
不出所料  bù chū suǒ liào







  • 露西的测试结果出来了,不出所料,是HIV阳性。
    Lucy out of the test results, as expected, is HIV-positive.

  • 不出所料,2008年因循旧规,所以还有一些情况要考虑。
    Not unexpectedly, 2008 is no exception to the rule, so there are some scenarios to ponder.

  • 果然不出所料,那里放着一堆家庭装鸡肉,正等待我的挑选。
    Sure enough, there was a stack of chicken family packs just waiting for me.

  • 果然不出所料,这个建议被国务院用一套官僚主义的理由加以驳回。
    This was predictably opposed by the State Department on bureaucratic grounds.

  • 它照常在屋里走动,只是一见我走近,就不出所料地吓得拼命逃走。
    He went about the house as usual, but, as might be expected, fled in extreme terror at my approach.

  • 果然不出所料,第一个听到撒波雷先生议案的委员会立刻将之拒绝。
    So, as expected, the first committees to hear Mr. Sublette's bill shoved it aside.

  • 不出所料,“红卫兵”第一个就是拿所有的老师,校长及教育工作者开刀。
    Predictably, the Red Guard began by murdering teachers and school administrators.

  • 不出所料,日本航空公司申请了破产保护,这是日本最大的公司破产案之一。
    Japan Airlines filed for bankruptcy protection as expected, one of the biggest corporate failures in Japan.

  • 不出所料,同时也有研究表明在92%的伊拉克儿童因为害怕而患有学习障碍。
    There was also a study done, that not surprisingly, 92 percent of the children in Iraq had learning impediments, due to a climate of fear.

  • 建了一座新钢厂,于是就业机会相当充足了;然而,不出所料,住房却紧张起来。
    A new steel works has just been set up. So there's not much lack of work. There is however, surprise, surprise-an acute lack of housing.

  • 不出所料地,美联储官员否认长期实行控制通胀和维持低利率共存的做法存在矛盾。
    Not surprisingly, Fed officials denied there was an inconsistency between keeping inflation stable and rates low for a long time.

  • 不出所料,在一个星期内,便有一些学生把三本书读完,并在校内热烈讨论,乐在其中。
    As expected, within a week, some students had finished reading the novel which has three volumes and were happily talking about the story with others.

  • 不出所料,几乎所有的消费者都把这个因素列为购买假药和盗版电影的非常重要的动因。
    Not surprisingly, almost all consumers ranked this as a very important motivation for pursuing fake drugs and bootleg movies alike.

  • 在此次调查中,她的道德修养得分仅为654。2分,不出所料地名列此项调查最后一名。
    Her scores of moral cultivation in this survey were only 654. 2 points and she was predictably ranked in the last place of this item.

  • 不出所料,有很多人想从中获利,用于减缓环境意识担忧的五花八门的小发明也大量出现。
    Unsurprisingly, plenty of people are looking to make money out of it, and a huge variety of neat gizmos have been invented to ease the conscience of the environmentally conscious.

  • 我先慢慢吞吞提来一桶水,挖了几锹土,刚把泥和好,不出所料,谢队长夹着一把锹来了。
    At first I brought a barrel of water in slowly, then got few of soil, when I just finished mixing mud and water, as expected, Header Xie came in.

  • 虽然卡勒的妻子格格笑着承认曾将铜饰当做金贩卖。但不出所料,这些人都称自己为守法公民。
    All, predictably enough, claim to be law-abiding—though, giggling, Mr Kale's wife admits to hawking copper trinkets as gold.

  • 不出所料,雅虎董事在年会上面临一些股东的责难,后者对董事会拒绝接受微软要约感到失望。
    As expected, Yahoo directors at the annual meeting of shareholders face some criticism, which the board refused to accept Microsoft's offer was disappointed.

  • 不出所料,暴风雨在纽奥良和墨西哥湾沿岸地区,从佛罗里达中部到德州,都造成了严重的破坏。
    Inevitably, the storm caused severe destruction in New Orleans as well as regions along the Gulf of Mexico, from central Florida to Texas.

  • 不出所料,大多数受访的英国人(54%)说他们会与自己所爱的人在一起,或是给他们打电话。
    Notsurprisingly, the majority of Britons questioned in a survey --54percent --said they would like to spend it either with or on the phone to their loved ones.

  • 不出所料,卢森堡、利时、地利和瑞士四国(欧盟成员,但属于储蓄指令适用范围)旧不肯让步。
    But once again the usual suspects— Luxembourg, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland( not an EU member but included in the savings directive)— would not budge.

  • 结果不出所料,联合国安理会对朝鲜进行了谴责,并对该国武器出口进行了制裁——制裁正在收到成效。
    The predictable outcome was condemnation by the United Nations Security Council, plus sanctions on arms exports that are biting.

  • 瑞典是第一个公布最后23人国家队大名单的国家,阿森纳的中场球员永贝里不出所料的出现在名单中!
    Sweden were the first nation to name their provisional 23-man squad for the finals, and Arsenal midfielder Freddie Ljungberg has been called up as expected.

  • 不出所料,布什总统签署了军费支出议案。这是两党联立的结果,但似乎却没有另民主党和共和党都满意。
    As expected, President Bush has signed a war spending bill. It was a bipartisan effort that seems to have left both Democrats and Republicans unhappy.

  • 不出所料,在福利削减方面,希腊工会的反映最为激励,在他们已经部分妥协的基础上又削减了4%的收入。
    Greek trade unions are predictably furious over the bonus cuts, which come on top of a 4% pay cut they have already swallowed. Strikes will spread.

  • 果然不出所料,比尔克林顿本人在本周亲自到参议院走了一趟,告诫民主党人,一份医疗法案是经济上的需要,也是道德上的要求。
    As if on cue, Bill Clinton himself visited the Senate this week to tell Democrats that a health bill was an economic imperative as well as a moral one.

  • 不出所料,至3月31日为止的一年中,索尼出现净亏损。但是由于消费者需求锐减打击了电视和相机的销售,索尼预估今年将出现更大亏损。
    As expected, Sony reported a net loss for the year ending March 31st, but forecast an even bigger loss this year as the slump in consumer demand hits sales of TVs and cameras.

  • 委员会不出所料地否决了这件作品。于此同时,杜尚和他的主要赞助人沃尔特·阿伦斯伯格退出了协会,以示抗议——这个故事很快地泄露给了纽约的报纸。
    When the board duly voted against it, Duchamp and his chief patron, Walter Arensberg, resigned in protest—a story that was swiftly leaked to the New York papers.

  • 韩世能努力工作,不出所料,(改译:韩世能全身心地投入工作,果然)他的官越升越高,最后他得到好朝廷里最高的官衔。他甚至还被派遣到韩国去执行任务。
    Han Shineng threw himself into his work, and sure enough, he gradually rose to higher and higher posts, until he finally reached the highest position in the whole Chinese empire.

  • 盛大的舞会音乐依然是慢板节奏。是斯特劳斯(译者注:奥地利音乐家族,以圆舞曲而闻名。)的作品,凯伦·潘想道;连杰克·贝克也能跟上的音乐。不出所料,杰克·贝克邀请她再跳一段华尔兹。
    The lush ballroom music remained slow-something from Strauss, Karen Penn thought; something even Jack Baker could handle. As she had expected, he asked her to waltz a second time.

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