

  • 过分殷勤地对不知好歹的人表示善意是个错误。
    It is a mistake to lavish kindness to ungrateful people.

  • 好歹也是一大学毕业生,不知现在怎么就成了这样。
    Her anyhow also is one college graduate, did not know how to be become now such.

  • 我讨厌他们让我不舒服,看起来好像是我不可理喻、不知好歹
    I hated it when they made me feel bad, ask if I was unreasonable and unappreciative.

  • 以后若再有不知好歹的妞来招惹是非,没准被我一脚揣下阳台。
    After making a little to activate the Commonwealth, I intend to be one foot figure of balcony.

  • 你休想再得到这个星期的工钱!不知好歹的小东西。噢,别,你别这样!
    And you can forget being paid this week! Ungrateful little wretch. Oh, no, you don't!

  • 现在,这群不知好歹的动物竟然闯入了我的生活,我忿忿地打算吧它们驱逐出境。
    Now, these animals actually Buzhihaodai into my life, I fumed intend to bar them deported.

  • 她全身都被他们打遍,背上、腿上、胸部,见哪打哪,一边打一边骂她不知好歹
    They beat her on the back, on the legs and on the breasts, all the while telling her that she was a most ungrateful girl.

  • 想当年,我也是一样不知好歹,只是我还不至于不要脸到跟免费提供食宿的人计较。
    When I was a freshman, I gotta admit, I was pretty shameless. But I wasn't shameless enough to this extend.

  • 同时,阿波罗战机也擅长于对那些不知好歹闯进盟军领空的苏联飞机进行穷追猛打。
    At the same time, Apollos excel at hunting down Soviet aircraft reckless enough to trespass into Allied airspace.

  • 已经半夜了,但我一直睡不着,想到自己的不知好歹,简直就像一只令人恶心的大虫子!
    It is already midnight, but I cannot sleep because I keep thinking about how ungrateful I was, and I feel like a big, disgusting bug!

  • 国外不是天堂,即便说给出来旅游的人们,也不会相信,反而换来的将是一句不知好歹
    If you tell people, even those who had travelled abroad that this is not a heaven, no one will believe you and they might think you go nuts.

  • 一小时后,母亲冲进我的房间,责怪我是一个“不知好歹的孩子”。在随后的数年里,这句话一直回荡在我的脑海中。
    " An hour later my mother stormed into18) my room, and called me an "ungrateful child, " a phrase that echoed in my head for years to come.

  • 游戏介绍:街边混混来挑战你们的地盘,不要客气把这些不知好歹的家伙干掉,有3个人物可选,是一款游戏的格斗游戏。
    Muddling the game to challenge you on the street : the site, these dot mention it conceivable to kill the guy. There are three options for individual objects is one game fighting game.

  • 为什么每个人的待遇不一样,有的人上,有的人却没有(也许我是不知好歹)?这对别人是不公平的,你怎么能够留住人心呢?
    The same is true in fact, it has been a long time since I did not live in a company engaged in such a long time.

  • 同样,《火焰杯》中,丽塔·斯基特在报上尖刻的文章把哈利描绘成一个不知好歹的男孩,总是企图用可笑的故事为自己博取名声。
    Again, in Goblet of Fire, Rita Skeeter's scathing newspaper articles painted Harry as an imbalanced boy who was seeking fame with his ridiculous stories.

  • 盘子掉地了,率了个底朝天,连同他的午餐一并都成了飞走的鸡。“瞧你做的好事!”我想到。你这不知好歹的家伙又冲着我直瞅呢!
    The tray didn't just hit the floor. It crashed and smashed his lunch to pieces. Serves you damn well right, I thought. You were staring again.

  • 布奇:因为时常有个什么坏猫就会不知好歹,以为他能夺取我们狗的位置,所以我们的任务是这样的;在教授完成规则之前,要让猫远离实验室。
    Butch: As every now and then some rogue cat gets too big for his coat and thinks he can take over, so the mission is this: to keep the cats away from the professor's lab until he finishes the formula.

  • 不知好歹造句相关
