
风和日丽  fēng hé rì lì








  • 假日,风和日丽,风景区游人如织。
    Day off, bright, scenic area visitor if knit.

  • 那件事发生在一个风和日丽的午后。
    It happened in a fine afternoon with beautiful weather.

  • 风和日丽,与世无争,尽享那份宁静。
    Feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day.

  • 风和日丽,正是扬帆出海的黄道吉日。
    With favorable weather conditions it was an auspicious moment to set sail.

  • 今天真是个风和日丽的好天。
    This coat is light but very warm .

  • 真是个风和日丽的一天。
    It's such a beautiful sunny day.

  • 好的。我想今天确实是风和日丽。回头再见。
    OK. I guess it is a nice day for walking. See you later.

  • 一个风和日丽的日子,班尼和小朋友在玩游戏。
    It's a warm, sunny day and Barney and his friends are soaking up some wonderful fun.

  • 这的风景果然名不虚传,当天的也是天公作美,风和日丽
    This was a well-deserved reputation of the landscape. That day was also bright and sunny.

  • 一个风和日丽的下午,小狐狸骑着车子来到公园的停车场停车。
    A sunny afternoon, a small fox Jizhao Che the child came to the park parking lot parking.

  • 一天,风和日丽,罗恩没有去上班,搭了一辆驶往南方的卡车。
    One fine day instead of going to work Ron got a lift on a truck going south.

  • 一个风和日丽的下午,克里斯蒂和孩子们开车去拜访好友凯西。
    On a sunny afternoon Kristi and the kids drove from their home to visit Kathy, a close friend.

  • 感谢你加入中央电视台的环球旅游节目。今天风和日丽,阳光明媚。
    Thank you for joining CCTV's Around The world show. It's a beautiful, sunny day.

  • 风和日丽花园A组团在开盘三个月内实现了销售率100%的佳绩。
    A group in danger Garden opened three months achieved 100% success rate in sales.

  • 我只得晚些休假,不过幸运的是那次的深秋初冬风和日丽,天气不错。
    I had to take my holiday late but fortunately we had an Indian summer and the weather was splendid.

  • 什么原因使风和日丽和雅苑将延续甚至超越第一期风华苑的销售势头呢?
    What causes danger and Nga Court will continue even beyond the first phase of the sales momentum wind Wah Court?

  • 风和日丽之时,湖面平静无波,远远望去,犹如镶嵌在碧绿草原上的一面明镜。
    Weather, the lake calm waves, from afar, as if mounted on the green grassland on the bright mirror.

  • 风和日丽之时,湖面平静无波,远远望去,犹如镶嵌在碧绿草原上的一面明镜。
    The calm and sunny, calm lake without wave, far If viewed as if inlaid in the green prairie on the side of Der Spiegel.

  • 风和日丽二期和雅苑尚未开盘,已有300余名客户预先登记选房,提前认购。
    Phase II has not yet opened and danger Nga Court, I have 300 pre-registered clients of the Housing election advance subscription.

  • 尽管北方很多地方或者漫天大雪,或者狂风不止,但深圳的确算得上风和日丽
    I know that have a lot of places of north be snowing or heavy wind, but bright and sunny on the Shenzhen indeed be considered.

  • 当桓温凯旋而归,途经县境时,但见风和日丽,歌舞升平,一派和平安宁的气氛。
    When Huanwen triumphant return, via County, the weather could see, peace, prosperity, peace and tranquility one atmosphere.

  • 这一天,风和日丽,安利小姐应召来到菲尔赫德这儿商议一些十分投合她情趣的计划。
    It was a bright day for Miss Ainley when she was summoned to Fieldnead to deliberate on projects so congenial to her.

  • 那是一个风和日丽的日子,你的老师来到教室,热情地宣布今天你们将上第一堂绘画课。
    It was a sunny day . Your teacher came to classroom and said that it was your first drawing class with passion .

  • 初一那天也算是个好天气,风和日丽,正适合人们外出拜年。吃罢了午饭,我们妯娌五个就一起去拜年了。
    Also be regarded as the first day a good weather, the weather is suitable for people to go out New Year. the lunch, we went to sister-in-law five on the New Year.

  • 龙华镇的各级领导和风和日丽的开发商―――物业集团属下的物业工程开发公司的领导成员在主席台就座。
    Longhua town and the calm and sunny leading property developers -- Group's property development projects leading members of the company were seated on the rostrum.

  • 有时候,等待也是一种战术、一种策略,就像渔在等待潮汛的到来,在风平浪静、风和日丽时去扬帆捕鱼一样。
    Sometimes, waiting is also a kind of tactics, a strategy, just as fish are waiting for the arrival of spring tide, in calm weather, like when to sail fishing.

  • 在一个风和日丽的一天,老师带我们到邻近的巴克礼公园聆听从「台南企业文化艺术基金会」来的志工阿姨的解说。
    In one glorious day, our teacher leaded us to Barclay Memorial Park and listen to the volunteered guide that come from "Tainan Enterprise Culture and Arts Foundation".

  • 造山运动把山峰与四周断然分开,每当风和日丽,站立山顶能看见贡嘎山顶折射的金光,能看见远处炊烟袅袅升起。
    Orogeny to the surrounding peaks and categorically separate, when weather, standing Gongga Peak to Peak to see the golden light refraction, the distance could see smoke rising wave.

  • 假设你在一个风和日丽的下午走去你(男/女)朋友家,你有两条路可以选择:一条路是又直又快,但没甚麽风景可看;
    Imagine you are walking to your boy/girl friend's house on a mild afternoon. You can chose between two paths. One road is straight and takes you there quickly, but the scenery is unbelievably boring.

  • 有一个风和日丽的天气最好不过,但是,不管天气如何,整个英国将沉浸于查尔斯王子和戴安娜女士举行婚典的喜庆气氛之中。
    A warm, sunny day will be nice, but Britain will enjoy the Royal wedding whether the weather's wet or fine for Prince Charles and Lady Diana.

  • 风和日丽造句相关
